"Great" games that failed to blow you away


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Furburt said:
Look, I hope I don't get flamed for this, but I'm just going to come out and say it.

The original Halo:CE. Even people who hate Halo 2 and 3 say that Halo 1 was a masterpiece, but I just don't see it.

I mean, it's certainly a competent game and introduced many innovative features, some good, some bad, but as an entertaining experience, it just completely failed to draw me in no matter how many chances I gave it.

After a while, I gave up on it and went back to Perfect Dark.
You shouldn't be afraid of getting flamed, lots of people always name that game. At least you gave it a chance and didn't quickly condemn it just because so many people hated it.

As for me, Half-Life 2 came to mind first, I won't say why though.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
Milky_Fresh said:
Daedalus1942 said:
Milky_Fresh said:
Daedalus1942 said:
Arachon said:
Half-Life 2... Extremely mediocre.
What year did you play it? I have to ask.
It pretty much set the precedent for creating shooters with more in depth plot and puzzle solving gameplay. So, you're either extremely ignorant, or you didn''t play it when it first came out.
I would just like to say that just because he disagrees with you doesn't make him ignorant. See this all the times in the forums. Oh you like panic at the disco? Go spread your ignorance somewhere else, you don't understand music.
It's totally fucking obnoxious.
I'm not trying to be hostile, or start a flame war, but just don't say that.
The majority of people I've come across who say what he did about it being "extremely mediocre" are usually little brats brought up on Call of fucking duty 4 (haven't even played the ones set in WWII) think they know it all and say Half Life 2 is crap. They haven't played it when it first came out. They have no respect for what it did to inspire shooters that came after it and they're ignorant.
Or maybe he just didn't like it. Possibility.
Or maybe he doens't care about it's impact on gaming, maybe he thinks it's deeply flawed in some way. That is what this thread is about after all.
Personally I have a lost of repect for Half Life, but it isn't perfect, and it doesn't deserve the kind of praise it gets. It also was not the first FPS with an interesting story.
Have you ever played System Shock?
Read up, I noted both System Shock I, II and Deus Ex (which was overlooked at the time by many people).


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Aug 27, 2008
I'll probably get lynched for this, but I really couldn't get into KOTOR. It wasn't the graphics, it was just the gameplay that gave me a resounding "meh".

I'll eventually give it another go though.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
SantoUno said:
Furburt said:
Look, I hope I don't get flamed for this, but I'm just going to come out and say it.

The original Halo:CE. Even people who hate Halo 2 and 3 say that Halo 1 was a masterpiece, but I just don't see it.

I mean, it's certainly a competent game and introduced many innovative features, some good, some bad, but as an entertaining experience, it just completely failed to draw me in no matter how many chances I gave it.

After a while, I gave up on it and went back to Perfect Dark.
You shouldn't be afraid of getting flamed, lots of people always name that game. At least you gave it a chance and didn't quickly condemn it just because so many people hated it.

As for me, Half-Life 2 came to mind first, I won't say why though.
I want you to say why. Everyone is just saying HL2 was "crap" HL2 was mediocre. If you didn't play it when it first came out, that could explain alot, but I want to know what your reasons are. I get angry when people don't give any examples, like Arachon, who's really starting to piss me off.


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Feb 14, 2010
FF13 at the moment, but I'm still going to give it a chance.

Prototype I've found fun in places but mostly a frustrating load of old cobblers so far.

And Resident Evil 5 has an utterly, irrevocably horrible final quarter that completely ruined the game for me.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
Milky_Fresh said:
Daedalus1942 said:
Arachon said:
Half-Life 2... Extremely mediocre.
I notice you still haven't replied to my post. What praytell makes it mediocre? and what year did you actually play the game? Also... what's your Rank on Modern Warfare 2?
Also, you might notice nobody is calling you out on you CoD hate. That's because you're entitled to it.
I don't hate it, I'm not a massive fan, but I like Cod 4 more than MW2. But I'm pretty damn sure the majority of people that are bashing on HL2 without giving reasons are likely to have one or two prestige classes. Just saying.


New member
Sep 23, 2009
Final Fantasy 8
God of War franchise
Metal Gear Solid franchise
Heavy Rain

Most of this is pertained to control/gameplay issues, but when it comes to God of War, I simply cannot stand how the franchise completely butchers my favourite myths (literally!) and I don't see the appeal of Kratos as a character.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
Interference said:
FF13 at the moment, but I'm still going to give it a chance.

Prototype I've found fun in places but mostly a frustrating load of old cobblers so far.

And Resident Evil 5 has an utterly, irrevocably horrible final quarter that completely ruined the game for me.
Yeah, it starts off fairly promising, but then you meet Wesker and it's kind of like... Umm... I'm fighting the Matrix?


Senior Member
Aug 11, 2009
My picks would be:

Any Halo game
any GTA after 3
Gears of war
any CoD game or just war games in general

Assassins Creed took me a while to like, probably because i liked Prince of Persia too much and it felt like defecting lol


New member
Jul 16, 2009
x0ny said:
Oblivion, hated the leveling system.
In the end I said "Screw it!" I payed good money for this game and I will enjoy it. Then I got a 'Always +5' mod. It made lvling much smoother without compromising RPing.


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Sep 24, 2008
Mass Effect - It was alright, played it for about 2 hours and it didn't really thrill me. Maybe if I installed it again and played it again I could end up liking it.

Bioshock 2 - My current game at the moment, and while it's a good game I just can't help but shake the feeling that I'm playing through Bioshock 1 but with escort missions this time (that being the Little Sister parts).

Gears of War - Just didn't work at all for me. I know it's set in a "ruined world" environment but that doesn't exactly mean all the colour goes away. Trying to aim at grey enemies, standing in front of a grey background with a white cross hair isn't exactly a fun time. That said the second game was pretty good though.

BTW would someone care to explain the whole "combat issue" a few people have mentioned in Oblivion? I completed it and there was never any glaring problem as far as I could see.


New member
Jan 29, 2009
The original Kingdom Hearts.

The first Kingdom Hearts game I ever played was Kingdom Hearts 2, and instantly fell head-over-heels in love. I'm currently playing it for the fourth time, and my second time on the hardest difficulty.

But, the thing is, it seems like every KH fan told me that "KH1 is so much better! KH2 is just an interactive movie!"

So, I caved in, and bought Kingdom Hearts 1 with Easter munny (see what I did there? Thank you.)

And the verdict...

I fail to see how this is better. Slow, sluggish combat, annoying little kid voices, dated graphics, and stiff controls? No auto reloading items? Camera mapped to the shoulder buttons? HOW IS THIS BETTER?!?

Oddly, though, I still haven't returned it. I did like it enough to get past the library puzzle in Hollow Bastion, but I haven't touched it since.

On that note, Final Fantasy XII was my first contact with the series, and it left me EXTREMELY bitter. I hate that game so much, the combat was awful, the license board was terrible (I have to buy a spell license AND buy the spell? What the hell?!?), and it introduced me to the least likable protagonist I ever encountered in a game I've played: Vaan. Goodness, I wanted to rip that guy's spine out and beat him to death with it...

Ironically, I bought both those games on the same day. Waste of $25. Not a good day.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
DEAD SPACE. I hated that game so much. The combat was kinda interesting, but then the main point of "Cut off the limbs!!!" was just thrown aside by the the machine gun and the force gun and all the other guns that didn't cut stuff. THEN the ending killed me. It felt like a cheap smack in the face. Screw that game.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
It'd have to be Batmam Arkhem Ayslum for me. After fighting Scarecrow I completely lost interest.

I also remember trying to get into the Metroid games on the Game Cube and I would get so bored, couldn't play past a few hours.