"Great" games that failed to blow you away

Illusive DiZ

New member
Oct 27, 2009
Dr. wonderful said:
Dragon age...Kidding!

I'll say, System shock 2...Okay I lied, I'm only saying that because it's scared the shit out of me.

I guess most of final Fanasty games, save for 7,8 and 10.

7 because it was the first game to make me say..."Oh fuck yes!"
8...Gunblade...I need no other reason.
10, because it's the first Final fanasty game I ever played.
Same here. FFX was my first final fantasy game and I just downloaded 7 & 8 from the playstation store and enjoyed them. My choice for a great game that didn't blow me away would have to be final fantasy 12 because it just felt so generic, plus the summonings on that game weren't that great or useful.


New member
Jun 3, 2009
Shadow of the Colossus. The game was beautiful, but the main character's actions literally disgusted me. I never finished the game because I just couldn't stand to watch that androgynous prick kill all of the Colossi.

I mean, they were all so badass, but when it came down to it they had all more or less passed their prime! Multiple Colossi involved you shattering their worn down armor, or tricking their senile minds by hiding somewhere, and then stabbing out their kidneys.

They got so much right gameplay wise, but the story is unbearable for me!



New member
Nov 1, 2009
nothing that someone has praised as good has ever lived up to its "great" title so the only wowing games are the ones ive been told are bad that i loved


New member
Aug 11, 2009
Halo 2 sadness everywhere i was looking forward to it soo much pre ordered and was there at the midnight release and, sigh just didnt live up to the first and after all the hype i was just soooo let down :(


New member
Aug 24, 2008
-The half-life series, I wasn't impressed by the balance beam physics engine.
-The god of war series, I don't like playing the "bad" guy.
-Portal, I don't like solving puzzles.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Daedalus1942 said:
I want you to say why. Everyone is just saying HL2 was "crap" HL2 was mediocre. If you didn't play it when it first came out, that could explain alot, but I want to know what your reasons are. I get angry when people don't give any examples, like Arachon, who's really starting to piss me off.
I won't though just because I don't need to, and I'm too lazy. I didn't say HL 2 was mediocre, I just responded to the thread, Half-Life 2 did NOT blow me way.

And as for the guy who is pissing you off, you should know by now that you are probably pissing off more people with your first response to him. You can't claim that he is ignorant because not everyone would consider HL 2 to have been innovative even if they did play it when it barely came out. Just let everyone post their response and read in peace.


Fuhuhzucking hellcocks I'm good
Mar 17, 2010
666Chaos said:
Bioshock 2
Final Fantasy 13
MW2 singleplayer
Mirrors Edge

just to name a few that have come out in the last year
Removed 2 that I haven't played, but completely agree with these.
Biggest for me is Oblivion, I just can't get into it at all.


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
Gears of war, Half-Life 2.
I don't mean to be cynical, but (GOW III being the exception) all new games have dissappointed me. I don't know what it is, but there is something missing, they don't make games like they used to.
For now I would be content if they just went back to the ps2 era and called it quits.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
Mass Effect, just the first one, I mean it was good but wasn't as good as everyone made it seem.
Anyway I loved the second one :3


Senior Member
Nov 6, 2009
Higurashi said:
One that stands out... is Bioshock. I bought it thinking it would be atmospheric, and I love atmosphere. But what happens when I play it is that it is far too chaotic for me to enjoy. The pacing ruins any chance of atmosphere settling, and the gameplay is just erratic. Could've been very good, but it just didn't appeal to me at all. Still haven't finished it as it bores me to frustration.
ditto. I freakin' love the concept and the artistic retro/steampunk surroundings, and the atmosphere is (for a wuss like me) terrifying, but I always found that the pacing was way fucked up.

Joey245 said:
The original Kingdom Hearts.

I fail to see how this is better. Slow, sluggish combat, annoying little kid voices, dated graphics, and stiff controls? No auto reloading items? Camera mapped to the shoulder buttons? HOW IS THIS BETTER?!?
I've noticed that with both series and gameplay mechanics, first is best if you played it when you could. Spoiled by all the stuff copying its innovation, the original inventor will seem sub-par.


New member
Feb 8, 2009
the first God of War game. It was fun, yeah, but everyone who told me about kept saying it was the most awesome thing ever. I found it to be an average hack and slash game. It was fun, but not as awesome as people kept saying. Though I did get it for a good price so whatever.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
SantoUno said:
Daedalus1942 said:
I want you to say why. Everyone is just saying HL2 was "crap" HL2 was mediocre. If you didn't play it when it first came out, that could explain alot, but I want to know what your reasons are. I get angry when people don't give any examples, like Arachon, who's really starting to piss me off.
I won't though just because I don't need to, and I'm too lazy. I didn't say HL 2 was mediocre, I just responded to the thread, Half-Life 2 did NOT blow me way.

And as for the guy who is pissing you off, you should know by now that you are probably pissing off more people with your first response to him. You can't claim that he is ignorant because not everyone would consider HL 2 to have been innovative even if they did play it when it barely came out. Just let everyone post their response and read in peace.
I never said you did call it mediocre. I just wanted to know your reasons for not liking it.
Everyone is just stating it's crap or mediocre (not you) I just want to be given examples of why, because I'm sure the majority of them (possibly you, not sure) didn't play it when it first came out.


New member
Jun 23, 2008
Daedalus1942 said:
What year did you play it? I have to ask.
It pretty much set the precedent for creating shooters with more in depth plot and puzzle solving gameplay. So, you're either extremely ignorant, or you didn''t play it when it first came out.
No, I didn't play it when it was first released, I played it about 3 years later.

However, compared to contemporary games, HL2 was nothing big back then either, sure, it had physics-based puzzles, but they were practically the same puzzle repeated over and over again, throughout the entire game, and as far as First Person puzzles go, they were vastly inferior to "proper" puzzle games such as Myst.

Another huge pitfall are the guns, a central part of any FPS, but in HL2 they are boring, they don't "feel" like guns, you get a very boring "standard" set of them, and the gunplay-mechanics are horrible (lack of ironsights, "rigid" guns etc). The only innovative thing was the Gravity Gun, yet it felt very gimmicky.

As for the plot, I found it shallow and predictable, the premise of "scary aliens coming out of an interdimensional portal" has been done before, better.
I found the characters relatively one-sided, you had the action girl, the absent minded professor, the mentor-figure, the "comrade in arms" and the big bad. The "no-cutscenes" approach was interesting, but ultimately broke immersion as I found that I could be hiding under a box, and characters would still talk to me as I was standing in front of them.

Ultimately, when you think about it, HL2 has not brought very much to the FPS-genre beyond what's developed by Valve. There are few contemporary FPS's that feature physics-based puzzles, or even puzzles at all, and the "no-cutscene" storytelling has seen little action outside of the Half-Life franchise (including Portal). In fact, I'd say the biggest contributors to the genre, as it is today, have been Quake, Rainbow Six and Medal of Honour/Call of Duty, possibly System Shock as well.

I also noticed that during my writing of this post, you have been insinuating that I am a "brat brought up on CoD 4, who thinks he knows it all", and requesting my MW2 rank.

I'd like to inform you that I was mainly brought up on combat flight simulators, and Myst. And I don't play CoD, in fact, I far more enjoy Tactical shooters such as the SWAT series, early Rainbow Six games and STALKER when it comes to FPS's.