"Great" games that failed to blow you away

Colonel Alzheimer's

New member
Jan 3, 2010
Geamo said:
I'll probably get lynched for this, but I really couldn't get into KOTOR. It wasn't the graphics, it was just the gameplay that gave me a resounding "meh".

I'll eventually give it another go though.
I very strongly recommend trying to get in to it. It took me three tries to get in to KOTOR, but after I finally got used to the combat, it eventually became my favorite game series ever.
Honestly though, it might be hard to play now because of the graphics and the incredibly awkward animations during cutscenes. This series has not aged well. However, I still love it.
But that's probably because I'm a rabid fanboy for it.


New member
Nov 25, 2009
All Call of Duty games

Fallout 3, i dont get why people love it so much

Final Fantasy X



Deus Ex


New member
Mar 5, 2010
danzama said:
Modern warfare 2, it was meant to be the game of a lifetime, but it just kinda fails.

Man I feel the same way. To me Modern Warfare 2 is more like MW 1.5. Meh...


Music Slave
Nov 4, 2009
Bioshock 1 & 2, the way people had talked about it, it was the best game ever. Tiny linear levels, semi-origional powers based around a physics engine. A city under the sea isn't the most origional idea although most people seem to think this is the first time its ever been thought of. I mean really, how many people did they bribe? Was there some sort of subliminal messaging I'm immune to, or missed that was supposed to reprogram me? Its the foil hat isn't it?


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Antari said:
Bioshock 1 & 2, the way people had talked about it, it was the best game ever. Tiny linear levels, semi-origional powers based around a physics engine.
Much agreement from me. Everyone also said the game was "too easy and too short," so I initially played it on hard. In hard mode, the gameplay is even more broken by virtue of the fact that the balancing goes out the window. You never have enough bullets to kill big daddies, so you never get enough adam, so you never get enough power upgrades, so the game just stays frustrating on top of boring. I was impressed by the art style for the first two hours or so, but after awhile it was just a bunch of boring corridors and repetitive hacking puzzles. And the final boss was pathetically cliche.


New member
Feb 22, 2010
bioshock 1 was disappointing, especially considering how excited for it I was for it.

It was disappointing to me because it used tricks to make the game go longer.


That Guy
Jan 19, 2010
Mirror's Edge. I mean really? I saw it as a complete piece of shit, people complained of the length but i was happy i didnt have to endure it anymore. I finished it to justify the money i spent on it, like i do with all games i purchase.


New member
May 10, 2009
Ok, first off I'm leaving off FPS's since they really aren't my thing anyway and I'm much much much more willing to vote against them just because. Also I should note, my favorite games are JRPG's so I'm much more likely to be biased towards them.

Space Invaders - Galaxian all the way! Asteroids, now there is a game I love, I could play that all day.

Metroid - Own it, hate it. Maybe it's from being so young when first gotten, but I never liked it and it's the only Metroid game I've played or ever will.

Zelda II - I don't like the gameplay. I fail to list the original here because I never played it until many years after playing both Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time (both of which I love).

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II - Either in the arcade or the NES this is the one I most remember people loving. This is also the one I like the least of the first 4 TMNT games (I like it just fine but it fails to "blow me away").

Earthbound - It's ok at best.

Mortal Kombat II - To be fair, I suck at fighting games. I never managed to get to the last guy on "very easy" difficulty.

Street Fighter II - At least I managed to beat this one! With Ryu...spamming hadoken.

Secret of Mana

Super Punch-Out - The original is amazing, this one is ridiculous.

Final Fantasy V - The job system is fantastic...I just can't get into it.

Mario Kart 64 - Am I the only one who doesn't like this game but likes all the others? I don't even know why, maybe there are memories involved that I've blocked out.

Myst - Again, maybe from being too young (or stupid).

Madden - any, ever.

The Elder Scrolls series

World of Warcraft

Ico - I couldn't stand playing more than 2 hours of this. I was just far far too bored. And I wanted to throw that girl off a ledge and be done with it.

The God of War series - Meh.

Guitar Hero (or any similar game) - The intrigue of fiddling with that guitar to play a song I'd either rather not listen to or would just enjoy is zero.

Metal Gear Solid 2 - For a game that's supposed to be a lot of sneaking around I felt like I was in an action game most of the time. I didn't get too far.

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles - I never hated a moogle so much.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
New Super Mario Bros Wii. Actually, just Mario in general with a couple exceptions. Don't get me wrong, I like Mario games, but they're not games I get so into that I absolutely feel like I need to play them. A lot of gamers get a new Mario game and play it religiously until they beat it 100%, but I've had NSMBW for three months and I'm only on world 4. And it took me a full year to just get to the final boss in Galaxy.


New member
Mar 20, 2010
I'm sure I'm not the only one that is fed up with the big developers cranking out essentially the same game every couple of months/years. Take for example, the Modern Warfare series (since everyone is more or less acquainted with them). Honestly when you look at it, Modern warfare 2 could have just been DLC or an expansion pack. Same mechanics, same gameplay, same supersoldier antics... I would like to see you run, jump or even stand with 500+ rounds of ammunition strapped to you. I suppose that is why I didnt like the Halo series either. And even better is the multiplayer. I dont know why but it never fails, you are always stuck in a game with prepubescent boys tea-bagging and shouting profanity. Some of which I seriously dont want to meet face to face since I really dont know what is going through their heads.


New member
Sep 23, 2009
What confuses me in this topic is how the topic is about "great" games that failed to blow one away, and a lot of people keep mentioning Mirror's Edge. From my recollection, I have never EVER seen anyone praise the game as being "great"...