Great musicians that died too young.


New member
Jul 28, 2008
Scatman John and Freddy Mercury.
The saddest thing about Freddy is that after he died people learned he was gay and people stopped liking Queen music.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Milkatron said:
For the record, Kurt Cobain should have been aborted so we didn't have to put up with that shit.
You can say that you don't like the band but that's too much. Nirvana is very important to the 90's and music overall.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
jeremyTH said:
Scatman John and Freddy Mercury.
The saddest thing about Freddy is that after he died people learned he was gay and people stopped liking Queen music.
How could people not know he was gay. He was pretty much open about it before he died. Also, if ever a man looked stereotypically gay, Fred was that man!


New member
Aug 29, 2008
I'm glad I saw Bob Marley mentioned already.
But I am disappointed that I am the first to mention Brad Nowell from Sublime
as well as Ronnie Van Zant, Steve Gaines, and Cassie Gaines from Lynyrd Skynyrd.


New member
Oct 3, 2008
Dimebag, Cliff Burton, Hillel Slovek :(

Richard Wright, ok he was 65 but one of the most influencial keyboardists ever

Jonathan Hexley

New member
Jul 4, 2008
Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, and Ronnie Von Zant.
'Who?' you may ask. Well I shall tell you.
Ronnie Von Zant was the singer for Lynyrd Skynyrd, the one who sang Free Bird, Sweet Home Alabama, Simple Man, all their classics.
Ever since Lynyrd Skynyrd died in that plane crash, the other Von Zant took over, and now he just re-releases their greatest hits. He DID make another album, but it probably isn't the same without the sweet southern voice of Ronnie Von Zant.
And he really was what you would call cool back then. Lynyrd Skynyrd performed Free Bird on Old Grey Whistle Test, and before they started, Ronnie said something along the lines of 'This goes out to the Allman Brothers; they're free birds.'
It was just so cool. Hell, Lynyrd Skynyrd shouldn't have died.

Rooster Cogburn

New member
May 24, 2008
I think Syd Barret warrants an honorable mention. He was the original front-man of Pink Floyd. He wasn't that young when he died, but his mental health problems ended prematurely what was shaping up to be a legendary career. Producers exploited his infirm disposition to make a buck, then left him for dead. I often wonder what he might have accomplished.


New member
Jul 18, 2008
Jharry5 said:
Milkatron said:
For the record, Kurt Cobain should have been aborted so we didn't have to put up with that shit.
He was vocalist/songwriter in arguably the most important band of the 90's. He contributed a lot to his time's music scene; just like the others you listed did for their times.
But, to each his own...
I guess I should back up my statement.

In my honest, oh so humble opinion, this country went down the shitter when it came to music, all because of him. I have yet to hear a band say they claimed influence from Cobain/Nirvana AND impress me. Without him, we wouldn't have mainstream alternative bands (which is a load of shit if you do any research on alternative msuic) and grunge. Those are probably the two worst subgenres of rock n' roll. Nirvana is the Halo 3 of music: Popular, but severely lacking in quality.

Jonathan Hexley

New member
Jul 4, 2008
galletea said:
I guess I'm the only one who appreciates Marc Bolan. *sigh*
Never heard of Marc Bolan or T.Rex, but I'm sure they contributed greatly...
I think. I don't usually think about bands I don't listen to.

Milkatron said:
Jharry5 said:
Milkatron said:
For the record, Kurt Cobain should have been aborted so we didn't have to put up with that shit.
He was vocalist/songwriter in arguably the most important band of the 90's. He contributed a lot to his time's music scene; just like the others you listed did for their times.
But, to each his own...
I guess I should back up my statement.

In my honest, oh so humble opinion, this country went down the shitter when it came to music, all because of him. I have yet to hear a band say they claimed influence from Cobain/Nirvana AND impress me. Without him, we wouldn't have mainstream alternative bands (which is a load of shit if you do any research on alternative msuic) and grunge. Those are probably the two worst subgenres of rock n' roll. Nirvana is the Halo 3 of music: Popular, but severely lacking in quality.
Fair point when you think about it, but c'mon. SOMEONE would've thought to express their anger through music, and then they would've created Grunge.
Thing is, even if something wasn't created, someone else would probably think of the idea and make it.


New member
Jul 8, 2008
I may get lynched for this but; Maybe it was sort of a good thing they died early, so they didn't go on so long that their music became crap or they sold out, and so now everyone remembers them as being absolutely flawless and awesome...

But like I said: SORT OF, it's just a thought so don't call me uncaring...

Freddie Mercury was taken way too early and he was awesome, and John Bonham.


New member
Jul 18, 2008
Jonathan Hexley said:
galletea said:
I guess I'm the only one who appreciates Marc Bolan. *sigh*
Never heard of Marc Bolan or T.Rex, but I'm sure they contributed greatly...
I think. I don't usually think about bands I don't listen to.

Milkatron said:
Jharry5 said:
Milkatron said:
For the record, Kurt Cobain should have been aborted so we didn't have to put up with that shit.
Musicians have been expressing their anger through music: it's called PUNK!

He was vocalist/songwriter in arguably the most important band of the 90's. He contributed a lot to his time's music scene; just like the others you listed did for their times.
But, to each his own...
I guess I should back up my statement.

In my honest, oh so humble opinion, this country went down the shitter when it came to music, all because of him. I have yet to hear a band say they claimed influence from Cobain/Nirvana AND impress me. Without him, we wouldn't have mainstream alternative bands (which is a load of shit if you do any research on alternative msuic) and grunge. Those are probably the two worst subgenres of rock n' roll. Nirvana is the Halo 3 of music: Popular, but severely lacking in quality.
Fair point when you think about it, but c'mon. SOMEONE would've thought to express their anger through music, and then they would've created Grunge.
Thing is, even if something wasn't created, someone else would probably think of the idea and make it.


New member
Feb 29, 2008
You have to remember though, I've Bon Scott hadn't died and been replaced by Brian Johnson, Back in Black would never have been made. Even more so because he said in an interview that HE wrote almost all of the song lyrics in that album. Although, if that were true on every single following album, that would explain why all the songs are similar. lolz


New member
Oct 30, 2008
Why do people always think Nirvana were the ones responsible for the whole "Grunge" non-phenomenon? Mud Honey clearly (among others) had that whole sound down before Nirvana became known. You can't seriously say having Soundgarden, Pearl Jam & The Screaming Trees was a bad thing, can you? Sorry to de-rail but....


New member
Oct 30, 2008
Believe it or not my friends next door neighbour is the drummer from T-Rex & he's an awesome bloke. Bolan seemed like a genuine nice guy & he released some killer records too.
Double post, sorry my bad
galletea said:
I guess I'm the only one who appreciates Marc Bolan. *sigh*