I have, well the .44 version at least. My uncle used to be in the service and he's quite an enthusiast as it were. Im definetley not an expert by a long shot but in my humble opinion i thought it was pretty cumbersome and sluggish (looks and sounds intimidating as hell though). Not that id have any idea, but I cant imagine it would be my first choice to take into combat. Now the H&K USP .45 is a different storyFreshman said:the most prominent example would have to be the desert eagle. everybody walks around talking about how awesome/not awesome they are in real life, and i have to say BULL FUCKING SHIT. how many people have actually fired one of these weapons?
Just to clarify, i do not, and never have, owned a gun. However I am still opposed to firearms bans in this country. Just trying to say that beleive it or not, some of us American hillbilly fucks can have an educated, rational opinion on things.Freshman said:gotta agree, trying to take guns away from the people with guns seems like a poor idea.
How do these bored teens get their money now?Mikkaddo said:the last thing we need is bored teenagers with tons of cash getting their hands on illegal guns and have no way to defend ourselves
Oh, thank god.Freshman said:OO, i actually researched the P90 after i got obsessed with stargate (thought it was a made up gun the first time) and apparently, civies can not get a full auto, or the 50 round mag.MessiahElephant said:I shudder to think of some acne-ridden, sweaty CoD nerd going into a supermarket with a P90 with the hopes of "ganking some n00bs".
So, guns kill less people than renal failure every year in America? Interesting fact.Foggy_Fishburne said:Erm... okaaay... Wtf is this supposed to mean? This told me nothing mate. I already know about that retarded primitive law and it doesn't justify nor give any answers to why civilians still are allowed to carry weapons. But fuck it. If you wanna go around posting links, one sec.Aenir said:Second amendment...right to bear armsFoggy_Fishburne said:Can't believe it's still legal in America to carry guns... Fucking wild west. Well yeah the world is kinda retarded and this doesn't suprise me a bit. Hopefully all the gamers WILL buy a gun and then just annihilate each other. Many less humanbeings to worry about
Note that you're on the fourth place IN the world. You're among countries like Colombia, Thailand and fucking Slovakia! Some of those countries lack central heating. USA is the most powerful country in the world... There's your links dickhead
I'm not angered by it, but "magazine" or "mag" are the terms to use, not "clip." I have to agree with the fact that being a gun enthusiast (which I am not) is no worse than anything else. Oh, and for the record, "War? War never changes..."Credge said:Wh... What?Woodsey said:"Gun enthusiast" is both an amusing and depressing phrase.
Anyway, I've definitely heard of this before. Can't say I ever listen.
How is being a gun enthusiast any different than being an enthusiast of anything?
Edit to add: The number of people who use the word 'clip' in this thread makes me rage.
Yet another idiot falls to the old fallacy of less guns = less crime...Foggy_Fishburne said:Can't believe it's still legal in America to carry guns... Fucking wild west. Well yeah the world is kinda retarded and this doesn't suprise me a bit. Hopefully all the gamers WILL buy a gun and then just annihilate each other. Many less humanbeings to worry about
Why, excactly? What is wrong with not knowing anything about guns, but being interested in seeing some in real life? I don't know the first thing about fighter jets - doesn't mean I don't think it'd be fun to sit in the same plane I had flown in HAWX. How am I supposed to know that the ACR just so happens not to be out until later this year? I see alot of people in this thread getting waaaay to emotional/ragey/whatever over this pretty small and innocent question.duckfi8 said:"so I was surprised when he asked, 'Can you buy an ACR in there?'"
If someone said that when they were in a car with me, I would kick them out of my moving car.
I'll try:Bob_F_It said:Golden test: tell me what to do in a misfire, and I'll pass you as competant.
Amazing how some people blur the line between games and reality. I'm surprised that Forza hasn't turned everyone into racing pros.