Hackers Also Hit Sony Online, Stole 12,700 Credit Cards


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Well from console to the pc side now, eh? Glad I didn't get into any of Sony's games. These twits are pushing their luck. Hackers are found pretty dang quick these days. There were worse odds at ever finding Osama since he never needed an internet connection to hide. And look where he is now...
gmaverick019 said:
sheic99 said:
Mr. Omega said:
Yeah! Go hackers! Take care of big, bad EEEEEVIL corporations like Sony! Who cares that you're likely going to put millions of people out of work? Who cares that you are performing a felony on millions of people? Who cares that your selfish actions are causing nothing but misery? Who cares that people are being denied a simple service all becuase you wanted to go hack big, bad Sony? You're taking on an EEEEEVIL corporation, so that makes it all ok!

...God I hope this fucker is killed on his way to the courtroom if when he gets caught...
This has nothing to do with "sticking it to the man". These attacks are just about good ol' greed. Also murder is way too extreme for identity theft.
you wouldn't believe how pissed off people get over the phone when im at work, they hear someone has been using their card and they near shit bricks saying how they are getting all their guns out to find this fucker.
That's just silly. It will be more satisfying to beat the crap out of them with baseball bats.
Ultratwinkie said:
Ziadaine said:
You'd think they'd dis-connect EVERYTHING of their servers from internet access until they can resolve the problem.

I honestly cant wait to see what happens if these hackers are caught, considering they'll be doing alot of time for what they did.
So I take it the My Little Pony motto has run out huh?

"Tolerate and Love" means litigation? Okay then.
Can I have that pic? It is so full of win.


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
JDKJ said:
mikev7.0 said:
Outcast107 said:
dragongit said:
Wow... you'd think they would have seen this coming... whoever these hackers are, they have a vendetta against Sony.
I wonder if they are going to come to other system as well. Or just thought they could bring sony down a peg or two with their talk of "un-hackable" system. Though who knows with this. Hate to say this Sony fans but I hope they don't come to xbox or PC(Though not sure how they can do this one...but who knows with these people.)
I was curious before but now I think there is a high chance that this was at least a somewhat inside job. Possibly an EX Sony employee? Just a thought. I have serious doubts that this would happen on XBL mainly because they have the most experience and it hasn't yet in spite of many hackers and computer experts who have made no secret for their lack of love for Moneysoft. I still don't think you should give ANY info you feel you don't want to lose to a major corporation long term like that though. More bowing to commence in 5....4.....3....2....1....Initiate outdated irrelevant cultural shield!!
I've raised that possibility before. They've been laying off people recently.
I actually wonder myself, they hacked two different databases with (presumably) different security, it just seems impossible that it was just some hacker


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
SteewpidZombie said:
Whoever is hitting SONY and it's branches is obviously someone who is specifically targeting SONY. Considering the fact that ANY major company such as SONY has some pretty decent encryption on their stuff to prevent hackers from stealing such amounts of credit card info, the people doing these hacks are obviously capable of hitting any other company or service next.

Though the nature of these attacks is making me wonder if Microsoft or a competing company is the one behind the attacks, that or some GeoHotz fanboy type people who decided to attack SONY for taking a Hacker to court. Either way, at this point it'd be safe to assume that WHOEVER gets caught will be serving YEARS in prison for the amount of information that has been stolen or compromised.
If they can hack Sony they are obviously capable of hacking everything else? That makes no sense, Sony has demonstrated multiple times that they have security issues.


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
FungiGamer said:
Oh crap, I was wishing this wouldn't have happened. If I quit playing Star Wars Galaxies a couple years ago, canceled my subscription and stopped paying, am I still affected? Keep in mind this was years ago, I'm hoping they threw out information since then
They probably didn't throw out the information, but it's possible the credit card they still have on file is now expired


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
The Hungry Samurai said:
IMHO Anonymous should put aside their differences with Sony and help hunt down these douches.

Think about it, anon is supposed to be all about free exchange of info on the net, and defending the freedom of the net supposedly. These hackers are literally terrorizing ps3 users, not only leaving them afraid of what this system can leak, but pushing them over to help establish a monopoly like state in the online console world as people lose confidence in all but the pay to play xbl network.

I own all three systems and I appreciate the innovation that competition between them brings, but this seems to be disrupting a very delicate balance in that competition. I for one don't think ANY gamer would benefit from Sony pulling out of the console market regardless of what there controller of choice is.
As a 360 user, how would I not benefit? More people migrating to Xbox means a higher userbase, which means more pressure for developers to choose Xbox as their platform of choice to release their game on.


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
The Unworthy Gentleman said:
Mr. Omega said:
Yeah! Go hackers! Take care of big, bad EEEEEVIL corporations like Sony! Who cares that you're likely going to put millions of people out of work? Who cares that you are performing a felony on millions of people? Who cares that your selfish actions are causing nothing but misery? Who cares that people are being denied a simple service all becuase you wanted to go hack big, bad Sony? You're taking on an EEEEEVIL corporation, so that makes it all ok!

...God I hope this fucker is killed on his way to the courtroom if when he gets caught...
Actually, I'm pretty sure that this has nothing to do with Sony being 'evil'. In fact, I'd wager that it was all for selfish gain; that the hackers are selling on this data to people planning on committing fraud. If they were doing it to be mean to Sony then they would have just DDoS'd the shit out of them, not stolen all this information.

But God, I hope you're right and not me. That much data will fuck absolutely everything up for a lot of people.
That's not necessarily true, this is a million times worse for Sony than a simple DDOS


New member
Oct 23, 2010
danpascooch said:
The Hungry Samurai said:
IMHO Anonymous should put aside their differences with Sony and help hunt down these douches.

Think about it, anon is supposed to be all about free exchange of info on the net, and defending the freedom of the net supposedly. These hackers are literally terrorizing ps3 users, not only leaving them afraid of what this system can leak, but pushing them over to help establish a monopoly like state in the online console world as people lose confidence in all but the pay to play xbl network.

I own all three systems and I appreciate the innovation that competition between them brings, but this seems to be disrupting a very delicate balance in that competition. I for one don't think ANY gamer would benefit from Sony pulling out of the console market regardless of what there controller of choice is.
As a 360 user, how would I not benefit? More people migrating to Xbox means a higher userbase, which means more pressure for developers to choose Xbox as their platform of choice to release their game on.
Simple economics. The more sellers in a market, the more competition in the market, the lower prices are. The less sellers in a market, the less competition in the market, the higher prices are. If Sony has to exit the market, that just gives Nintendo and Microsoft more market power with which they can -- and probably will -- use to dry hump you.

Once they become one of only two games in town, Microsoft will use that reduction in competition for platforms to leverage more money from the developers. The developers will simply pass that increased cost of doing business with Microsoft down to you, the consumer. Everything will cost you more. From the console to the network subscription to the games. The price of everything will increase. You don't gain from Sony not being around. You lose.


New member
Jul 6, 2010
I'm betting it was the same intrusion impacting two different systems. The PSN and SOE networks were housed in the same AT&T data center. From what I'm hearing they're literally physically relocating their hardware to a new location. I can see hordes of interns loading stacks of HDDs into the trunks of their cars now.

Azmael Silverlance

Pirate Warlord!
Oct 20, 2009
OMG SONY is failing across the board. THey better come up with some amazing games for the PlayStation or they will get really behind in the market.


404Th Ravens. No.04
Nov 19, 2009
Well, first off I think these crackers/hackers (Crackers just sounded like crackers and cheese) need to lay off... I really hope whoever is responsible get caught and be dealt with. Second, I feel sorry for sony really, they were just about to recover but then BAM. Then again on the bright side, this should teach sony a lesson about security or two and perhaps echo to other companies as well.


New member
Aug 17, 2008
FUCKING WHY?! What would you possibly buy that you couldn't with the million credit cards you had already? JESUS!


New member
Aug 17, 2008
JDKJ said:
danpascooch said:
The Hungry Samurai said:
IMHO Anonymous should put aside their differences with Sony and help hunt down these douches.

Think about it, anon is supposed to be all about free exchange of info on the net, and defending the freedom of the net supposedly. These hackers are literally terrorizing ps3 users, not only leaving them afraid of what this system can leak, but pushing them over to help establish a monopoly like state in the online console world as people lose confidence in all but the pay to play xbl network.

I own all three systems and I appreciate the innovation that competition between them brings, but this seems to be disrupting a very delicate balance in that competition. I for one don't think ANY gamer would benefit from Sony pulling out of the console market regardless of what there controller of choice is.
As a 360 user, how would I not benefit? More people migrating to Xbox means a higher userbase, which means more pressure for developers to choose Xbox as their platform of choice to release their game on.
Simple economics. The more sellers in a market, the more competition in the market, the lower prices are. The less sellers in a market, the less competition in the market, the higher prices are. If Sony has to exit the market, that just gives Nintendo and Microsoft more market power with which they can -- and probably will -- use to dry hump you.

Once they become one of only two games in town, Microsoft will use that reduction in competition for platforms to leverage more money from the developers. The developers will simply pass that increased cost of doing business with Microsoft down to you, the consumer. Everything will cost you more. From the console to the network subscription to the games. The price of everything will increase. You don't gain from Sony not being around. You lose.
That's true for everything but a luxery. You could win by not playing video games. Also if that were to happen then another company comes out with a console capable of playing games with online abilities for 1/2 of the cost. That's how companies get started. When a monopoly gets too bloated and secure, people are despirate to support the little guy. Apple comes out with a console to fight micrsoft and in one console change microsoft has lost 60% of it's userbase.

I just really hate to see this happen to the gamers though. Shit, I am a mild xbox fanboy but i don't give a fuck anymore. These people need to play their damn games! This is like the hurricane Katrina of the videogame world!


New member
Oct 23, 2010
jakefongloo said:
FUCKING WHY?! What would you possibly buy that you couldn't with the million credit cards you had already? JESUS!
There's a short lifespan to a cloned card. You don't wanna keep that shit forever in your wallet. It's hot. You wanna charge a 62" flat-screen on it (I would recommend the Sony Bravia for the irony of it) and then throw that shit down a storm drain. And then clone you a fresh card with a fresh number. That's why nobody's interested in buying 10 numbers from a cracker. They wanna buy 100,000. Those numbers ain't good but for one or two uses and then you gotta toss 'em.


New member
Dec 26, 2008
WOW seriously? i wonder who is a good enough hacker to do both of these attacks in such a short period of time...sony better get its act together.


New member
Oct 21, 2008
jakefongloo said:
I just really hate to see this happen to the gamers though. Shit, I am a mild xbox fanboy but i don't give a fuck anymore. These people need to play their damn games! This is like the hurricane Katrina of the videogame world!
Actually, if one were to compare this disaster in the gaming world to a real life disaster, it wouldn't really be Hurricane Katrina. As horrible as that is, it only affected a small percentage of the U.S., and a much smaller percentage of the world. By contrast, Sony's problem affects a huge percentage of the world's gaming population. There is no global catastrophe to my knowledge you could compare this to, every event is either much more serious (such as the meteor that destroyed the dinosaurs) or affected a much smaller percentage of the world's population. Of course, this is assuming you even can compare real life tragedies that cost lives to Sony's security disaster.


New member
Aug 17, 2008
Pyrokinesis said:
JDKJ said:
Pyrokinesis said:
dragongit said:
Wow... you'd think they would have seen this coming... whoever these hackers are, they have a vendetta against Sony.
Second that notion. Obviously some harbored hate and a way to get sony into some SERIOUS legal issues. Almost Ironic that Sony seems to be good with lawyers.. Like to seem them undig that hole in one piece.

On-topic: Glad I didnt bother with PS3. Not to say Xbox isnt as vulnerable but Xbox dosent do much to piss-off its computer savy locals.

It seriously must have been unprepared/un-updated systems for a leak of this proportion to happen undetected. Thats almost negligence of vital information. If it takes that long for them just to figure out "Oh hey BTW someone stole all our important info", then they need some more work done on their systems. I feel some sympathy for those whos info was stolen, but none what-so-ever for Sony, thats just negligence.
Have you ever spent time searching for a television remote control that you had in your hand just moments before you couldn't find it? If so, how long did it take you to eventually find it?
Sorry dont know the feeling, Dont tend to loose things in my hands.. Kinda shows the level of competence of someone who does manage to loose something in their hands... Dont think id want to trust them with my personal info...
You've never said "Where did i put _________ I just had it in my hands??" I'm sorry I call bullshit you know it's common enough when more than one comidian makes fun about it.

I'm not taking sides in your previous arguement but that's a poker lie.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
The sad thing is... they didn't catch this until just now. Services have but up all this time since the alleged time of the hacking, and they didn't notice it at the time? I findit hard to believe.

The bigger they are, the harder they fall.