Hackers Also Hit Sony Online, Stole 12,700 Credit Cards


Social justice warrior
Apr 3, 2010
If they really did securely hash their passwords, I'll give them a cookie. Until more details about this particular attack emerge, I'm not throwing blame about.

Doesn't exactly make Sony look wonderful though.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
Bahaha! Everyone here talking like they work for big security firms and know exactly how database security should be handled crack me up! You're all so cute!


New member
Jan 25, 2011
Outcast107 said:
dragongit said:
Wow... you'd think they would have seen this coming... whoever these hackers are, they have a vendetta against Sony.
I wonder if they are going to come to other system as well. Or just thought they could bring sony down a peg or two with their talk of "un-hackable" system. Though who knows with this. Hate to say this Sony fans but I hope they don't come to xbox or PC(Though not sure how they can do this one...but who knows with these people.)
I was curious before but now I think there is a high chance that this was at least a somewhat inside job. Possibly an EX Sony employee? Just a thought. I have serious doubts that this would happen on XBL mainly because they have the most experience and it hasn't yet in spite of many hackers and computer experts who have made no secret for their lack of love for Moneysoft. I still don't think you should give ANY info you feel you don't want to lose to a major corporation long term like that though. More bowing to commence in 5....4.....3....2....1....Initiate outdated irrelevant cultural shield!!


New member
Nov 2, 2010
Jumplion said:

Oy yoy yoy.

Can they just.......can't they just stop for two seconds?

Seriously, for god's sake, stop being dicks.

I really have to wonder how secure Sony's system was in the first place if their services are being hacked left and right. They're either really unlucky or incompetent, and I'm not sure which one is scarier.

This post sums up my feelings exactly.

Super Toast

Supreme Overlord of the Basement
Dec 10, 2009
This is the first time I've ever felt genuinely sorry for a huge corporation.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
It genuinly wouldn't surprise me at this point of Geohot had arranged this with his hacker followers in order to bring down sony completely.
After all these break ins, security hacks, lost personal data and now even credit card information... well, I'd be surprised if Sony stays in business. Unless they have really, REALLY good lawyers.

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
"In today's news, Sony's A/V Receiver network hacked; 5,000 credit card numbers stolen. Yeah, we're not sure how that works either"


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Beastialman said:
Daystar Clarion said:

I wonder how many people at Sony are gonna get fired for being completely incompetent.
Only the IT guys, every executive is going to get a raise.
This is probably the sad truth. I wouldn't be surprised at all.


New member
Oct 23, 2010
Braedan said:
Bahaha! Everyone here talking like they work for big security firms and know exactly how database security should be handled crack me up! You're all so cute!
How would you know that they don't?


New member
Oct 23, 2010
mikev7.0 said:
Outcast107 said:
dragongit said:
Wow... you'd think they would have seen this coming... whoever these hackers are, they have a vendetta against Sony.
I wonder if they are going to come to other system as well. Or just thought they could bring sony down a peg or two with their talk of "un-hackable" system. Though who knows with this. Hate to say this Sony fans but I hope they don't come to xbox or PC(Though not sure how they can do this one...but who knows with these people.)
I was curious before but now I think there is a high chance that this was at least a somewhat inside job. Possibly an EX Sony employee? Just a thought. I have serious doubts that this would happen on XBL mainly because they have the most experience and it hasn't yet in spite of many hackers and computer experts who have made no secret for their lack of love for Moneysoft. I still don't think you should give ANY info you feel you don't want to lose to a major corporation long term like that though. More bowing to commence in 5....4.....3....2....1....Initiate outdated irrelevant cultural shield!!
I've raised that possibility before. They've been laying off people recently.


New member
Dec 3, 2007
JDKJ said:
Pyrokinesis said:
dragongit said:
Wow... you'd think they would have seen this coming... whoever these hackers are, they have a vendetta against Sony.
Second that notion. Obviously some harbored hate and a way to get sony into some SERIOUS legal issues. Almost Ironic that Sony seems to be good with lawyers.. Like to seem them undig that hole in one piece.

On-topic: Glad I didnt bother with PS3. Not to say Xbox isnt as vulnerable but Xbox dosent do much to piss-off its computer savy locals.

It seriously must have been unprepared/un-updated systems for a leak of this proportion to happen undetected. Thats almost negligence of vital information. If it takes that long for them just to figure out "Oh hey BTW someone stole all our important info", then they need some more work done on their systems. I feel some sympathy for those whos info was stolen, but none what-so-ever for Sony, thats just negligence.
Have you ever spent time searching for a television remote control that you had in your hand just moments before you couldn't find it? If so, how long did it take you to eventually find it?
Sorry dont know the feeling, Dont tend to loose things in my hands.. Kinda shows the level of competence of someone who does manage to loose something in their hands... Dont think id want to trust them with my personal info...


New member
Jan 17, 2009
JDKJ said:
Wicky_42 said:
Arontala said:
Spangles said:
What's even funnier about this whole thing is all the spite and hate that people are aiming at the hackers, instead of the company that's pretty much left themselves wide open to this.

The hackers are the only ones who actually ensure safe networks, without them constantly testing and breaking so called security systems, all of your data would just be sitting there for the taking by any little asshat.

If you honestly aren't going to blame a multibillion dollar company who is MORE than able to pay for any kind of security it wishes and who keeps a private 'secure' network where it is possible to hack it from a goddamned home games console, then quite frankly you all deserve to lose your shit.. because if you are going to be that dumb then you'd eventually lose it anyway.

Arontala said:
Harbinger_ said:
Nice of you to have let us all know Sony.... Oh wait! You didn't! Also I don't want free service on a system you can't protect.
Did you even read the motherfucking article? They only discovered it this morning. Christ.
Says who? Sony? Riiiiiight.
I don't even know how to respond to that.

Oh, wait, yes I do. [http://youtu.be/FopyRHHlt3M]
The real issue is that it was hacked at the same time as the PSN... and they've only just noticed. That's just a poor show, and I bet the guys who did this have been laughing at them all this time about it...
So? It's obvious that they got a shitload of information to go through. They've got old databases going back to 2007 that they don't even use anymore that they've gotta search. Searching all that shit in the load to see what's missing ain't done overnight.
One would wonder why they would have databases that are older and not as protected as the newer databases.

If the data wasn't used anymore, then typical data protection laws dictate that the data shouldn't be in possession of the company. If they did still use the data, data protection laws typically state (at least in my knowledge, i'm a little fuzzy on what i'm about to type) that the data you hold should be protected to the best of your ability.

Edit: Meaning that if this database was hacked into but the main one wasn't, then it would paint the picture of them not protecting it the best they could. That may not have been clear.

OT: Either way Sony, I have one reaction to this.

Well done, you have given me much entertainment over the past few days. I'm glad I'm currently toting an Xbox and not playing any MMO's, because this wouldn't be so damn entertaining if it was affecting me.

Grabbin Keelz

New member
Jun 3, 2009
Well at least we all know who the actual enemy is here. Can you believe people used to blame Sony for this?

I know....craaaazy.


New member
Dec 3, 2007
ZombieGenesis said:
It genuinly wouldn't surprise me at this point of Geohot had arranged this with his hacker followers in order to bring down sony completely.
After all these break ins, security hacks, lost personal data and now even credit card information... well, I'd be surprised if Sony stays in business. Unless they have really, REALLY good lawyers.
Sony? Good Lawyers? Non-sense they only sue underage basement modders ... right?

Seriously though Sony is in some trouble.

And dont blame Geohot for this, The Anonymous splinter may be out for vengeance cuz of their actions on him but he didnt organize or ask for this. Hate it when people started saying it was because of his code the network got hacked. Nothing short of angry supposition. Almost seemed racist in a sense to lump modders and hackers together.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
JDKJ said:
Braedan said:
Bahaha! Everyone here talking like they work for big security firms and know exactly how database security should be handled crack me up! You're all so cute!
How would you know that they don't?
Well I assume someone with knowledge relevant to network security would be using more sophisticated tech jargon than "Wat? Sony u suck your going to go bankrupt for lossing all our infos!". But other than that I haven seen a single person stating that they do, which would go a bit further to support claims that Sony didn't go a good job than "Sony you should know better!" does. I doubt (and I'm guessing here) a single person who is accusing Sony of anything knows anything about their security, unless I missed part of a news post with info more than that the credit cards were hashed.


New member
Oct 23, 2010
Pyrokinesis said:
JDKJ said:
Pyrokinesis said:
dragongit said:
Wow... you'd think they would have seen this coming... whoever these hackers are, they have a vendetta against Sony.
Second that notion. Obviously some harbored hate and a way to get sony into some SERIOUS legal issues. Almost Ironic that Sony seems to be good with lawyers.. Like to seem them undig that hole in one piece.

On-topic: Glad I didnt bother with PS3. Not to say Xbox isnt as vulnerable but Xbox dosent do much to piss-off its computer savy locals.

It seriously must have been unprepared/un-updated systems for a leak of this proportion to happen undetected. Thats almost negligence of vital information. If it takes that long for them just to figure out "Oh hey BTW someone stole all our important info", then they need some more work done on their systems. I feel some sympathy for those whos info was stolen, but none what-so-ever for Sony, thats just negligence.
Have you ever spent time searching for a television remote control that you had in your hand just moments before you couldn't find it? If so, how long did it take you to eventually find it?
Sorry dont know the feeling, Dont tend to loose things in my hands.. Kinda shows the level of competence of someone who does manage to loose something in their hands... Dont think id want to trust them with my personal info...
I said that moments before you lost it, it was in your hands. But never mind. It might have been a really bad analogy. I often forget that not everyone else watches television while smoking weed.