Hackers Also Hit Sony Online, Stole 12,700 Credit Cards

Killclaw Kilrathi

Crocuta Crocuta
Dec 28, 2010
Great, I have an old SOE account from the early EQ2 and Vanguard days. I'm not in one of the affected countries and my CC has expired and been reissued since then but I'm still going to scrutinize my transaction history. Good thing all MMOs on SOE are shit and I dismiss them as soon as I see the logo nowadays or my information may have been up to date.


New member
Oct 15, 2008
gmaverick019 said:
sheic99 said:
Mr. Omega said:
Yeah! Go hackers! Take care of big, bad EEEEEVIL corporations like Sony! Who cares that you're likely going to put millions of people out of work? Who cares that you are performing a felony on millions of people? Who cares that your selfish actions are causing nothing but misery? Who cares that people are being denied a simple service all becuase you wanted to go hack big, bad Sony? You're taking on an EEEEEVIL corporation, so that makes it all ok!

...God I hope this fucker is killed on his way to the courtroom if when he gets caught...
This has nothing to do with "sticking it to the man". These attacks are just about good ol' greed. Also murder is way too extreme for identity theft.
you wouldn't believe how pissed off people get over the phone when im at work, they hear someone has been using their card and they near shit bricks saying how they are getting all their guns out to find this fucker.
I honestly feel sorry for you, for having to deal with that shit.
NickCooley said:
I would of though after the initial hacking incident they would have beefed up security. Or is the hacker plugged into the Matrix?
Same day as the original attack. It just took Sony this long to find it.

Dr. wonderful

New member
Dec 31, 2009

There can be no break for these guys huh? I want whoever reponsible, tied up and beaten to a inch of their life.


Okay, just arrest them.


New member
Oct 23, 2010
Arehexes said:
But on an important note, Who used Sony Online? Not trying to be a dick but I thought that was canned a long time ago
Not yet but it was headed that way. They'd been slowly laying people off and closing up shop. They weren't doing much that PSN didn't already do.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:

I wonder how many people at Sony are gonna get fired for being completely incompetent.
Only the IT guys, every executive is going to get a raise.


New member
May 20, 2008
I'm just wondering what group has this huge capability to steal so much information so quickly.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
This whole situation with Sony is becoming funnier every day. Keep the entertainment rolling :)


New member
Oct 23, 2010
sheic99 said:
NickCooley said:
I would of though after the initial hacking incident they would have beefed up security. Or is the hacker plugged into the Matrix?
Same day as the original attack. It just took Sony this long to find it.
That's not so clear. Sony's talking about cyber-attacks as if there were more than just one:

We had previously believed that SOE customer data had not been obtained in the cyber-attacks on the company, but on May 1st we concluded that SOE account information may have been stolen and we are notifying you as soon as possible.


New member
Sep 19, 2009
sheic99 said:
gmaverick019 said:
sheic99 said:
Mr. Omega said:
Yeah! Go hackers! Take care of big, bad EEEEEVIL corporations like Sony! Who cares that you're likely going to put millions of people out of work? Who cares that you are performing a felony on millions of people? Who cares that your selfish actions are causing nothing but misery? Who cares that people are being denied a simple service all becuase you wanted to go hack big, bad Sony? You're taking on an EEEEEVIL corporation, so that makes it all ok!

...God I hope this fucker is killed on his way to the courtroom if when he gets caught...
This has nothing to do with "sticking it to the man". These attacks are just about good ol' greed. Also murder is way too extreme for identity theft.
you wouldn't believe how pissed off people get over the phone when im at work, they hear someone has been using their card and they near shit bricks saying how they are getting all their guns out to find this fucker.
I honestly feel sorry for you, for having to deal with that shit.
NickCooley said:
I would of though after the initial hacking incident they would have beefed up security. Or is the hacker plugged into the Matrix?
Same day as the original attack. It just took Sony this long to find it.
Ahh I see, thank you for clearing that up (and the other fellow that quoted me) I thought it was a different attack. Although Sony certainly have egg on their faces now. Didn't they say all the card data was safe? Seems a bit of a premature thing to say. But then again I'm no security expert.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
To everyone stupid enough to take joy in this: as a gamer, you're rooting for the enemy.

I don't care if it's Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo, no good will come out of this for us gamers, and in fact, the future looks bleak indeed if this catches up. Here's hoping the douchebags who did this are swiftly brought to justice, and we can just go back to playing our games.


New member
Feb 1, 2011
Scott Bullock said:
Hackers Also Hit Sony Online, Stole 12,700 Credit Cards

Sony just can't catch a break.


To make up for the downtime, Sony will be providing an additional 30 days to any subscriptions, as well as an extra day for each day the services are down. It is also drafting a "make good" plan for its PS3 MMOs.

The company says it has plans to introduce complimentary assistance in enrolling "identity theft protection services" to all users affected by this attack, and will be forthcoming with details shortly.

Source: Joystiq [http://www.soe.com/securityupdate/]

There. That right there? Good, semi-responsible Sony. If you had mentioned those parts with the update that all the information was compromised, then I'd definitely be calling you responsible adults. Because when responsible adults screw up, or see that the brown glop littered with bacteria and reeking of decay has hit the spinning blades of whirring death, they stand up, admit it, and get started on fixing it right then and there. A little late Sony, but that's how its done.


New member
Jun 30, 2008
At least SOE had hashed passwords -_-

FredTheUndead said:
If they keep this up, they'll ALMOST be in the Apple or Linux territory of incompetence.
I'd be intrigued to hear you explain the parallel between a multinational corporation and a piece of open-source software.


New member
May 2, 2011
I knew I should have gotten a bloody xbox instead. Oh well, at least the credit card I used for PSN is almost worthless anyway.

The hackers are probably just a bunch of dirty punk criminals who should all be round up and thrown in jail.

Sony clearly should have had better security on duty, and should have been more alert after Anon announced that they would be receiving their "undivided attention". (regardless if Anon was actually responsible for this or not)


Gone Gonzo
Jun 16, 2008
Yeah um...whoever hit Sony; hit them with some serious prejudice. I mean damn, this is just unspeakable. I mean my hat goes off to whoever had the psychotic balls to even think of doing this,(I have nothing but respect for someone who curb stomps their opponent this hard) they've really put themselves up shit creek.

Now we just wait and see if the law is competent enough to catch them.(if they're smart they'll have already dropped off the grid until everything quiets down)


New member
Mar 22, 2010
wsmieszek said:
One question: WHY?
To answer your question it is simply because tey can't be assed working for a living so they use the skills they have to hack into peoples accounts and steal their details and money to get what they want and they still think what they are doing is not wrong.

Hackers ( the ones attacking sony and the like) really need to wake the hell up and either get a job or use those skills for the greater good like helping a company like sony with their security flaws or banking security systems, it's really that easy.

The fact that they hacked Sony again seems rather childish in my eyes they need to be traced and then perma banned from computers for life.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
This doesn't just not bode well for Sony, it doesn't bode well for the entire industry. Online networks are the future of games, and if people can't trust them then the industry is going to be losing big and that is going to hurt all of us.

Oh, and PS, would people please stop talking about "Hackers" like they're one big group. Honestly, I'm no fan of Anon but these hackers weren't trying to take down corporate oligarchy, they were just guys trying to steal credit cards.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
The second I got off of work, I'm taking all of my credit card information of of my X-Box 360 account.

If it happened to Sony, it could very well happen to Microsoft. I'm not going to risk it.


New member
Oct 23, 2010
crepesack said:
I'm just wondering what group has this huge capability to steal so much information so quickly.
Not only do they have to steal it, they then have to use it to rip off actual money -- if they're interested in gettin' paid. It takes an awful amount of organization, planning, and work to pull off that shit. But I imagine it beats working at McDonald's.

They're usually well-organized crews, often multi-national in nature, often with members based in Eastern European countries. If you're really interested, google "shadowcrew." They were a typical crew of cyber-thieves.