Hackers Also Hit Sony Online, Stole 12,700 Credit Cards


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Arontala said:
Harbinger_ said:
Nice of you to have let us all know Sony.... Oh wait! You didn't! Also I don't want free service on a system you can't protect.
Did you even read the motherfucking article? They only discovered it this morning. Christ.
"Sony believes that the intrusion that took the information occurred sometime between April 16 and 17"

As a matter of fact I did. No I am not Christ.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Hey guys, just a heads up?

Customers outside the United States should be advised that we further discovered evidence that information from an outdated database from 2007 containing approximately 12,700 non-US customer credit or debit card numbers and expiration dates (but not credit card security codes) and about 10,700 direct debit records listing bank account numbers of certain customers in Germany, Austria, Netherlands and Spain may have also been obtained. We will be notifying each of those customers promptly.

There is no evidence that our main credit card database was compromised. It is in a completely separate and secured environment.
It's not as bad as it sounded


Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
So now Sony is basically over and done with then. This is certainly turning into quite an event isn't it?


Media Snob
Mar 19, 2010
FredTheUndead said:
If they keep this up, they'll ALMOST be in the Apple or Linux territory of incompetence.
When you say "Linux," who exactly are you talking about?

This is so much worse than anyone imagined. It could seriously knock Sony out of the next console generation, especially in mainland Europe. Germany does not fuck around with information security. I'm actually starting to pity them. Good luck Sony. You're gonna need it.


New member
Oct 23, 2010
KeyMaster45 said:
Yeah um...whoever hit Sony; hit them with some serious prejudice. I mean damn, this is just unspeakable. I mean my hat goes off to whoever had the psychotic balls to even think of doing this,(I have nothing but respect for someone who curb stomps their opponent this hard) they've really put themselves up shit creek.

Now we just wait and see if the law is competent enough to catch them.(if they're smart they'll have already dropped off the grid until everything quiets down)
Trouble is that they can't just lay low -- not if they want to get paid. It's not like your brick-and-mortar bank-robber who makes off with his bag of cash and waits for the publicity to blow over before he starts spending the cash. There's an expiration date on the information. The more they wait before they use the information to clone cards or steal identities and engage in fraudulent transactions, is the more likely that banks and cardholders and subscribers will take steps to block those transactions. They've got a short window in which to take advantage of the information. They either use it or they lose it.


batlh bIHeghjaj.
Dec 19, 2010
Arehexes said:
But on an important note, Who used Sony Online? Not trying to be a dick but I thought that was canned a long time ago
Lots of people, they have quite the range of MMOs from the everquests to vanguard to DC universe online to Star wars galaxies.


Is not insane, just crazy >:)
Jan 5, 2011
Anyone else get the mental image of a broken train track bridge and all you see are trains just blindly going off them into a deep ravine and then exploding when they hit the bottom?

Cuz that's the imagery I'm getting from all of these "Hackers...Sony" news updates. Entertaining...but damn, if you could just stop gut laughing so hard you'd go and warn someone about it before the next train leaves.


New member
Mar 3, 2010
Fucking hackers, I think Sony should abort ALL network connection for the time being so they can find a way to fix this and have things settle down.

stupid trolls, don't understand the difference between ripping a company a new one and ripping apart everyone else.


New member
Apr 21, 2010
I hope somebody makes these hackers pay. I really do. They are making a lot of people's lives miserable.

Just_A_Glitch said:
The second I got off of work, I'm taking all of my credit card information of of my X-Box 360 account.

If it happened to Sony, it could very well happen to Microsoft. I'm not going to risk it.
Smart move, I've already told everyone I know that owns an xbox to do this, but everyone else should really start to think about it.


New member
May 4, 2009
Who is even doing this? I'm starting to wonder if there's any connection between this and the Geohot stuff. Or if it's a group of hackers just wondering if they could do it, and taking advantage of the results.


New member
Mar 22, 2010
EcksTeaSea said:
Ouch. Credit cards too? This has to be some of the worst security ever.
Worst security or the other possibility that the hacker still can't be assed to get a job?.

Lt. Dragunov

New member
Sep 25, 2008
ok so does that mean when psn come back online i wont be able to play dcuo now? Cuz that was the only reason why i ever turned my ps3 on the past few months.


New member
Oct 23, 2010
Spangles said:
Iwata said:
To everyone stupid enough to take joy in this: as a gamer, you're rooting for the enemy.

I don't care if it's Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo, no good will come out of this for us gamers, and in fact, the future looks bleak indeed if this catches up. Here's hoping the douchebags who did this are swiftly brought to justice, and we can just go back to playing our games.
Actually the 'enemy' are those who aren't doing EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER to keep private data private, and it's certainly very clear that Sony haven't been doing that, when they can get badly hacked twice and only notice one of those events because of the investigation of the other.
Actually, it's quite common that the victims of cyber-theft fail to discover the theft until months, sometimes years, after it's happened. Albert Gonzalez and his crew were ripping of credit and debit card data from TJ Maxx for a year and half before TJ Maxx figured out what was going on -- and by then they were out 45.6 million credit and debit card numbers.


New member
Dec 1, 2009
dragongit said:
Wow... you'd think they would have seen this coming... whoever these hackers are, they have a vendetta against Sony.
probably anonymous. they deny it but cmon? who WOULDN'T deny it?

EDIT: interesting that you should mention they have a "vendetta" against sony

Omnific One

New member
Apr 3, 2010
Mr. Omega said:
Yeah! Go hackers! Take care of big, bad EEEEEVIL corporations like Sony! Who cares that you're likely going to put millions of people out of work? Who cares that you are performing a felony on millions of people? Who cares that your selfish actions are causing nothing but misery? Who cares that people are being denied a simple service all becuase you wanted to go hack big, bad Sony? You're taking on an EEEEEVIL corporation, so that makes it all ok!

...God I hope this fucker is killed on his way to the courtroom if when he gets caught...
Millions? Hyperbole much? At max 500 people will lose their jobs, maybe 100k will have some financial issues due to it. Terrible, but not worthy of killing the person. Seriously, you need to get a grip.