Have you ever gone "wow" at the stupidity of other people?

martin's a madman

New member
Aug 20, 2008
Master_of_Oldskool said:
Every. Single. Day. At every. Single. Person. I ever. Freaking. Meet.*does not like other human beings*
In all seriousness, one girl at school is just such a dumb bimbo (if you'll excuse the slur) that I react like this to most of what she says. She, who is 14, supposedly gifted, and should know way better, really and genuinely believes that she will 100% be a movie star and refuses to do her classwork because she feels she won't need to.
I hope she has a fallback plan like... international pop sensation.


He who is not known
May 5, 2008
Master_of_Oldskool said:
Every. Single. Day. At every. Single. Person. I ever. Freaking. Meet.*does not like other human beings*
In all seriousness, one girl at school is just such a dumb bimbo (if you'll excuse the slur) that I react like this to most of what she says. She, who is 14, supposedly gifted, and should know way better, really and genuinely believes that she will 100% be a movie star and refuses to do her classwork because she feels she won't need to.
And she probably will be - just not the type of movies she expects now ;)

On topic, everyday - especially today. Guy who sits next to me's in charge of our "WAPI Kit" basically a bunch of tablet laptops we send out to our field interviewers so they can conduct surveys with members of the public and show them videos and rubbish (i work in market research).

The dude's been working on the project all week, even staying late last night to get everything ready to mail out this morning - but eleven machines (out of 44) decided they didn't want to work after seemingly being ok when tested last week.

So this dumb ***** comes over to me and starts asking me what's going wrong?!? Then got into a total flap that we didn't have enough machines because she'd overbooked (booked eight locations when we're supposed to have 6 (laptops go out in 6 groups of 6 and the remainders are spares)) so instead of the odd place being one down most places will have about half the machines - this somehow being my fault - and also as they use a GPS router to send data back (of which we have 7 (six field units and spare)) how the hell were we supposed to service eight locations anyway!?!

We've had this kit for like five years and she's worked on many projects with them so should know what we have by now.

But here's where it gets really screwed.

After we sort out this mornings palarva there's a booking for another project next week - wanted over 22 locations, so four days we tell her:
"but can't we do it in two if we do 11 locations a day"
"we only have six sets of kit, so you can only do six locations at a time"
"how about we do ten locations a day then"

I mean really - how does she remember to keep breathing in and out (which frankly I wouldn't mind if she forgot).

Just one example of how this dumb ***** makes my job a misery.

And she gets paid more than me.


New member
May 27, 2009
Though I am ashamed to admit it, I was silenced, and reduced to shocked blinking.

It more a reflection on me, however. I know that unimaginable amounts of stupidity exists, and I should steel myself against it.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
Yes and while some of you think that people you know or people on the internet are stupid you should see the people that I have to deal with nearly every day. I remember that one time some people in my class were talking about World war 2 and one person said that hitler died by being shot out of a tank and I do mean he said that. He didn't say he was shot by a tank but he said he was shot out of a tank! Somthing that seems to happen quite often is I end up getting into religous debates and 95% of the time the person or people saying Christianity is right say either that "The bible is proof of god" or "you can't prove their isn't a god" now after this long boring paragraph of mine do you now see that you people are lucky?


New member
Jan 21, 2009
I was at wrestling practice today and my friend and I saw some cheerleaders drop a flyer and while she was lying on the ground they just stood around with their hands behind their back, like they forgot about her.


Sep 22, 2009
All the time. There's a reason why I don't trust other people - experience has taught me that almost nobody in the world can do anything right. That's why I'm a control freak.

One of the stupidest things I've ever seen was on a fan forum. This fan community got up in arms and people were freaking out and in tears over the fact that two actors on the show got married, and it wasn't the actors from their ship. These people had no sense of the line between fantasy and reality. Okay, so your two favourite characters are in love on a fictional show, and the actor who plays one of them marries someone else. What the hell did you think was going to happen?

I can't even express in words how stupid those people were, but, suffice it to say, I left the internet for a while because of that community.


Man of many Ideas
May 22, 2009
we usually associate this stupidity with the southern part where everyone as a 5th grade education or less.
ok i take offense to this statement, i live in the southeast, and most of the people i know are very intelligent.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Everyone person on Youtube.

More recently, every "wow's" at stupidty I've seen lately are from...wait for it wait for it... Americans.

Anyone else seeing the source of the internets problem lately? XD :p


New member
Jul 18, 2009
TheGreatCoolEnergy said:
In careers somebody said "I think that people just made Hitler up, at that he never really existed." all I could do was Facepalm
really becuase you know there arent videos and photos of him no no.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
dududf said:
Everyone person on Youtube.

More recently, every "wow's" at stupidty I've seen lately are from...wait for it wait for it... Americans.

Anyone else seeing the source of the internets problem lately? XD :p
So the solution to getting rid of annoying idiots on the internet is killing all Americans? Wait by Americans do you mean a continet or U.S.A.? Wow it seems everyone stoped posting after I posted this for some reason...


New member
Nov 5, 2009
AP Econ, we mixed with the Honors Econ one day for voter registration. The man asked an honors girl to name the original 13 colonies. After a long pause this happened.
"....Um Boston?"
"What state is Boston in?"
"How should I know?"

It only got worse. Her other attempts included Alabama, Arizona, Michigan, Philadelphia, and Chicago.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
My store is hiring. I "wow" every time someone hands in a resume and under "Game Experience" they have the gall to write "none, I don't play video games, they're stupid". And these people seriously expect employment? I swear I'd have earned the death penalty a billion times over if I didn't fight the urge to kill every idiotic peasant who applies to work at a video game store with no prior knowledge or interest in video games.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Canadaftw said:
dududf said:
Everyone person on Youtube.

More recently, every "wow's" at stupidty I've seen lately are from...wait for it wait for it... Americans.

Anyone else seeing the source of the internets problem lately? XD :p
So the solution to getting rid of annoying idiots on the internet is killing all Americans? Wait by Americans do you mean a continet or U.S.A.?
I hate typing the clarification note so I best make a prefab clarrification.

NOT ALL AMERICANS ARE STUPID. The minority of Americans that are massively idiotic also have connection to the internet and post alot of youtube.

Though I'd strongly agree that the sacrifice is worth it to purge alot of idiots, it may be looked poorly upon by the many intellectuals that are indeed Americans.

And by Americans, I mean the name (from which is ignorant in it's self) that you parade around calling your selves :)

It's always the loud ones that get the attention, and in this case loud=idiots. Generalizations follow.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
EClaris said:
AP Econ, we mixed with the Honors Econ one day for voter registration. The man asked an honors girl to name the original 13 colonies. After a long pause this happened.
"....Um Boston?"
"What state is Boston in?"
"How should I know?"

It only got worse. Her other attempts included Alabama, Arizona, Michigan, Philadelphia, and Chicago.
So? How many states does your country have 30? 40? 50? I wouldn't insult her for that or think any less of her if unless she read a history book every day or recently had to study for a test on that.