Have you ever gone "wow" at the stupidity of other people?


New member
Apr 14, 2009
CryptoKeyblade said:
the girls in my English are just so fucking stupid that I contemplate their murder ever day.
Holy crap i have the same thing in my english class, sooo dumb can't figure out how to make a computer work.


New member
Dec 6, 2008
I do every. single. bloody day. I hate people, especially the dumb ones. I know I'm not much better than anyone else, but at least I'm aware of it.


New member
Nov 14, 2008
Sometimes I do encounter wow-worthy stupidity, but it almost always leaves me confused rather than awed.

Me: "Hey, isn't Jason Swedish, or German or something?"
Friend: "No, I think he's gay."
Me: "What? Gay?"
Friend: "Yeah. I'm pretty sure."
Me: "No. I meant...I mean, isn't he Northern European?"
Friend: "I just said. He's gay."
Friend: "Oh."

I asked my friend what he was thinking, and he said that for some reason, he was entirely convinced that I was talking about the guy's sexual orientation, not his ethnicity. My friend cannot explain it.


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Nov 13, 2009
Everyday. Although I'm being a TA at a highschool right now, helping with one of the grade 9 math classes that chose the easier course load (Lands you in college instead of University). At first, we had a maxed out class with a real couple of idiots, constantly failing every test, but making fun of everyone who achieves. Luckily, they got moved out into another class. I unfortunately still have to see one of them, but it's alright, I just remember that he's a dumbass and laugh it off.


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Apr 24, 2009
Avykins said:
God all the time on here. There are just soo many people who are too stupid to understand a simple concept and keep trying to force your words into something different just because they are unable to accept your point of view.
I swear, when that "stab people in the face over the internet" machine gets invented, I am buying 50 and setting up multiple screens for rapid stabbage.
Don't worry that will be unnessecary because avrege life span of a troll or dumbass is very low because usually before they become an adult they fall of a cliff from trying to reach the moon, drown in their own spit or jumping off a sky scrapper because he or she thinks "god" will catch them. Although some manage to some how survive longer by working for Fox news or getting a job sending people e-mails saying they're a nigerian prince or pretending to be the owner of an oil company who wants to hire a partner to help run the company.


New member
Aug 31, 2008
Yeah, my housemate Kinichie [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/profiles/view/Kinichie] walks into doorframes pretty often. He tends to miss the empty bit in the middle.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
I was playing chess with a friend at school and a jackass came over, swiped our pieces of the board. We gathered them, he stuck around so I decided to insult him and tell him to leave. Somehow, this became a debate between me, my friend (atheists) and dumbass and his minion (christian or catholic, but that doesn't matter, they were just stupid). Somehow we got on the topic of how the universe was created (I think I started this by saying something about the Big bang, dunno). His entire argument was just constantly repeating that it was god. My argument consisted of telling him about the big bang, the elements coming together forming stars and so on. That's one.

Just today, dumbass's minion was talking to me (annoying me) and asked me what 2 + 2 was. I told him 4. He told me no, it was five. My friends at the table backed me up. He said that there was some logical scientific function to make it 5. He wouldn't disclose it, so I simply said "add one". He then called me a dumbass and walked away.

He is also the person who asked me which country is bigger, Japan or Japanese.



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Aug 6, 2009
GrinningManiac said:
On a thread here someone showed that video of the Australian presenter/thing guy interviewing and questioning the American public on some basic trivia.

They knew nothing

They couldn't even name a country beginning with U

They live in the United states of America
Yeah those people really annoy me because they just give those retard misinformed Europeon teenagers more ammunition to use against us. Seriously its like a fad in Europe among the younger people to hate America for no discernable reason oh yeah because American Football is homosexual somehow yeah thats a good reason.

I'm American and I can named Uzbekistan and Uganda of the top of my head right now.


New member
Nov 13, 2009
CryptoKeyblade said:
the girls in my English are just so fucking stupid that I contemplate their murder ever day.
In grade 11, we watched V for Vendetta, and when...


V is riding his subway train, surrounded by the dynamite, and it swaps to outside the London parliament buildings, a girl looks around at the rest of us and goes "Where did the train go?"

Facepalm'd through the back of my head...


New member
Aug 6, 2009
I sat in front of some short fat retard I remember I got my phone out once and was told ut was "gay" somehow then I got the nickname Gay Phone Guy despite the fact that I had never said anything to this kid before so he basically sat behind me and repeatingly said "GFG, GFG" when I told him that phone was spelled p-h-o-n-e I got this response and I quote

"Theres a cool way to spell phone and theres a gay way to spell phone" he then proceeded to write f-o-n-e on a piece of paper and an arrow pointing to it saying cool and p-h-o-n-e and an arrow pointing to it saying gay

Facepalm to the tenth fucking power.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Smagmuck08 said:
Kuchinawa212 said:
A guy I know thought he could dent the air with a hammer. Really.
*Giggles* What, the, fuck!? *Luaghs*
Hell, just today he started to rub a soda can against his head and thought that would make him smarter. I can't make this shit up. He really thought it would

Oh here's another one, the thinks a point blank shot between the eyes is livable since he saw it in an anime

Von Faceless

New member
Jul 20, 2008
Kuchinawa212 said:
Hell, just today he started to rub a soda can against his head and thought that would make him smarter. I can't make this shit up. He really thought it would

Oh here's another one, the thinks a point blank shot between the eyes is livable since he saw it in an anime
Can I buy weed from him?
Thats seriously messed up


New member
Oct 10, 2009
I go to a public high school, I see that almost every day.
I knew a guy who claimed he knew something called hydro-kenesis. He claims to have it because he turned around in a shower once and his back was still wet. I don't really get it.

Then he later went on to say that the government puts crack cocaine in ramen noddle flavor packets to make girls grow bigger breasts. Don't ask me to explain that one.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
I am use to it really, Yahoo answers ceases to amaze me though.

Edit: Oh yeah all those kids on youtube.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Von Faceless said:
Kuchinawa212 said:
Hell, just today he started to rub a soda can against his head and thought that would make him smarter. I can't make this shit up. He really thought it would

Oh here's another one, the thinks a point blank shot between the eyes is livable since he saw it in an anime
Can I buy weed from him?
Thats seriously messed up
No, the scary thing is HE IS THAT STUPID, he's not stoned, or anything. Just that stupid!


New member
Aug 25, 2009
Kuchinawa212 said:
Smagmuck08 said:
Kuchinawa212 said:
A guy I know thought he could dent the air with a hammer. Really.
*Giggles* What, the, fuck!? *Luaghs*
Hell, just today he started to rub a soda can against his head and thought that would make him smarter. I can't make this shit up. He really thought it would

Oh here's another one, the thinks a point blank shot between the eyes is livable since he saw it in an anime

We were learning about the black death in world history, and one of the dumbest girls in the class goes:
"So did only black people die from it?"
Everyone, even the teacher did a double facepalm.


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Aug 30, 2009
sabercrusader said:
TheGreatCoolEnergy said:
In careers somebody said "I think that people just made Hitler up, at that he never really existed." all I could do was Facepalm
really becuase you know there arent videos and photos of him no no.
somebody said that to her. She replied with "Uh, photoshop?"


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Well, for my mandatory Keyboarding class my freshman year at high school (9th grade). You know how you can hold your mouse at the bottom right where the clock is and it shows you the day right? So when we do assignments we need to save it as the date, and someone always asks for the date. Which is okay I guess, but then everyday someone asks what day it is a second later, which is just ridiculous. Basically every cheerleader in my class are thankfully the only people who exhibit that humongous amount of stupidity.

Von Faceless

New member
Jul 20, 2008
Kuchinawa212 said:
Von Faceless said:
Kuchinawa212 said:
Hell, just today he started to rub a soda can against his head and thought that would make him smarter. I can't make this shit up. He really thought it would

Oh here's another one, the thinks a point blank shot between the eyes is livable since he saw it in an anime
Can I buy weed from him?
Thats seriously messed up
No, the scary thing is HE IS THAT STUPID, he's not stoned, or anything. Just that stupid!
Oh dear, future candidate for the Darwin awards maybe