Have you ever gone "wow" at the stupidity of other people?


Goes Well With Pesto
Sep 2, 2009
doctorjackal777 said:
This is the only gamey thread/site that I frequent, but I'l tell you this. Go to notalwaysright.com and read say just the first 2 or so pages. You will be ashamed that you are classed as a member of the human race.
*facepalm*...ow, I think I broke my nose...

I recently had to explain to someone (through gritted teeth) that YES! SCOTLAND DOES EXIST! They thought it was a fictional place from a book they once read.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Ciarang said:
This [http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/9279/1237933078055.jpg].

But IRL I say wow a lot at my classmate's stupidity.
If you think that's bad, you can't have been around /b/ for too long.

Anyway, often. Someone posted this on this forum some time back; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUPMjC9mq5Y

"So, what are you coming out here necessarily to oppose or... what is your purpose here today?
-Well, mainly, it's the health care bill that's trying to get pushed through - I don't really feel like that's the government's job...
Can you tell me about the bills that are being proposed right now?
-Eh, not really..."


Simon Hadow

New member
Mar 12, 2009
Yu're asking this on a website primarily dedicated to gamers. An abused "Nerd" minority that usually handles it's frustration at their abusers with demeanment of their intelligence. What do you think? But, that aside, yes. Every day.


New member
Dec 22, 2008
wizzerd229 said:
we usually associate this stupidity with the southern part where everyone as a 5th grade education or less.
ok i take offense to this statement, i live in the southeast, and most of the people i know are very intelligent.
what you find very intelligent is all about perspective...chickens...what I'm trying to say is that you adapted to your surroundings.
Smagmuck08 said:
Kuchinawa212 said:
Smagmuck08 said:
Kuchinawa212 said:
A guy I know thought he could dent the air with a hammer. Really.
*Giggles* What, the, fuck!? *Luaghs*
Hell, just today he started to rub a soda can against his head and thought that would make him smarter. I can't make this shit up. He really thought it would

Oh here's another one, the thinks a point blank shot between the eyes is livable since he saw it in an anime

We were learning about the black death in world history, and one of the dumbest girls in the class goes:
"So did only black people die from it?"
Everyone, even the teacher did a double facepalm.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
CryptoKeyblade said:
the girls in my English are just so fucking stupid that I contemplate their murder ever day.
I second that.

Why the fuck are illiterate people doing A level English?! Can't they fuck off to maths or something...


Goes Well With Pesto
Sep 2, 2009
Mozared said:
If you think that's bad, you can't have been around /b/ for too long.

Anyway, often. Someone posted this on this forum some time back; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUPMjC9mq5Y

"So, what are you coming out here necessarily to oppose or... what is your purpose here today?
-Well, mainly, it's the health care bill that's trying to get pushed through - I don't really feel like that's the government's job...
Can you tell me about the bills that are being proposed right now?
-Eh, not really..."

I've seen that video a couple of times, and I imagine that there are some ligitimate arguments held by some people in that mass...but I have a sore head from bashing my head against the wall watching that video. Obama is Hitler because they were both good speakers? My brain hurts...


New member
Jan 13, 2009
Jonny49 said:
I was surfing the internet recently and jumped onto one of my usual sites, Gametrailers.com. After watching a few trailer I wandered onto the forums, a dark and scary place where I fear to tread mostly because the average I.Q of the average user was somewhere between 4 and 12. As I read a the posts left to a forum about Ghost from Modern Warfare 2 having his own game.
As my eyes followed the page, the forum quickly went from a mildly interesting discussion to a brawl of stupidity. As I recall one of the posts was like this:

"Hey activision get off of Ghost Recons ideas they already have Graw so dont try it."

All I could say was "wow". I was truly stunned at the stupidity of this post. So, have any of you been silenced out of sheer awe at someone else's stupidity?

I feel like this every day, which is probably why I love the Escapist so much. Trolls and idiots are dispatched of quickly (most of the time) thanks to the mods, and the people are smart, which is something you rarely see on the internet.

It's an oasis of intelligence in a desert of stupidity, at least that's how I see it.


New member
Jul 3, 2009
Here in the United States, we are required to learn the 13 original colonies every year in Social Studies. Also, Boston is, and always has been, one of the biggest ports in the US and the biggest city in the state. Honors is also the good class. The smart kids. The geniuses are in AP (generally) and the smart are in Honors, and the regular/uncaring/redneck kids are in the regular classes.


New member
May 10, 2009
Sexy Street said:
mobuto said:
sadly this is where i live...
Sexy Street said:
GrinningManiac said:
On a thread here someone showed that video of the Australian presenter/thing guy interviewing and questioning the American public on some basic trivia.

They knew nothing

They couldn't even name a country beginning with U

They live in the United states of America
That's because half of the U.S. is retarded or high. I don't associate with them...
we usually associate this stupidity with the southern part where everyone as a 5th grade education or less.
Thank god I live in Washington. Although it sucks to have all this rain...
Lucky to live in Maryland i guess? i mean, Jim Henson, the CEO of google, and Will Wright all went to College Park, so i guess we got that goin for us...


Probably your average communist.
Oct 4, 2008
I try to accept that humanity's common sense is slowly dying, so yes.

Wow or Daaayuumm would be an acceptable answer.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
Usually, I don't "wow" or encourage any stupidity, I usually facepalm, then headdesk the idiot if he/she is in range.


New member
Nov 16, 2009
Some-one asked me once if the world spins clock or anti clockwise. I said it's a matter of perspective, they didn't get it. I wasted 30 min of my life trying to explain, never did get them to grasp relative rotations..... This not be the first time I have tried to educate the fools, as it were....so maybe I be wearing the stupid hat, "stupid is as stupid tries to unstupid stupid".

Here's a great piece on stupidity I found:


New member
Mar 16, 2008
I die a little every time the Republicans try to sabotage Obama. I mean, he's the opposite party, sure, but the Democrats never treated Bush this badly.


New member
Jul 23, 2009
When I was younger, A classmate of mine and a few others where talking to each other. When someone said that they almost got bit by a snake....the other fool asked "Did you die?" to a living person...


New member
Nov 9, 2009
There's a game I play.

Every time someone uses the word "like" in a sentence when not referring to a simile or a feeling, I subtract 5 points from an IQ score of 100. You'd be surprised how accurate it is.