Have you ever regretted killing a NPC?


New member
Aug 19, 2009
I'm not sure how many times I've brought up Dark Souls now, but I'm going to do it again.
So, Dark Souls. Crossbreed Priscilla is an optional boss that's non-aggressive and actually tells you how to leave the place.
It's even worse if you have an idea of why she's there in the first place.
It's likely she sealed herself in the painting to escape the cruelties of man.
And when you attack her, she goes "I expected as much from thee."
Basically confirming her belief that everyone's an asshole.
I felt so guilty. Also, I cut her tail off and used it as a weapon.
Naturally, I only did that with great reluctance.


New member
Jun 9, 2010
I haven't posted in awhile but this thread popped up and convinced me to hop on:

OT: Malak at the end of SW:KOTOR. After everything that happened, learning about becoming Revan, saving all of my friends, turning Bastila back, etc. The game kind of had you convinced that if you were virtuous enough and heplful enough you could bring anyone over to the light side.

Then you try and turn Malak, and everything is going well... and then he says it... Something to the effect of "But it's too late for me, maybe had our roles been reversed... etc." And then he dies. Right around there is when Bioware cemented my loyalty and my perspective on videogames shifted quite a bit.


New member
Feb 19, 2011
The first person I thought of when I read the thread title was... Dwayne from GTA IV. Huh.
After I did that mission, I didn't think about it at all, the guy was a sad sack who didn't put up a fight at all. I did a few other missions, got in a few police chases, a couple of hours of gameplay later I checked my email.
Oh... God.
The one and only time I've felt bad over killing someone in a game.


New member
Feb 23, 2011
Mordin Solus in Mass Effect 3.

I never completed that Renegade playthrough after his death scene.
Probably never will.


New member
Feb 13, 2012
If i'm playing a good playthrough of Fallout 3 or Oblivion, then I get annoyed when I have to kill any named character through a quest or through an accident.

But if i'm playing an evil playthrough, then usually I just murder everyone and take their stuff like the evil bastard I am. :D


New member
Jul 14, 2010
Namatame in Persona 4, the game makes a great job at making you hate him, but the ending that comes afterward made me die a little inside.


New member
May 10, 2012
Killing Dean Domino in Dead Money.

This was actually my second time playing through Dead Money. I'd accidentally managed to kill both Dog/God and Dean through my incompetence the first time. Now I was determined to save them; no-one would be left behind in the haunted nightmare of the Sierra Madre.

It went well, at first. I had enough speech skill to put Dog to sleep and leave God in control. I'd already earned Christine's trust at the switching station, so she was ok. Now I just needed to sort out Dean, grab the treasure and go home.

I entered the Tampico theatre. Dean showed up and activated the security systems, and I played through the section as normal, until I finally got backstage. But there didn't seem to be a way of making Dean stand down. Every conversation path I took ended up with him attacking me. I reloaded several times before finding out I had failed before I even stepped into the theatre. Turns out you need to avoid insulting Dean's ego in dialogue choices before youi reach the casino. There was nothing I could do except start Dead Money all over again.

Now you might think that Dean's decision to try and kill me over an insult was idiotic and jerkish. You might have found his mannerisms annoying. But I had promised that no-one would be left behind in the Sierra Madre, and I failed to uphold that promise. Watching Dean's slide at the end of the DLC was like a punch in the gut.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
Not an NPC I killed, just one I knocked out. It still made me feel like the biggest jack ass in the world though. In Deus Ex:HR there's this one mission where you have to collect money from a woman because she refuses to pay her debts. I came to collect it (because from my understanding she hadn't been paying) and she basically told me to piss off. So I decked her in the face and looted the money from her body. Immediately I felt worse about this than anything else I've ever done in a game. It didn't help that I reloaded my save and tried being nice this time, and she proceeded to tell me her heart wrenching life story. Well played Deus Ex, well played.


New member
Jan 24, 2011
The Fire spell teacher in Dark souls.

He was like "Where did you get that AWESOME chaotic Pyromancy, can you please tell me?!" and I was like, Yeah, we're mates, I'mma tell you, just because I like you... I never saw him again. I know he's dead. I KNOW IT.


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
Well, in the first Fable game there was a merchant you had to escort through a forest and if he didn't get hit by the bandits that ambushed you then he would give you a gem. If he did, he wouldn't.

I escorted him and he took not one hit but the game bugged and he performed the `I got hit` speech and didn't give me the gem. Then he started to walk away and I was just so pissed off I shot him in the back and took the gem off of his body.

Then I felt bad and reloaded and did it properly. I shouldn't kill people just cause I'm angry.

Matt King

New member
Mar 15, 2010
Joos said:
The utter betrayal of Mission Vaio, where you force persuade her best friend Zaalbar to murder her for protesting against Darth Revan's evil ways. I felt soiled.
why isn't there a way to turn your allies evil, you have to kill like, half the crew
especially mission she was my favourite character but fuck playing as a good guy


New member
Dec 18, 2008
Dont you guys know that you can make mordin stand down, even as a renegade right?

OT: The only time i actually feel bad for killing people in a game is baldurs gate 2s evil options, seriously, they make you feel like the worst person in the world, amazing how a game without realistic graphics can make you feel like such a horrible bastard

Aurora Firestorm

New member
May 1, 2008
kman123 said:
RJ 17 said:
You know what I hated the most? When I finished the Stormcloak side of the war, they told me to go to Imperial camps and raze them to the ground. But I can't, since the leader of each camp IS FUCKING INVINCIBLE.

This game really shits me up the wall when it comes to invincible NPC's. I rather have the ability to kill them all and fail the main quest then this shit. Seriously, I'm sick of the hand holding.
Nothing worse than being on a quest, performing well, and having your NPC buddy die so you fail due to lack of plot armor. >< I would rather too many people have plot armor than no one have plot armor. Escort missions *suck.*

I feel bad about killing any NPC that hasn't personally slighted my character, unless the game is specifically promoting of that. (Prototype, for example, I don't care.) I don't murder random folk in Skyrim because I can; that actually makes me feel like a pretty sucky person. I also try to never, ever, ever let an ally perma-die. (Valkyria Chronicles, I'm looking at you. Same with Devil Survivor 2.)


New member
Mar 24, 2009
On one of my playthroughs in Skyrim I helped Sven get together with Camilla basically as soon as I entered the town. Later, after I had brokered peace between the Stormcloaks and Imperials, I returned to Riverwood for the first time in several months (in game time).
Now, I had been searching for all the Daedric artefacts and had recently found the shrine of Boethiah up in the mountains somewhere. I've always found that the bards in Skyrim are annoying as hell and so while I was in the Inn to get a room for the night, Sven started playing.
So, like any sane and rational human I immediately told him to follow me and ran off to the altar, sacrificed him and returned to Riverwood to take Camilla as my bride.
After the ceremony I felt like a complete douchebag, but I couldn't erase my actions (I only had one save game) and the only way I could get a divorce would be to murder Camilla too. Despite the fact that I knew the programmed dialogue wouldn't allow it, I half expected her to break down crying or accuse me of murder every time I saw her in my house to the point where I told her to go back to Riverun so I didn't have to face her.
On top of that, I was playing a "white knight" and had never killed anyone else in the game without due cause.
RIP you horrible lyre player.


I can smell sausage rolls
Dec 6, 2010
yup. the sheriff of megaton. i didn't mean to, but i wanted his hat, and then he started talking down to me, so i taught him a lesson.

felt really bad after talking to his son though...

CAPTCHA: think twice. huh, well look at that


New member
Mar 16, 2010
Ganath said:
The Fire spell teacher in Dark souls.

He was like "Where did you get that AWESOME chaotic Pyromancy, can you please tell me?!" and I was like, Yeah, we're mates, I'mma tell you, just because I like you... I never saw him again. I know he's dead. I KNOW IT.
He actually turns hollow after that and will attack you in the swamp in Blighttown if I recall correctly. So yes "effectively" dead. Especially if he runs into you.


New member
Aug 17, 2008
My good guy character in Fable 2 sacraficed a villager to bring back his dog... yeah... not my proudest moment.