Have you ever thought about suicide?

Random berk

New member
Sep 1, 2010
I've gone over the scenario a few times, yeah. Won't say when, or how often. There have been enough times as well where I might actually have done it, but I didn't have the means to do it, and probably won't ever put myself in a position where I do. Those were particularly bad times though. In the merely quite bad ones, thinking about the friends that I've gotten so close lately and how it might affect them generally lets me shrug it off.


New member
Sep 5, 2011
Not really. My parents once thought I was going to, but my depression phase was mostly caused by the fact that I believed nobody really knew I existed. I had a few superficial friends and that was about it. During that time I wondered about how many people would know if I disappeared one day.

Yeah, I talked about it with them later, figured I'd at least have the respect. All's good now. Don't expect me to be a sad depressed bastard now. I've grown a lot since, and I couldn't wish for a happier me.

Besides, I felt dirty about even thinking about thinking about suicide.


New member
Jul 21, 2009
Have I thought about it? Yes, constantly.

I even have a plan (noose and drugs and a tested tie off point that can support me) and I have a DNR annotation in my will and I have, very recently, set myself up as an organ donor, I have my note ready to go out on a timer unless I stop it every day... This has been my reality for the last year, so far, I've managed to find something to hold on to (be it not wanting to cause grief, the next video game I want to try, some get-together planned with friends) but I am under no illusion that this will keep me going indefinitely.

For those who view this as cowardly, understand that your view is irrelevant on the matter, clinical depression is a vicious feedback loop, low self-esteem, self-loathing, sadness and loneliness aren't something you just "snap out of", and if your idea of a pep talk to "save" someone is a variation of the following (man up, some people have it worse than you, you're a coward and/or yours being selfish) then I would respectfully ask you to shove it up your ass and try to get some perspective, or at least try some empathy. Pain (physical or emotional) is a hell of a thing to live with day in and day out. the fact that someone else has it worse out there than you is moot, by that logic, the only person that could ever feel bad for him/herself would literally have to be the MOST unfortunate individual on the planet...

If you can't understand why someone would choose to stop existing, then you are lucky, for some, regardless of quality of life, existing really isn't that amaze-balls as some of you feel it is. For me personally, I was dead for billions of years before being born, and where the notion of oblivion is unsettling to most, I find it rather comforting, no more want, joy, sadness, pain, disappointment, love or pleasure, just nothing, no good or ill.

Suicide is a selfish act, lets get this straight right now, however, expecting someone to live in misery and pain to spare others the burden of grief is equally selfish.

that said, public suicide (bus, train, buildings etc.) are a valid, if not incredibly dickish ways to go, there are plenty of less collaterally impacting means to leave this world.

In the end, it comes down to coping mechanisms/support systems, some are better equip in this respect and pain becomes manageable,others aren't so fortunate. to blame someone for being in more pain that they personally have/know ways to deal with just seems futile to me for all involved.


New member
May 11, 2011
Not once have I ever thought about suicide, it's fucked up. Really just a wasteful, selfish, cowardly act.


New member
May 11, 2011
A Smooth Criminal said:
Plus if there's reincarnation, there's maybe a 1 in 100000000000000000000 chance of me coming back as something decent, I mean surely reincarnation isn't restricted to coming back as something on earth, and there's a least one other planet in space that has abundances of life on it.
Reincarnation is, in fact, limited to sea life.


Silly Deerthing
Feb 13, 2011
I think that thinking about suicide is normal, and its a method of your brain telling you it's very confused and stressed the fuck out, so go out and get help.

Adeptus Aspartem

New member
Jul 25, 2011
Hm, when life already had me by the balls for several years (psychological abuse and mild physical abuse from my teachers during ~6 years) and thought it would be a friggin fantastic idea that 3-4 really shitty things should occur at more or less the same time ontop of that my mind broke apart and i ended up in a really messy depression and got diagnosed with a bi-polar disorder.
And when i had really bad days, i was playin' with the thought: "Why not putting an end to all this shit?"

Thankfully i'm to afraid of dying and the sufferin' that it would've caused to my family stopped me from doing anything stupid.

The issue with the bi-polar disorder isn't gone completly but over the past years i could wrap my head around alot of things which helped alot. Because basically all this shitty disorder is, is me fuckin' myself with some irrational logic. Once you get that, you just have to get yourself some motivation to do something and it goes upwards from there.

Captcha: Basket case
Oh yeah? Very funny captcha, and in the last post you said you love me. Friggin liar!


New member
Jan 19, 2010
I have defiantly considered it, when I was between the ages of 14 and 17 it was almost a daily thought for me, I was constantly in a bad place, daily beet downs from the school jerks, being harassed for my religious beliefs, all being offset by my brother, who could be himself anywhere and be loved by everyone (don't get me wrong, I love my brother). The only girl I ever went out with in highschool dumped me for a guy in an awful "Deathcore" band. Admittedly I did not have the worst life, but those tendencies still get to allot of people in different ways, and I now try to help anyone who needs it when it comes to suicide.


New member
Oct 1, 2012
Yup, Jr High, worst 2 years of my life, didn't think I had a future worth living, but I never had the guts to do it either.

Wow, that was pretty dark even for me... well I can assure all of you high school is what saved my life. I made friends who will stick by me as we take on college, moved in with my father who was my only friend for the longest time and I can thank him as well, and I even became the nicest, social, and most respected person in my school, with a rep of being the coolest nerd. I even performed a dance for my schools pageant, and got a standing ovation.

I guess you can say thoughts like those can make or break a person. Builds character ect. ect.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Closest I've ever come was legitimately considering killing someone, I didn't of course, but for several weeks I honestly considered taking another persons life. I've never before or after thought like that, and I've never considered suicide.

Dead Seerius

New member
Feb 4, 2012
Goddamn, there are WAAAAY more "yes, I've considered/wanted to commit suicide" posts on here than I thought there'd be.

For me, never. I don't mean to sound impersonal, but life is what you make of it, and if you wake up every day feeling like life isn't worth living try your best to CHANGE that - don't just mope and feel comfort in death. Suicide is a cop-out on a chance to benefit the world.

I don't mean benefit the world in a huge way, necessarily, but find a purpose. Volunteer at soup kitchens or shelters. See how bad some people really have it, and know that you are making their lives slightly better. You know, the feeling could be mutual.

Volunteering has gotten me through some rough times. It brings me into perspective and makes me feel like I'm doing something right.

New Frontiersman said:
If it was because I was feeling lonely I might either do it privately and quietly in my own room to see if anyone ever found the body; or I might hang myself in a public place for everyone to see. If I were feeling like my life didn't matter I might do it in a crazy way or a way to get people to notice. It would really depend though.
Public suicide is just selfish and sad. Little kids could see that shit. It could scar them for life.


New member
Dec 15, 2008
I don't see the point.

If you're ever at a point where you have nothing to lose, you can go run away, learn martial arts from a monastery, join the circus, kidnap people to release in a wilderness only navigatable by you so you can hunt them, Forrest Gump across America, jump into a zoo's tiger cage and fight the tiger, the list goes on.


New member
Apr 4, 2010
Well, I may say I've thought about it, but I've never even actively seeked the means to do so. I think I can also say that I've figured out a "chicken-proof" way to do it, but my life means a lot to my parents and my troubles are not at all as unbearable as they are inconvenient.

I think I just have a pretty good life overall.

Eppy (Bored)

Crazed Organist
Jan 7, 2009
Tried it over the summer after my life disintegrated into a fine mist of shattered dreams and absolute solitude. Tried to empty a bottle of Adderall; didn't get far enough into it before I ended up hurling it back up.

P.S. Kids, don't use Adderall or any other amphetamine/methylphenidate/stimulant to knock yourself off. The ensuing heart attack will be INCREDIBLY painful and you'll probably be hallucinating wildly throughout.

P.P.S. Just be safe about it and don't knock yourself off period. Someday, you will get to fuck them back.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
While being depressed few times, I never thought about it. My life is good enough even at its lowest. Plus I have a friend who every now and then gets into proper medical depression so I have to keep him from it.


Feb 5, 2010
I have very severe medical depression and seriously considering suicide is a weekly event. I have my boyfriend/fiance to keep me from it but I've still had several serious attempts. Guess I suck at killing myself. I honestly can't help it and no medication seems to help. Good times.


New member
Oct 30, 2009
It crosses my mind from time to time and I did attempt it once a couple years ago. Since then I haven't come close to attempting it again. Thank goodness for that.

My life may not really be all that great, but I just try to focus on the few things I have going for me.

Mr Binary

New member
Jan 24, 2011
I used to think about it a lot, even rather recently. I'm not going to state any ideas in case someone in here is still in such a mind-set and I'd hate to give any sort of ideas.

Everything appears to be on the upward swing now though, so that's great.


New member
Mar 9, 2010
I have considered it, but never attempted... Technically. Okay, there was this one time in grade seven that I had this "big" math test the following day and I didn't study at all, so the plan was the old "sick day" except one problem; I can't FAKE sick, my parents always knew. So I thought the best way was to GET sick. And I did that by taking 7 advils pills... Did it work? Well yeah, you could say that. But I actually ended up being sick for 3 days, my parents were extremely worried and thought it was a suicide attempt, put me through a years worth of therapy and anti-depressants.... Oh the test? I passed with an 89%.

Unlike most cases, my thoughts of suicide have were not during middle school, in fact they were recent. Since leaving High School life hasn't been easy for me. In a way, I feel like I just can't catch a break you know? How can I break this down? I'll just list the ones that hover over me everyday:

- The girl I loved cheated on me, broke up with me for someone else because of distance. When I took her back 4 months later under promises that she'll give long distance a 'serious effort'.. She cheated on me again, and broke up with me without telling me anything (I found out through one of her friends) I was 19.

- I attend college looking at a bright future in the Electrical trade. I start struggling 2 months in, and 6 months later they tell me I haven't been in the correct program since the beginning. I should have been in Electrical Industrial instead of Electrical Engineering.... Regardless, they take my money and discontinue my enrollment... Thanks Conestoga College. (20)

- 1 year later I attend another college in Video Game Design and Development. For 7 months my professor withheld everyone's marks on EVERYTHING (Exams, Assignments, etc.) and when we finally get to see our marks, I failed 2 courses and if I fail 1 more in the next year I may possibly be ejected. I said "Fuck You, I'm gone." and because those marks were withheld the school managed to steal $18,000's from me and I didn't get any refund because I was in the program too long... TriOS College is a scam, don't go there. (21-22)

So now here I am, 2 years later (24). Single (haven't even gotten a date in 5 years), no post-secondary education (even though it's not completely my fault), $11,000 in debt, still live with my parents, and I haven't been able to hold onto a job longer than 8 months (also currently unemployed). Been trying the Youtube scene, but even that is a floundering non-success, with just earning 38 subscribers in 10 months.

Do I go back to school for the "Third times the charm"? Even the Canadian Military on't even take me in. I feel worthless...

So yes, I have thought about suicide. But I won't. I couldn't imagine the toll that would take on my family. And for that, I must press on.