Have you ever thought about suicide?


New member
Sep 22, 2011
Yes, my sister has been battling Anorexia for 9 years. I was thinking of taking my life, and my last words to be "get better" and then she would be cured. I was eleven-twelve at the time. It was no good years.


New member
Jul 22, 2009
I'd be lying if I said I haven't thought about it. Not due to being overly depressed or anything, mostly, and this might even offend some of you but hey, I want to be honest. Mostly it's because there are days where I feel too lazy to live life, and I'd sometimes rather not go through the hassle. I've never thought about it for more than a moment though, as I see suicide as weak and selfish except in exceptional circumstances.

As to how I would do it? Bullet through the head. It's extremely fast and super effective. It might be excruciatingly painful for a fraction of a second but then it's done. There's no way in hell I'd risk an attempt at overdosing and then live fucked up because it didn't work, or jumping off of something only to live paralyzed forever. Nah, if I'm gonna do it, I'll do it right. Though to be clear, I'm not gonna do it.

Because sometimes life can be great, and it's worth all the shit we get thrown at us.


New member
Jun 13, 2011
Yeah sure I have but the way I look at it is I am going to die anyway and there is no guarantee of what happens after death so I just thought even if my life turns to absolute shit and is an absolute hell it will end on its own anyway and there is always the possibility that I will have some fun along the way and things will get better, death is the end result regardless of what I do so why hasten it?

And if I get a second chance after death well then ok if not then why cut it short just because I hate it, its mine dammit I am keeping it as long as possible.


New member
Jun 23, 2010
Yes, only a few days ago I was on the verge of committing suicide, but I just couldn't be so selfish, because I know it would destroy my mother.

my method was: first write a letter to each friend and to my family, put on my favourite clothes; then slit my wrists while lying in the bath tub (I wouldn't want to make a mess when I leave) and listening to music with a smile on my face.

Very elaborate, eh?


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Nope, never. Might have some stuff to complain about, but in general the only thing I get slightly depressed about, is that you can't just live until you want to pull the plug in a couple of thousand years.

Queen Michael

has read 4,010 manga books
Jun 9, 2009
I've had two periods where I've been seriously wanting to die, and right now I'm in a third one. But I've promised myself not to kill myself until I've read 3,000 manga books, and I have hundreds of volumes left until that happens, so there's no need to cheer me up; for a long while yet I'll be a Bee-Gee's song.


New member
Sep 17, 2012
I would assume everybody has thought of it at some point in their lives during times of great stress as a fleeting thought kind of thing, like "would it be easier to just die and escape out of this problem?" before coming to the realization, "probably not"

The Last Nomad

Lost in Ethiopia
Oct 28, 2009
I think about it every minute of every day. But not in the way I think you mean. I am constantly trying to convince myself why I should never do it.

As much as I hate my life sometimes, "Death is so terribly final, while life is full of possibilities", to quote Tyrion Lanister


New member
Sep 2, 2010
Yeah I've thought about it and thought about it an awful lot. Never went through or attempted it though. I did cut myself once and I was greatly ashamed of it after. I realised that really it was damn stupid of me and I should really get my act together and get through what is making me so stressed and be strong for my family, friends and for myself. And so I did. My problems were not the worst problems in the world and while I won't cheapen my experiences and play them down, they were the worst things to ever happen to me, hell my brother almost got stabbed and beaten for something he had nothing to do with. But I got through it. Life has been fine ever since and thoughts of suicide don't ever cross my mind.

Relish in Chaos

New member
Mar 7, 2012
Yeah, I think about killing myself all the time, due to my depression, OCD, generalized anxiety, and a number of other problems in my life and the way that I perceive it and myself. But I know that I?d never actually do it. I?m too scared of what it?ll feel like (I?m too much of a pussy to even self-harm), what lies afterwards, what would happen if I fucked it up, and what or how much of a burden I?d put on my family, even if I don?t like them all that much. And also?I guess my life isn?t that bad. But luckily, I?m on a waiting list for CBT and currently on anti-depressants, although they haven?t quite kicked in yet.

Although, you know?I guess I don?t actually want to die. Maybe it would be better if I?d never been born in the first place, and I still partly resent my parents (but mostly my mother, because she?s the stricter of my two parents, and could?ve just aborted me) for giving birth to me. But I just wish things were better, I was a better person, and I didn?t feel like a stressed pile of shit all the time.

I suppose my one saving grace is that I?m a little curious to see how things turn out in the future, and I at least have ambitions to become a writer. But right now?I just hope I get fixed. Like, everything, or at least most things. My thought process, my abilities, my stress?stuff like that. So I can just come close to enjoying life. Being able to manage myself, my body, my?bowels. Make some more friends.

Just for the record, I?m 17. My thoughts are probably partly to do with normal teenage hormonal angst, but partly just to do with personal problems that don?t make me a normal teenager. But?honest question?is life as an adult really any better than life as a teenager? ?Your teenage years are the best years of your life?? Fuck whoever said that. And if I?m so weak at the age of 17, when I?ve ?barely even lived life??how am I going to cope in a year?s time, when I?m 18, a legal adult? 21? 30?

Heh?that?s one of the things that both my sister and my therapist say. ?You think too much about the future and the what-ifs, and make too many assumptions about yourself. You need to stop looking at the world so negatively.? But anyway?I?ll stop rambling now and just say that, yeah, I?ve thought about suicide multiple times, but I?d probably never act on those thoughts.

dangoball said:
Weak? Maybe. An inconsiderate asshole even in death? Nope. If I'm feeling miserable enough to end my shitty life I sure as hell don't want to pass that feeling on.

Not to say I haven't though of some "fun" way to go out with a bang (in two ways, as you'll read in a moment).
There's this story in my head:
The protagonist is a failure of a human being with a dead end job and has a thing for little girls. So what does he do? Why of course he finds himself some fresh 12 yo to rape and right after he's done with that he pulls out his handgun and blast his brains out. I'm sure that girl would have a bright future ahead of her.

Might eventually put it on paper.
...I almost wish I'd thought of that myself.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
I got to the planning/test run stage before my friend noticed something was wrong and alerted the dean of my college who put me on medical leave. I was going to slit my wrists, had everything planned out, and had been practicing with my blade on my legs to make sure that it was sharp enough/I could cut deep enough. It was, and I could. So yeah. I was going to lock myself in the basement single bathroom while I did it to keep help from saving me in time. Leave a note on my laptop. I had it written out.

I'm severely bipolar, I was failing all of my classes because of it(a Down hit and I couldn't even stand to leave my room or eat), and I just couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't fight anymore. I went home and was sent to the psych ward of my local hospital.

I still think about it sometimes, but I keep it to myself. I probably shouldn't since, hell, another stint in the psych ward would pad out my "resume" for applying for SSI. Ha.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
I've never considered actually killing myself, but I have thought hypothetically about how I would do it, if I ever felt the need to do so.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
I think about it at times, but never for long, or in any seriousness. Doesn't everybody though?

Xan Krieger

Completely insane
Feb 11, 2009
In high school I thought about it constantly due to bullying. Closest I came to doing it was at a friend's house when I found a loaded .22 pistol and held it to my head (logic being the bullet would bounce around in my head ensuring death). The thoughts of my parents crying and of hell convinced me to not do it.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Thought of it many times, but mostly in the past 4 months or something because of all the bloody work I have to do to get a place to study medicine in university, which adds to the depression you already get from seeing how stupid people are (in my school and home anyway) and news. Though I never ever have considered to actually do it, there's too much to lose (I don't want to put my family through that).

VoidWanderer said:
I thought about it due to overstress, then I realized how dificult it would be to clean up.
I don't know why but I read that as some artsy, deeply-meaningful "quote" there, as if it was said by a comedic writer or something.
Was that meant to be really artistic as how I read it as?


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Copper Zen said:
Who hasn't. Especially during puberty. It's like it's written into our teenage DNA: "At least at one point during your adolescence you will go all Emo".
That sounds about right actually...kinda like that stage in your adolescence where you have to hump everything and that other stage where you absolutely denounce EVERYTHING from your childhood.

To answer OP, of course I've thought about suicide and still do from time to time. I'd never act on the thought unless you could the most passive-aggressive means of suicide. If I'm kicked out of my house I'd probably just give up and wander around until I'm murdered Condemned style (ie: by a 2X4 wielding hobo). I wouldn't take my own life but I've definitely thought about it and what (if anything) awaits beyond this life.


New member
Sep 17, 2011
Thought of it many times, but mostly in the past 4 months or something because of all the bloody work I have to do to get a place to study medicine in university, which adds to the depression you already get from seeing how stupid people are (in my school and home anyway) and news. Though I never ever have considered to actually do it, there's too much to lose (I don't want to put my family through that).

VoidWanderer said:
I thought about it due to overstress, then I realized how dificult it would be to clean up.
I don't know why but I read that as some artsy, deeply-meaningful "quote" there, as if it was said by a comedic writer or something.
Was that meant to be really artistic as how I read it as?
Actually no... It wasn't meant to be artistic. It was just the reason I put the serrated knife down and walked away.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Yes, i have tried to find a quickest way. i think the one way one can be certain and quick is a shotgun to the head. your gone in miliseconds.
u grew out of thinking about suicide, its not worth it.


New member
Nov 17, 2012
Every single day since I was in middle school. Tried a few times, but I'm too scared to. The only reason I'm still alive is because I'm weak.


New member
Sep 2, 2011
I have thought about it although I usaully have never seriously considered it, most of it was when im thinking about death and what happens afterwards then I look at my window and wonder what would happen if I just jumped out, would I be reborn? Go to an afterlife? Eternal blackness?

I was never bullied much due to my size and expression so I never really got into considering it much but I did think about it a lot.