Step one: Don't Fight. No, seriously. Avoid him. Avoid the fight. Get a teacher involved. Hell, get the cops involved. Doesn't matter if you act like a pansy. High school embarrassment doesn't matter. Being crippled does. And you never know when some bullshit will happen, and you will end up with legal troubles. Seriously. Avoid the fight.
Step Two: Be in an unassailable position. Be near a teacher who is bigger then the bully. Be amongst a group of friends. Do NOT bring a weapon, but if you happen to have something that you need to carry around anyways, and is kosher to carry around, and is pretty meaty, cool. Even a shoe can be helpful. Be calm, don't taunt the bully, and if you must make flippant remarks, make it clear that you will get cops involved when this is done. A Bully may not respect a teacher, but they are probably going to think twice when you start bringing legality into it.
Step Three: Maybe you are actually in a fight. You get jumped, you are defending yourself, you are pulled into it. No avoiding it. First, big people tend to not run fast. Run. Or hit, then run. Or hit until you can run, then run. Fuck honor.
Step Four: If you have to go this far, then you can pull out all the stops. Groin, Neck, Face, and low kicks. Don't underestimate stamping on a foot, especially if you can follow it with a shove while on their foot. DON'T DO ANYTHING FANCY! Fists and feet are okay, Knees and Elbows are better. Go watch a Thai Boxing match, you will see. Headbutt with the top of the head, using a sort of hard sneezing motion. If he is bigger, avoid getting too close. Above all else, do not try to win. Try to get the fuck out of there, and hitting just happens to be the only way to do that.
Step Two: Be in an unassailable position. Be near a teacher who is bigger then the bully. Be amongst a group of friends. Do NOT bring a weapon, but if you happen to have something that you need to carry around anyways, and is kosher to carry around, and is pretty meaty, cool. Even a shoe can be helpful. Be calm, don't taunt the bully, and if you must make flippant remarks, make it clear that you will get cops involved when this is done. A Bully may not respect a teacher, but they are probably going to think twice when you start bringing legality into it.
Step Three: Maybe you are actually in a fight. You get jumped, you are defending yourself, you are pulled into it. No avoiding it. First, big people tend to not run fast. Run. Or hit, then run. Or hit until you can run, then run. Fuck honor.
Step Four: If you have to go this far, then you can pull out all the stops. Groin, Neck, Face, and low kicks. Don't underestimate stamping on a foot, especially if you can follow it with a shove while on their foot. DON'T DO ANYTHING FANCY! Fists and feet are okay, Knees and Elbows are better. Go watch a Thai Boxing match, you will see. Headbutt with the top of the head, using a sort of hard sneezing motion. If he is bigger, avoid getting too close. Above all else, do not try to win. Try to get the fuck out of there, and hitting just happens to be the only way to do that.