I don't understand male virgin shaming.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
AgentNein said:
Jesus, I'm usually good with this Dear Abbey bullshit but this one's tough. I have no good answers for you. It really depends on what you're looking for. Good luck?

EDIT: Ooh ooh I DO have some advice. Just make sure you remember that both relationships will likely end in failure, and make sure you're okay with that happening whoever you choose to pursue.

I don't actually expect anyone to be able to give advice on this one! This is the least complicated version of this story, and it's not even the most complicated relationship puzzle I've dealt with in the last year!

BloatedGuppy said:
Dude, only you can decide which girl you want to pursue more. How on earth can anyone else really weigh in on that? Just from reading this it sounds like you're over-idealizing Girl #1 (probably because she's "hard to get") and taking Girl #2 for granted (for similar but inverse reasons), but hey...that's a lesson we all have to learn at some point.
Indeed! Only I can decide.

Over-idealizing Girl 1: I did that initially when I first hung out with her 8 years ago... Since then, well, I've had a loooooooooot of time to get to know her. Turns out I wasn't actually too far off the mark with my initial impressions of her.
Hell, with facts to back her up, she's actually MORE impressive.
I constantly get people who've just met her going "I hate that everyone thinks she's perfect. You just KNOW she ______ when no one she knows is around!" and then a few months or whatever later that same person has changed their tune to "DAMMIT! I hate how perfect she is, and I hate that I can't even really be mad about it or hold it against her!"
Seriously, it'd be like a guy being jealous of Jesus because everyone thinks he's such a swell guy, and suspecting that when no one is looking he smacks hookers and hates puppies.
She's really hard to describe without sounding absurd.

Girl 2: I don't think I'm under-appreciating her. This is a hard choice for a lot of reasons, not just the sex stuff. Both of these women are among those 5 best friends of mine.
Girl 2 knows how I feel about Girl 1 and that I was going to try and ask her out. Hell, what does it say about me if I abandon that plan and just go after Girl 2 again? What does that say about my opinion of HER? I go for the easy target? I'm not even committed enough to this girl I love to follow through on asking her out, just because an easier option came along?

NOTHING is simple here. My brain is caught up in constant contemplation trying to figure out what the BEST plan here is. I'm not even sure that either plan is a "good" one.

C'est la vie.
My whole point with that whole long initial post was just that sex and virginity being of such supreme importance to some people is ridiculous. Especially when compared to a lot of other considerations that should go into who you are interested in.


New member
Dec 11, 2008
Neither did Quentin Compson. I went there.

OT: Age old ways that are still flowing through society today. They may pass with the coming generation.


Day Pig
Mar 16, 2009
There's a lot being said about double standards and stuff like that and I don't really want to get too in depth because I've got stuff to do but I'm just throwing this out there, as a guy, getting laid is a challenge. It's not always difficult, mind you, but it's at least a challenge. Also, you can get laid off of lots of different things. Physical appearance, personality, talent, intelligence, ability to bullshit that you have any of the aforementioned qualities, etc. The inability to use at least one of those to get your dick into something is seen as a lack of adequacy.

As a girl, you walk up to a guy and say have sex with me and then he has sex with you.


New member
Jul 28, 2008
darklilac said:
Men are depicted as and expected to be aggressors, being sexually aggressive is the "proper" way to be a man. If you aren't, then you are looked down upon by other men. On the off hand, women who have sex with lots of men are seen as disgusting sluts, so really that makes no sense. Men have to be having sex with someone, right?

It's a messed up expectation sprouting from the patriarchy and how men are supposed to be dominant.

Personally someone's sex life and who they sleep with isn't anyone's business, and I don't know why the world cares so much about it.
Pretty much this. Society loves contradicting it's own stupid bullshit with more bullshit.


New member
Oct 3, 2011
GunsmithKitten said:
VeneratedWulfen93 said:
I could give zero fucks. I was crazy into girls when I was 14 but then I just realised "Whats the point? Why am I chasing after these shallow creatures?"
So I'll probably stay a virgin for at least another year (I have a bet with friends that I can turn 20 and still have it. The pots up to £30 now) but even then I'll be not chasing after it. Call me sad but I prefer my games, my 40k miniatures and a good laugh with mates to female company. Sure I can talk to them but if I'm not drunk then I just give them cold indifferance most of the time.

People can point how how sad or how I'm missing out all they want but my life is mine. I don't want to share it with anyone.
I can understand not feeling the need to pursue a relationship, but for cripes sake, does that require you being a jerk to the opposite gender all around?
Its the best thing to keep them away from me. I can be nice to them when I can be bothered with thier bullshit.


New member
Oct 3, 2011
Chicago Ted said:
VeneratedWulfen93 said:
I could give zero fucks. I was crazy into girls when I was 14 but then I just realised "Whats the point? Why am I chasing after these shallow creatures?"
So I'll probably stay a virgin for at least another year (I have a bet with friends that I can turn 20 and still have it. The pots up to £30 now) but even then I'll be not chasing after it. Call me sad but I prefer my games, my 40k miniatures and a good laugh with mates to female company. Sure I can talk to them but if I'm not drunk then I just give them cold indifferance most of the time.

People can point how how sad or how I'm missing out all they want but my life is mine. I don't want to share it with anyone.
I will not call you sad for preferring to play games and hang out with friends. No, I instead see you as that for harbouring such warped misogynistic view point.

To refer to females as "shallow creatures" is perhaps one of the most disgusting things I've seen when reading over most of this thread. Just because they are of another gender, does not make them inherently bad. I'm going to lay on one earth shattering thought for you now in the idea that "Women are people too". There are a good number of them that do not want to pursue you, or to have you pursue them, and who are instead more interested in hanging out, shooting the shit, or just being friends. Just because they're female, doesn't mean they don't enjoy a good game, or just sitting back and enjoying wasting the time away with good company. While all might not share the same interests as you, I can say that there are going to be just as many men who probably don't as well. To have such an aggressive stance against their general existence like that, is something that would make me as a person not want to associate with you. I feel like I have to drum out the most basic lessons taught to you in pre-school here that ?Everyone is a person?.

Seriously, you?re the one referring to them as shallow creatures, yet you sit there from your pedestal judging all as being not worth your time, and not even giving the decency of being polite to them. Do you not see the hypocrisy you create? I do hope you remain a virgin for as long as you keep these views, not out of spite for you, but because I have far more pity for the girl who would wake up beside you, and sees your true colours.

As for an OT view, I do not shame other males for their virginity, UNLESS they speak of sex frequently, but never seem to pursue it themselves. To give context, in one of my social circles, we have one friend, who frequently talks about getting a girl, screwing, and other things similar, but when the time comes he never steps up. When he makes comments or questions on my sex life not being as active as some others (I?ll step aside to highlight that this is of choice, out of that group, I am the one with the lowest sex drive), I?ll follow up by ragging on him for still being a virgin. That I feel though is more due to the fact that he?s the one opening up the box, and trying to tease about it in the first place, so he opens himself up for it.
I know full well they are people however, in my experience, I havn't had a worthwhile conversation with a woman ever. During my early teens I had alot of conversations but they were just bullshit and meaningless.

I guess I just don't get on with girls that well. Theres like 3 girls in my college class who i'll occasionally so hello to and I work with a girl who won't shut her mouth about her science course. They never talk about anything interesting ever.

To be honest I came very close once but I couldn't go through with it because it was my friends sister.

Anyway, I don't walk around the place giving every woman a horrible look or swerving to avoid them in the street. Cold indifferance. I'll answer if they talk to me but not say anything beyond that. I don't often openly rage about them, I mostly just...ignore them.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
It's something of an instinct, really. We want to be the top man, the big cheese, numero uno honcho, and so on. So, in a tradition dating back to the time of the beasts, it's all about who has the least trouble scoring and achieving personal bests over others.


New member
Sep 29, 2011
Geo Da Sponge said:
Fluffythepoo said:
Geo Da Sponge said:
Fluffythepoo said:
Geo Da Sponge said:
Fluffythepoo said:
mechashiva77 said:
Fluffythepoo said:
Not having kids is failing your species
There's plenty of us on this planet, I think we'll be fine if someone doesn't decide to pop out a few more babies.

OT: It pisses me off too. Sure I joke about it with my boyfriend (I took his virginity and his sign happens to be Virgo), but I really don't think less of him because he was one.
Some people have higher standards than fine
...Do those standards involve rampant overpopulation?
can you cite evidence of overpopulation? or are you just throwing around words under the assumption youll be able to fact check wikipedia afterwards?
Okay, let's set out the basics here.

1: The population of the Earth is increasing at a steady, significant rate. That's common knowledge.

2: The Earth's resources are finite.

Now, the conclusion of putting these two facts together is that sooner or later we will have more people than we have resources for. Which is not to say that the world is about to implode the next day because of too many people on it, but it's an inevitable conclusion of birth rates at the level they are now.

As a specific example of overpopulation, I think it's fair to say the one-child birth policy in China wasn't put in place for fun. Now chances are you don't live in China, but it demonstrates that overpopulation is a very real possibility. I'm curious though, what do you think the big benefits of people breeding more would be?
So the evidence to support overpopulation is bad math that contradicts UN projections and a failed chinese policy thats undergoing the process of repeal (because its a bad idea that doesnt work).. you might want to consider reading more than just the basics next time

And if were looking at life in the context of its "benefits" were wasting our time, though one benefit would be a solution to "the whole aging population thing" (which as it turns out is kind of a big deal)
Well let's take a look shall we? From a United Nations Press Release:

"World Population to reach 10 billion by 2100 if Fertility in all Countries Converges to Replacement Level"

See, that's close to 50% more humans within the next 90 years, if the birth rate reaches a replacement level which is, planet wide, a decline. That's quite a lot, and that's just the comparatively nice and safe medium-variant.

No, I didn't say that the Chinese policy was good or effective, it's obviously riddled with problems. My point is that they had to confront the problem at all, not that they had the right idea.

Yes, the Aging Population problem is a big deal, but you didn't specify that. You said, and I quote again, "Not having kids is failing your species". Not failing your country, or causing the Aging Population, you said failing your species. You made a really simplistic, sweeping statement and now you're trying to change it into something defensible by retroactively adding specifics. Perhaps you should change it to "Not having kids (or having too many kids) is failing your species"?

Oh, and I'm not looking at life in the context of benefits, I'm asking about the benefits of making everyone who can possibly have children do so.
Population increase isn't overpopulation.. the report indicates that relatively low population-density countries will experience increase and high population-density countries will experience decline (forgetting that the real issue of population congestion is consumerism and mismanagement of resources)

The Chinese one child wasn't a poorly implemented attempt to address overpopulation is was a fundamentally flawed concept that failed to address the real issues of population congestion, because the issue wasn't an excessive number of people it was an excessive amount of needless stuff.

The report also briefly mentioned aging populations, the problem is expected to get worse. Aging population is a symptom of a significant portion of the population shirking their responsibility to have kids. When you dont have kids (or dont have enough) theres no one there to take care of you in old age, theres no one there to replace you in retirement, and there's no one to finish your work. The only viable solution to have kids, its not so much about benefits as it is avoiding adversity.


New member
May 18, 2011
Spambot 3000 said:
Because some idiots think their worth as a human being has exponentially increased because they've had sex at least once and now they must keep the illusion up by belittling anyone who hasn't.
This right here is so correct its scary and reminds me of alot of dudes I knew and how they thought back in highschool. In one case I remember talking with a male friend about what it means to become a man in this society. I was gonna talk about raising a family, getting married, finding a good career and being an overall good person. But before I could say my side he right away at the start of the conversation says," O, I'm already a man, happened years ago." To which I reply," What are you talking about?" cause we were only like 17 at the time. He then goes on to say that hes had sex already and that hes a man to which I start ripping him a new one about how the original idea of being a man was more then just having sex with a women and to think thats all it takes it a sad way to view life. It took a few minutes but it blew his mind to think that there was more to life than just sex. lol


New member
Oct 28, 2010
VeneratedWulfen93 said:
GunsmithKitten said:
VeneratedWulfen93 said:
I could give zero fucks. I was crazy into girls when I was 14 but then I just realised "Whats the point? Why am I chasing after these shallow creatures?"
So I'll probably stay a virgin for at least another year (I have a bet with friends that I can turn 20 and still have it. The pots up to £30 now) but even then I'll be not chasing after it. Call me sad but I prefer my games, my 40k miniatures and a good laugh with mates to female company. Sure I can talk to them but if I'm not drunk then I just give them cold indifferance most of the time.

People can point how how sad or how I'm missing out all they want but my life is mine. I don't want to share it with anyone.
I can understand not feeling the need to pursue a relationship, but for cripes sake, does that require you being a jerk to the opposite gender all around?
Its the best thing to keep them away from me. I can be nice to them when I can be bothered with thier bullshit.

Let's just hate on an entire gender because god forbid one of them was mean to you at some point in time. Clearly they all must be shallow creatures. There's absolutely nothing wrong with your generalizing point of view of them. It's clearly all their fault and every single one of them for the way you feel.

/sarcasm off

As a woman, I wouldn't understand why any woman would want to be around you in the first place. Let alone deal with your 'bullshit', especially if you're just going to generalize us all as 'shallow creatures' and not human being simply because we were born with a vagina.

Grow up.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
darklilac said:
Men are depicted as and expected to be aggressors, being sexually aggressive is the "proper" way to be a man. If you aren't, then you are looked down upon by other men. On the off hand, women who have sex with lots of men are seen as disgusting sluts, so really that makes no sense.
I've been thinking about this recently, and I'm wondering if it might be some kind of evolutionary throwback. A lot of mammals that live in small social groups tend to have a couple of males - or even just one, and then large numbers of females. It's a practical thing really - one male can impregnate multiple females, but if you have one woman and several men that's still only one litter of kids. A group which tends to fewer men and more women (and hence tends towards each man having more sex than each woman) is going to have the advantage over a group with more men and fewer women because they'll grow faster.

And then humans advanced hugely and radically changed the way we live in a matter of thousands of years, meaning that evolution has a fair bit of catching up to do.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
VeneratedWulfen93 said:
Chicago Ted said:
VeneratedWulfen93 said:
I could give zero fucks. I was crazy into girls when I was 14 but then I just realised "Whats the point? Why am I chasing after these shallow creatures?"
So I'll probably stay a virgin for at least another year (I have a bet with friends that I can turn 20 and still have it. The pots up to £30 now) but even then I'll be not chasing after it. Call me sad but I prefer my games, my 40k miniatures and a good laugh with mates to female company. Sure I can talk to them but if I'm not drunk then I just give them cold indifferance most of the time.

People can point how how sad or how I'm missing out all they want but my life is mine. I don't want to share it with anyone.
I will not call you sad for preferring to play games and hang out with friends. No, I instead see you as that for harbouring such warped misogynistic view point.

To refer to females as "shallow creatures" is perhaps one of the most disgusting things I've seen when reading over most of this thread. Just because they are of another gender, does not make them inherently bad. I'm going to lay on one earth shattering thought for you now in the idea that "Women are people too". There are a good number of them that do not want to pursue you, or to have you pursue them, and who are instead more interested in hanging out, shooting the shit, or just being friends. Just because they're female, doesn't mean they don't enjoy a good game, or just sitting back and enjoying wasting the time away with good company. While all might not share the same interests as you, I can say that there are going to be just as many men who probably don't as well. To have such an aggressive stance against their general existence like that, is something that would make me as a person not want to associate with you. I feel like I have to drum out the most basic lessons taught to you in pre-school here that ?Everyone is a person?.

Seriously, you?re the one referring to them as shallow creatures, yet you sit there from your pedestal judging all as being not worth your time, and not even giving the decency of being polite to them. Do you not see the hypocrisy you create? I do hope you remain a virgin for as long as you keep these views, not out of spite for you, but because I have far more pity for the girl who would wake up beside you, and sees your true colours.

As for an OT view, I do not shame other males for their virginity, UNLESS they speak of sex frequently, but never seem to pursue it themselves. To give context, in one of my social circles, we have one friend, who frequently talks about getting a girl, screwing, and other things similar, but when the time comes he never steps up. When he makes comments or questions on my sex life not being as active as some others (I?ll step aside to highlight that this is of choice, out of that group, I am the one with the lowest sex drive), I?ll follow up by ragging on him for still being a virgin. That I feel though is more due to the fact that he?s the one opening up the box, and trying to tease about it in the first place, so he opens himself up for it.
I know full well they are people however, in my experience, I havn't had a worthwhile conversation with a woman ever. During my early teens I had alot of conversations but they were just bullshit and meaningless.

I guess I just don't get on with girls that well. Theres like 3 girls in my college class who i'll occasionally so hello to and I work with a girl who won't shut her mouth about her science course. They never talk about anything interesting ever.

To be honest I came very close once but I couldn't go through with it because it was my friends sister.

Anyway, I don't walk around the place giving every woman a horrible look or swerving to avoid them in the street. Cold indifferance. I'll answer if they talk to me but not say anything beyond that. I don't often openly rage about them, I mostly just...ignore them.
For the record, you need to talk to more women. Not to date them or whatever, but just to know the other half of your species AT ALL, it would seem.

Women are in all seriousness just as different from each other as men are.
Hell, the differences between men and women, aside from the obvious physical differences, is almost COMPLETELY nonexistent on a fundamental level. If not for stereotypes modifying men and women to behave differently, I'm pretty damn sure we'd both behave the same.
If you can't find an interesting, compelling, friendly, down to earth, woman to talk to or be friends with, that's JUST because you haven't talked to the right ones, the same way that if you went and talked to 90% of guys you wouldn't want to be friends with them either.

For example, my "twin", being the person I know who happens to think and act EXACTLY like me, to the point that I refer to them as "alternate reality me", is Emily, a hot Swedezuelan (half Swedish, half Venezuelan) girl who's a couple years younger than me.
Just behind Emily in being JUST like me, are 3 more women, 1 guy, and my brother.

Until July of last year, I had a pretty damn huge group of friends, and they were mostly guys. I eventually got so fed up with their petty bullshit that I exiled basically all of them from my domain. You know who I kept from that group? One girl, because she was the only reasonable one.

The only person I personally know, who I genuinely admire, completely respect and trust, and whose wisdom I will follow over even my own? A girl a mere 17 days older than me.

As of right now, my collection of real friends consists of 5 guys and 5 girls.

For every dumb girl out there who won't shut her mouth about some stupid crape you don't care about there is a guy who won't shut the hell up about sports or cars, or whatever.
For every vapid, stereotypical, sorority girl/cheerleader out there, there's an equally vapid frat boy/bro.
For every chick that is obsessed with her classes or job, there is a dude equally obsessed with the same.
For every slutty barely dressed chick there is some douchbag guy with a popped collar.
For every intelligent guy there's an intelligent girl.
For every guy geeking out over comics, or video games, or whatever, there is a girl doing the same, or girls who would love to do the same if their society didn't make them feel somehow ashamed for wanting to do so.

That's part of the whole problem between guys and girls not seeing each other as people fully capable of sharing interests - there's still this big nebulous vague societal view that girls are somehow wrong for acting like guys or liking what guys like, even if that's completely natural to them. A lot of girls consciously or subconsciously shy away from stuff like that and just find something else to do.
As a result, it's a lot harder than it should be for men and women to realize that we're pretty much exactly the same, and "gamer girls" (I.e. girls who don't give a crap about stereotypes, and who will simply do whatever they like regardless of what anyone thinks) become like gorram magical unicorns to guys who think that they're a genuine rarity.

I guess I'm real fortunate to have a wider perspective in this stuff, since from 5th grade to 12th grade I had a group of guys and girls who stuck together through anything and everything and pretty much raised each other, in a cultural sense, so we sort of existed beyond any awareness or perception of stigmas. And that has lead those girls from our group to finding more girls of the same sort who THEY were friends with, and as a result I know them too. And it lead all of the guys from that group to approaching other women without the notion that they might not like the same stuff we do, and therefore an awful lot of women open up to us and feel comfortable being themselves around us, and as a result we have a pretty extensive group of men and women we KNOW from personal experience are just like us.
You'll occasionally see me reference the fact that I have several, close, ridiculously attractive, female friends, or that one of my best friends is also the hottest woman I've ever seen in real life.....this is why. They're all girls who we treat with the same assumptions as we treat guys, and they treat us as if we 're just like them. Some of them just happened to grow up to be smokin' hot.
We regularly discuss games, politics, history, books, movies, tv shows, work, school, personal lives, etc etc etc, just the same as I'd talk to another guy friend or as they would talk to another female friend.

When I see people on the Internet flipping out about some "gamer girl" or saying crap like how women are shallow creatures who they can't be bothered to deal with....it makes me sad. It also makes me occasionally wonder if maybe Houston is just some sort of bizarre secret paradise where all the good ladies occur, but then I cruise around the Internet some more and see that CLEARLY they're not all here, and my friends will travel around the country and almost effortlessly find women just like the ones we know, so it HAS TO be a matter of how you approach them. It's the only explanation that makes any sense.
Talk to women with a negative preconception of them, and they probably won't bother to waste the time dispelling your delusions.
Talk to women with a mind set towards treating them as you would want to be treated, and a lot of them may very well respond in kind, and suddenly you'll find women you can relate to and be friends with.
You know, this all REALLY just boils down to that ancient Golden Rule of treating people the way you want to be treated.
It's not rocket science, even though an awful lot of people seem to have it in their heads that it somehow IS.


New member
Jun 15, 2010
Pretty much everything that needed to be said on the issue has been said.

I've never had a relationship, much less even considered sexual activity of any kind in 23 years now and thankfully I haven't been on the receiving end of harassment or anything similar.

It's just the way society has developed over time, but I'll be damned if I let the opinions of others corrupt who I am. I make my own choices and this has been one of them.

At some potential time in the future I would like to be able to look a young woman in the eye and honestly say that I have waited for the right person and that I believe it to be her.

Is it sappy? Yes.

Do I care what others think about that? No.

And should it never come to pass then so be it! I won't let that stop me from living my life in a way that makes me comfortable and even proud of myself.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
Its an aggressive downward spiral for me. Due to mental illness the pursuit of females was put on ice rather than going out and fucking anything with legs (much like a lot of my peers). I'm now 29 with little to no sexual experience. Ive developed a complex where I avoid sex like the plague. I figure that at my age I should be a stallion in bed.


New member
Nov 29, 2008
I only want to be "friends" with men & no one likes being flirted with by people they're not attracted to, so there's something mildly threatening about heterosexual males, even if they do make much better friends than women. I used to just avoid wearing makeup around them & dress in a slovenly unflattering manner when I had guyfriends over for gaming, but the better solution was to just gain weight.


New member
Jan 29, 2009
Part of it is most men expect that all other men consider sex as a number one priority in their life, so if you have not had sex, then you are a loser at life basically.

There is certainly nothing wrong with waiting, or even not really being that sexually active/having a high sex drive, but it is not considered the norm. Even though I certainly never thought about sex every 20 seconds or something like that (What they say most guys do subconciously) and I didn't think of women as sexual objects (I did get crushes on them and was attracted to them though), I still had sex by the age of 19....because I was just freaking curious about what everyone was talking about.

So yeah, if you don't have sex as a guy, many other guys will think something is "wrong" with you. There isn't of course, but the general male population of 18-30 year olds seem to generally feel that way.

For what it's worth, I had sex with a girl I had just met at 19. I didn't know her at all, so felt comfortable going up to her and telling her I thought she was hot, and asking if she wanted to have sex. I was quite shocked that it worked, but eventually I regretted sleeping with someone I had no connection to, and didn't even really know....for my first time. I didn't have sex again for years after that...and never again with someone I had just met.

Personally I'd suggest waiting for someone you do care about and have more invested with...first, both for men and women. I would say it's a bit more risky for a woman though since some men are really bad in bed....and while that isn't a deal breaker for a relationship for many.....never having a hot sexual relationship because you spent a year+ building a relationship with someone first...and then found out you have no sexual chemistry (or that he lasts only a few minutes etc) isn't great. That can be worked on of course.....but the woman would need to know that (one of them would at least) before any improvements could happen.

I wasted most of my 20's without having sex, or anything more then friendships with the opposite sex (and only a few of those...most of my friends were guys). It's easy to look back now and say "what was I thinking" especially since so many of the girls I knew were sending me signals (one even asked to sit on my lap when we were driving somewhere and I was clueless she was interested in me....I was that dumb!).

If I could give any advice to younger men, it's that there are people out there who will find you attractive...no matter what you look like and what your interests are. Just take care of yourself (grooming etc) and be honest about what you like/who you are etc, and you will find someone who finds that interesting. Try and enjoy yourself/have fun as that is generally attractive to everyone.


Dib dib dib, dob dob dob.
May 25, 2009
Bat Vader said:
I am 25 years old and I am still a virgin. Personally, I don't care if people make fun of me for being a virgin. Their immaturity will just end up hurting them later in life. I plan on staying a virgin too. I will never trust anyone enough to get that close to someone. Plus, I don't want kids and remaining a virgin makes that goal 100% achievable.
You sir, shall be a powerful wizard indeed.

OT: Not meaning to repeat what almost everybody has already said, but yeah, society has a thing for glorifying sex and us darned adolescents must use it as a measuring stick to how awesome we are. (Not specifically any one of you in this thread but my idiotic generation as a whole)