Im not a noob...Im just better than you =)


New member
Sep 15, 2009
generaly people who call other people noobs are noobs themselves.Also i sometimes get called a hacker where playing games and i find this amusing because i once played a game with 2 hackers on the same side and my team still won because all the hackers had really bad aiming


New member
May 17, 2008
All MW2 weapons are easy to use and even master. At the end of the day, it's a decent team-based/objective focus game. Some people can't get over the fact that THEY couldn't win against YOU. That's all there is to it, they don't see the greater picture of doing their part for the team to win rather than their part to satisfy their ego.

I was in a game yesterday with a certain angry young man calling other people "fag" for killing him, not because of the gun used, the style through which he was killed, but simply because he got killed.

He spent the entire game, whining.

Energy he could have well spent playing and having fun.


New member
Sep 18, 2009
The guy was probably just pissed that he sucked and missed a knife from close range and got owned

EDIT: also is it just me or does this happen less on PSN? Also try the mute feature it helps :)


New member
May 22, 2009
If somebody calls me a noob when I kill them I just say:

"If I'm a noob and I just killed you, what does that make you?"

Got one dude to ragequit by saying that on my 2-week indulgence in the CoD series.


New member
Jul 24, 2009
Honestly why would this piss you off? It only shows how the other person is trying to make up for his inadequacy in a video game. I love pissing people off like that, only I don't use a g18, I use real noob guns.

The Hairminator

How about no?
Mar 17, 2009
Just see it as successful psychological warfare, and that his anger will destroy his gameplay, humiliating him even more.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
HA, you wouldn't have liked Gears of War then. Everyone HATED the Lancer (The Games figurehead weapon) All it was was a machine gun with a Chainsaw. People disliked the chainsaw because it had a little void around it that would suck you in. Thing is this "void" was only about 2ft away from the person. With guns you'd think this would be easy to not be around right? Wrong. The favorite weapon among the "Leet" was the shotgun. I was constantly called a noob, kicked from games, and berated for using one simple gun. I tried explaining how a gun that one shots people is way more nubby then something that has to use it's entire clip, but no. I WAS WRONG. Then came Gears 2 when they toned down the shotgun. I had wonderful laughs and giggles as people got PISSED. Apparently "WE MADE GEARS WITH HE SHOTGUN, NOT THE NUBCER". People started petitions to give the shotgun back it's power.

TL:DR Version: IF anyone is killed with anything, even a rabbit that took 100 hits for you to take him down, your using the nub weapon, end of story.


Probably your average communist.
Oct 4, 2008
DuplicateValue said:
Well, hmm........but....

Okay, maybe I should have specified online GAMES. :D

Its all a game..

Nothing is real..

Its all a lie o.o

*rolls in corner*


New member
Aug 13, 2009
DuplicateValue said:
TheNamlessGuy said:
DuplicateValue said:
I've said this before: DON'T LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE ONLINE.
That means I shouldn't listen to you, which means I should listen to you, which means... God Dammit!

[sub]Why, yes, I do enjoy being an ass sometimes[/sub]
Well, hmm........but....

Okay, maybe I should have specified online GAMES. :D
But think....aren't we all merely players in this game.......of life?


New member
Mar 29, 2009
DuplicateValue said:
I've said this before: DON'T LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE ONLINE.

Seriously, you'll be a much happier man.
I got really happy when I heard a guy shouting "Fucking jews" Whenever he got killed on Uncharted 2.

No I am not a nazi.


[small]Please don't kill me[/small]


I'm stuck because demonic spider
Sep 29, 2009
On my xbox, I have all other people set to mute.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Oh, I love this. People play wargames online and have the audacity to complain about how they're killed. This is WAR, people. In case you haven't noticed, most people in war don't care how they kill the other guy. If you have a tank, you run over people while firing at far-off targets and mow down anyone with anti-tank weapons using the machine gun. If you're given the such-and-so weapons, but you pick weapons off the dead to conserve your own ammo, so be it. If you have a grenade and you feel it would be easier to blow someone up than charge him, you do it. Nobody cares about 'noobs' in war. It's only a matter of who is dead and who is alive.

Space Spoons

New member
Aug 21, 2008
If you're being called a noob when you're winning, it's usually less an accusation of you knowing nothing about the game and more a catch-all insult. I doubt they're thinking much about how you beat them; they just want to call you something nasty because you killed them, and for most gamers, "noob" is a pretty weighty insult.

I don't play FPS games well enough that I draw such insults, but I get that kind of thing all the time in Street Fighter. I love getting hate messages after mopping the floor with yet another Flowchart Ken. It means I'm improving.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
People just suck, and doesn't really care what a word means. you can be the Pwn-sauce of teh match killing everything in your path, this'll lead to teh actual n00bs beeing annoyed, cause they'r ebeeing pwned and theyr brain can't really handle thinking when their face is red with anger so they'll use random aggravated language.

Even though the only thing you've shown about yourself is that you pwn at the game. But they'll start assumign you're a n00b, and most likely that you have no life, and you sleep with men and are retarded. (lol nolife n00b-fag, l2p retard)

A lot of people suck like that.


New member
Feb 21, 2009
LoneFullmetal said:
Cpt_Oblivious said:
Being called a noob is general praise. The highest form of praise in an Online FPS is being accused of hacking.
Well, that explains a lot.

I'm not so pissed about being accused of hacking anymore =D
**remember the accusation has to be false.

I was once especially proud of my ability to be called hacker in a certain game at least every other match, even though i'd only do about 3:1, and was just using an uncommon weapon setup +good strafe


New member
Aug 3, 2009
TheNamlessGuy said:
No, I don't plat FPSs.
Mainly to have things like this not happening.

And there isn't anything like a 'noob-gun', just more normal guns, cheaper guns, easier guns.
It really depends on the game
yes as in most games the items(in this case guns) are designed with pros and cons. if u can use the pros for that gun better then other guns its just u as a player. unless the game developers designed it as "The god gun". then its not u but in fact the gun.


New member
Dec 12, 2007
I just mute anyone who uses a mic. The G18 isn't a great gun, neither is the FAL so I don't know why he's saying that. It's not even like you had it in Akimbo.

If someone runs to knife you and you have already seen them then they should expect to fail most of the time. The one place where you can pull it off is with last stand when you take a second attempt from the ground.