Azaraxzealot said:
Ultratwinkie said:
want a PC? build it yourself.
okay, this is really stupid... why should i have to build something in order to enjoy it? whenever i buy something, i want it pre-built so i can use it right away.
having to assemble something so i can use it is just asinine. its why playing a console is simply more straightforward. you dont have to spend hours upon hours and no more than 600 dollars just to have a console and a couple of good games.
whereas on the PC i have to spend more then 600 dollars just to get it to run properly? seriously, that's why the future is not really in PC gaming, it's only just on par with console gaming.
Your logic perplexes me.
I understand that you enjoy having things that work perfectly right out of the box (who could blame you?), but part of the joy of having a PC is assembling one yourself. I have a great time picking out all the separate parts and putting them together, piece by piece. Turning a new setup on for the first time is an enthralling experience, partly because I know I saved a substantial amount of money, but also because I know that I built it.
And yes, PC gaming is more expensive than console gaming, we all know that. However, the fact that it's more expensive does not prohibit it from being important to the future of gaming and while there are multiple reasons for this, one of the most glaring is that all consoles are static pieces of hardware.
A good console will last anywhere from 6-10 years as a lifetime (hello PS2), and during that time you'll see a large variety of games, as you would with any system. The problem with consoles is that, since the hardware can't be updated to more powerful components, the majority of boundary-pushing technological development is grossly stunted, almost to the point of hitting a standstill. Now, that's not to say that console games are visually unappealing (you need only look at Ratchet and Clank, Mass Effect or Uncharted 2 to prove it), but it does limit the development of technology.
Another "problem" with consoles is one that Mr. Levine touched on, and it's that developing for PC will always be easier than it is for a console. Look at Minecraft for example. Developed by one person, and he's made MILLIONS on it. There's absolutely no way you could achieve that kind of result on the console, and that's the reason why PC has been a haven for independent developers, especially over the recent years.
PC will always drive us forward in ways that consoles never can.