"Kill Castro" Mission Leads to Black Ops Boycott Call


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Lord_Beric said:
Just because you can name parts of the game that you believe are in even poorer taste than what we've named, doesn't make our objections invalid. If anything, you're just listing more reasons not to buy the game.
I'm just saying it makes you look really stupid to get worked up over Castro when there are far worse things going on. It's like that teenager who got into the news protesting the Dog Killing World of War, completely ignoring the fact you kill hundreds of people, some of whom are trying to surrender. Hell, your boss is urging you to burn german soldiers to death at one point, despite them having given up. Who gives two shits about the dogs?


This Title is Ironic
May 17, 2009
Death_Korps_Kommissar said:
Though I disagree with taking the game of the shelves, that's censorship.
But seriously that whole game is just the American's jerking off on our face.
All throughout the story it's just them demonising Russia and communique for shit they've done to an even worse degree!
For example: [sarcasm]
Oh noes the Vietcong are shooting civies?=o we've never done that
The Russians hired Nazis who did horrific things to other humans?=O We didn't do that...
The Russians tested weapons an other crazy shit on their own people?=O we never did that

Yeah I agree completely. The Cuban mission almost made me quit the campaign then and there. It's picking up now that I broke out of the Russian prison, but it was so bad before.

While this "grassroots movement" sounds like the same incredibly lame SOCIAL JUSTICE club I had in my high school, I can see where they're coming from.

Fidel Castro is not the bad guy. He gained power through a successful revolution of the Cuban people against an American-installed dictator. Now Cuba has free health care, free education, and could pretty much be an island paradise. Except for one problem. The American embargo on Cuba crippled it's economy. It's not communism's fault that there are malnourished people, or that the country is relatively poor. It's America's.

Cuba has a memorial, a group of black flags, to commemorate all of the Cuban lives that have been lost due to American terrorist attacks.

I felt like a royal asshole during the opening mission. You're playing one of the CIA goons who was in the Bay of Pigs assassination, America's attempt to put another puppet dictator in Fidel's place. One of its terrorist acts against Cuba.

You start the Cuban mission in a bar and end up slaughtering masses of police officers. You end up at Fidel's house, shoot your way through his bodyguards, ruin his house, and then eventually find what looks to be him in his room.

Treyarch felt the need to make Fidel into a Mickey Mouse villain. His double takes what appears to be his wife at gunpoint and shoots at you. You shoot him in the face, the woman pulls out a gun, and your squadmate kills her. He remarks something along the lines of, "His followers are fanatic in their devotion." Really, Treyarch? That's the biggest, most bullshit line I've ever heard in a video game. The ass hat proceeds to shoot up Fake Fidel's body. You then get captured and see Fidel's snickering, smoking a cigar, and twirling his moustache before blacking out.

This game just managed to condense most of the reasons people hate America into one mission.

If someone made a game where you start in a bar, then pull out an assault rifle and shoot your way through masses of police officers until you reach John F Kennedy, then proceed to shoot him up in his car, I'm sure people would react differently.

I'm not a communist. On the contrary; I think it's usually a bad system. But it has worked for Cuba. I've been there. Not many people that constantly say that Cuba is a hell hole can say that, since they're usually fat, suburban, American ignoramuses.

The only thing holding Cuba back and harming it's citizens is the great ol' U S and A with it's lovely trade embargo and terrorist policies against the country. This mission in the game glorified this terrorism and it really hit a nerve with me.


New member
Aug 20, 2010
Its funny when parents buy their kids games that are clearly marked 17+ then pitch a fit when there's objectionable content in it.

Sn1P3r M98

New member
May 30, 2010
TheRightToArmBears said:
A) Who the fuck are these morons?
It's not even Castro! Fucking doubles!
That spoiler's there for a reason.
I know! No one even plays the game before they criticize it!

Fucking idiots. Seriously, pornography? Pathetic!


New member
Apr 28, 2010
I'm boycotting Schindler's List because it has Nazis in it and I don't want my children to be corrupted by that one thing that was taken out of context and will never be artistically significant to anyone ever for any reason and doesn't have some kind of guideline detailing who can or cannot experience it based upon the age of the person experiencing it and the content of the movie.... oh wait... IT FUCKING DOES! If a game is rated M stop neglecting your children long enough to tell them they can't have it, and you can't say something is obscene or lacks artistic value because those 2 things are almost as subjective as what constitutes good or evil..... you jackasses.


New member
Nov 4, 2009
Wait, you mean a Call of Duty game has *gasp* controversy? HOW CAN THIS BE?!?!?!/1

Yeah, not shocked in the least. Activision gets off to this shit, as it's free publicity, and I'm not surprised that they didn't have the first level you burning down a village of Vietnamese children and then violently raping all of them while shooting their parents. They're probably saving that for the sequel, come to think about it...

Blackjack 222

New member
Dec 2, 2009
1. I hate gaming now. Its all about who can make the biggest noise over controversy.
2. Parents...





New member
Oct 31, 2010
Erm, I'm from Britain and I want to know two things:

1) Wh the hell are those retards accusing CoDBlOps of Pornography.


2) Why should I care?


New member
Apr 28, 2009
Desert Tiger said:
HuntrRose said:
runedeadthA said:
KaosuHamoni said:
It's not even fucking Castro. Its a decoy. -.-

OT: So what. Its a fucking video game. Get over it.

- Edit -

Onyx Oblivion said:
What would happen if the public discovered some of the shit that goes down in Shin Megami Tensei?


And for the last time, it's not meant for children. DO YOUR FUCKING JOB AS A PARENT!
I second that motion...

[sub]On the ocean...

[sub][sub]Do the Ocean Motion...[/sub][/sub][/sub]
Its hilarious that they act all high and mighty about these mainstream games N stuff when they have NO IDEA how bad other things can be, compared to Certain-Things-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named Black ops is positively Tame.

Besides if they're trying to turn me against Castro, they're doing a bad job. he may be a Dangerous Dictator, but the guy has Style.
If by Dangerous Dictator you mean Person-Who-Wanted-The-Best-For-His-Country-And-Not-US-Companies, then I agree. He was actually not even a communist, untill the US blocked forced Cuba to do buisness with the USSR. The USSR made certain demands, and here we are...
You know he was trying to persuade Russia to nuke America, right? Then there was the whole Cuba Missile Crisis thing...

But to be honest, especially when it comes to Latin America, leaders are always in the grey area. Even El Che, a celebrated freedom fighter and one of the most influential revolutionaries of the 20th century was known to execute his own soldiers personally if they retreated.

Case in point - Castro may have done some very good things, but he did some extremely bad things to do them.
Have you really read up on Cold War history? The cuban missile crisis came because USSR wanted to place medium range ballistic nuclear missiles on cuba in reponse to the US deployment of similar missiles in West Germany.

The US got scared because the USSR was deploying missiles within range of the US when they already had missiles in range of the USSR. It's like slapping someone in the face then threatning to blow up a kindergarten when they wanna slap you back for it.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
I love how they describe it as realistic, seeing as CoD is actually a very unrealistic game.


New member
Oct 11, 2009
How is this noteworthy? Castro is offended by a mission where you have to kill him? That seems obvious.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
lol, for one stop buying it for your underaged kids who for sure can't afford a copy themselves. And seriously, it was funny the first time someone complains about a game but now, it's getting older than the cake being a lie.

Also, feel free to get your kids into drugs and alcohol instead - it's what a good parent would do.


New member
Aug 1, 2009
Onyx Oblivion said:
So very true, a lot of parents these days seem to blame everyone but themselves for their kid's behaviour.

OP: A few things:

1.Alliance for Global Justice? Sounds like a Justice league rip off.

2. If you claim the COD is pornography your are either an idiot or have a really weird fetish

[sub]mmmm napalm......[/sub]


New member
Oct 6, 2010
Onyx Oblivion said:
What would happen if the public discovered some of the shit that goes down in Shin Megami Tensei?


CoD:BO is a RPG now, it seems. When do you "level up" in Black Ops, exactly?

And for the last time, it's not meant for children.

well there are those multiplayer unlocks. mate of mine pointed out to me the irony of the generation of gamers that are killing off rpgs creating classes, choosing skills and leveling up.

but seriously how is this different than any of the many movies featuring assasination?


New member
Aug 6, 2010
I wasn't even surprised by the mission to kill Castro; its practically been the dream of most Americans for a very long time now.

You don't actually kill Castro, just a double (oops, spoiler alert? ?), so that slightly lessens the insult, but it makes sense why they would be offended.

AstylahAthrys said:
Also, it's Castro. It's not like he's a saint or anything. Also, he wasn't actually assassinated, so it's not THAT big of a deal. Controversial? Yes, it is, maybe it's borderline tasteless, but it's not like it's JFK.
This point has probably been argued already (I don't feel like going through 11 pages of thread to see), I really fucking hope it has.
At base value, there is almost no difference between killing Castro, and killing JFK.
The only differences I can come up with are:
Castro is alive, JFK is dead.
Castro is hated by most Americans, JFK is not.

So, it isn't borderline tasteless, it is downright offensive. Just because you are not offended, doesn't make it less so.