IT ADDS ATMOSPHERE D:CloggedDonkey said:Wait, you mean a Call of Duty game has *gasp* controversy? HOW CAN THIS BE?!?!?!/1
Yeah, not shocked in the least. Activision gets off to this shit, as it's free publicity, and I'm not surprised that they didn't have the first level you burning down a village of Vietnamese children and then violently raping all of them while shooting their parents. They're probably saving that for the sequel, come to think about it...
Actually, they were in Turkey and Italy, not West Germany.HuntrRose said:Have you really read up on Cold War history? The cuban missile crisis came because USSR wanted to place medium range ballistic nuclear missiles on cuba in reponse to the US deployment of similar missiles in West Germany.Desert Tiger said:You know he was trying to persuade Russia to nuke America, right? Then there was the whole Cuba Missile Crisis thing...HuntrRose said:If by Dangerous Dictator you mean Person-Who-Wanted-The-Best-For-His-Country-And-Not-US-Companies, then I agree. He was actually not even a communist, untill the US blocked forced Cuba to do buisness with the USSR. The USSR made certain demands, and here we are...runedeadthA said:Its hilarious that they act all high and mighty about these mainstream games N stuff when they have NO IDEA how bad other things can be, compared to Certain-Things-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named Black ops is positively Tame.KaosuHamoni said:It's not even fucking Castro. Its a decoy. -.-
OT: So what. Its a fucking video game. Get over it.
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I second that motion...Onyx Oblivion said:What would happen if the public discovered some of the shit that goes down in Shin Megami Tensei?
And for the last time, it's not meant for children. DO YOUR FUCKING JOB AS A PARENT!
[sub]On the ocean...
[sub][sub]Do the Ocean Motion...[/sub][/sub][/sub]
Besides if they're trying to turn me against Castro, they're doing a bad job. he may be a Dangerous Dictator, but the guy has Style.
But to be honest, especially when it comes to Latin America, leaders are always in the grey area. Even El Che, a celebrated freedom fighter and one of the most influential revolutionaries of the 20th century was known to execute his own soldiers personally if they retreated.
Case in point - Castro may have done some very good things, but he did some extremely bad things to do them.
The US got scared because the USSR was deploying missiles within range of the US when they already had missiles in range of the USSR. It's like slapping someone in the face then threatning to blow up a kindergarten when they wanna slap you back for it.
Multiplayer content. You gain experiance, level up, and get gold to buy new equipment. Unlike a traditional RPG leveling does not improve your capabilities just expands your options (except in the case of perks, mind).Onyx Oblivion said:What would happen if the public discovered some of the shit that goes down in Shin Megami Tensei?
CoD:BO is a RPG now, it seems. When do you "level up" in Black Ops, exactly?
And for the last time, it's not meant for children.
Half Life - Scientist fighting AGAINST the US militaryHelmutye said:I think calling for a ban of this game is going too far--free speech and all that. Just because you disagree with something doesn't mean you should try to get the government to forcefully silence it. But I can definitely understand why a lot of people would be very upset and speak out against it. How fucked up would it be if somebody made a game where one of the things the player must do is assassinate YOU? The fact that the game is selling tons of copies only makes it creepier!
And keep in mind this is not just good clean fun, like assassinating Hitler--Hitler died long ago, and his own people were trying to kill him. He is almost universally reviled as a genocidal madman, even by the country he once ruled over, and you can argue that assassinating him might have averted the colossal bloodbath that was WWII. Fidel Castro is still alive, and the US tried hundreds of times to arrange his death or kill him directly. There are lots of people in the world who admire Castro as a man who stood up to the greedy and power hungry US and refused to be corrupted by its bribes, and if he had been assassinated it would have meant that the US would have been able to exert unchallenged and absolute control over the entire western hemisphere.
Those of us who live in the US like to think that we are the ragtag, freedom loving people who stand up against the Evil Empire. But we need to realize that, to the rest of the world, we kind of ARE the Evil Empire. Imagine if the Soviets had had video games and they made one where the player assassinates the leader of West Germany--I bet that is how a lot of people in the world see this game. And think how bent out of shape we would have gotten if another country released a highly successful and highly profitable game where the player assassinates President Bush?
Personally, I think a lot of these war games are very creepy. They seem like a very powerful and insidious form of propaganda to me. Some of you out there may make fun of people who get outraged and upset about this sort of violence, but you would do well to take an honest look at yourselves and make sure you aren't actually being brainwashed by games where you play as Ideal American Hero #347 and bravely fight to ensure the victory and dominance of America over its enemies.
Helmutye said:I think calling for a ban of this game is going too far--free speech and all that. Just because you disagree with something doesn't mean you should try to get the government to forcefully silence it. But I can definitely understand why a lot of people would be very upset and speak out against it. How fucked up would it be if somebody made a game where one of the things the player must do is assassinate YOU? The fact that the game is selling tons of copies only makes it creepier!