Lillowh said:
For those outside the U.S. that don't understand that our constitution is pretty much the single most important thing in our country and don't think that this law isn't a big deal and won't cripple the industry and won't remove Video Games' rights, it is and will. Restricting the sale of video games to minors is what this law will allow people to do because the law is contesting the First Amendment rights of Freedom of Speech and Expression by making it restricted. The knee-jerk reactionaries will see to it that it goes much farther than this because this will give power to the states to decide legislation on video games making it hard to determine which states will find this appropriate if any at all, and this means that Mature or even Teen rated games will most likely stop being made because the state governments will decide what is "violent" or "obscene". Plus the U.S. is basically the biggest market for Video games and is also home and prime market for some of the biggest and/or best companies and publishers [Bioware, Bilzzard, Epic, Bungie, Rockstar, Take 2, valve, the list goes on...] and they make games primarily intended for the U.S. Market. If we restrict this medium in any way that takes away it's it's rights, people will go even further than just restricting sale of video games to minors, most likely going to such extremes as to end the medium due to lobbyists and special interest groups having a lot of power over legislatures. Interest gropus who want to "protect" their children or come from other industries (Parents Television Council and from the Film industry).
People comparing this to the rating system in your country being legally binding and that it's just fine if we get one too, it's not because of the difference in our societies. The U.S. is full of lazy parents who don't want to accept responsibility for their child because they, like many people don't have the maturity level because they party most of their time before they get married and don't have enough responsibility to watch their kids so they want the government to do it for them. Look at the general public we have here. There is NO reason Jersey Shore should be on TV at all, yet it's a high rated show and most of America loves it. Most people in America are the same kinds of idiots you see on that show, but they're too stupid too admit it and will deny being anything like them. These people are the ones who become irresponsible parents (which is most people) who blame that industries are responsible for their kids seeing violent or "offensive" media on TV or Video Games because they're too lazy or too stupid to put Child Blocks on their TV or Game System, don't realize that the Mature on the box means not for your 10 year old, and just leave their kids to watch TV or Video Games so they don't have to be responsible for them. The only reason this law is happening is because these stupid people are too irresponsible to even take 30 friggin seconds to check in on what their kids do.
I'm sorry this wall of text is so long it's just so frustrating to me how my Country's general population is THIS damn stupid, ignorant, and irresponsible. I'm only 18 and I'm more mature than most people under 40 in the U.S. To me, that's scarier than any terrorists or WMD's.
I think this comment is impressive, well thought out, and I couldn't agree more with it. Sadly, it's true. All of it. I wish I could say you were crazy, or that you didn't know what you are talking about, but I can't. It's hard to admit that a majority of our countries populace are ill-educated and irresponsible, especially when it comes to something like parenting. The U.S. is full of 'babies-having-babies' (as my Father used to say), who want their families taken care of. Spoon-fed by the government so then they always have a chance to blame someone else. They don't want to admit blame to something that could be easily remedied with a bit of good parenting or just moderately okay parenting, and that is,..amazingly sad. They'll go along with anything as long as it means they are not at fault.
My parents always had an eye on me. They always knew what I was doing where mass media was concerned. Whether it was on the internet, television, or the books I read (books were always the preferred entertainment source for my parents). I did not start playing real video games and making my own real media decisions until I was well into my teens, and moved out of my Father's house at an early age with a job and my own way.
At first, I was upset at my parents for their sheltering and never minding their own business, since I was treated with a sort of unnecessary pity for my naivety when I was out and making life decisions among people who called themselves, 'responsible adults'. Now, of course, I realize my parents were just doing what was right by me and their job as parents. I sincerely appreciate their efforts, and wouldn't have had it any other way.
If I could actually have children (or even liked children enough to have them), I would be confident now in my abilities as a parent because my parents cared enough to show some responsibility and to understand that they were to blame for the decisions they made with their own children, whether right or wrong. I wish I could say the same for a majority of others who keep pumping out units.
That these laws and 'knee-jerk reactions', are a band-aid over a cut that will only continue to fester and infect until it's properly cleaned and cared for by someone who is knowledgeable enough to properly take the time and look at both sides of the spectrum before making a decision. That will not be happening anytime soon, I fear.
I think more then just the (sexy) eyes of Escapist forums should see your post. =)