I wouldn't mind this... I always liked the idea of 1 highly compatible and easily used "system" that could incorporate all of my daily PC activities like games, websites, forums, voice chats and IM. Being able to do so in a bright and fun looking environment (or being able to customize it to look completely different, if you so wanted)would be great I think.
If they actually get this properly implemented and it becomes what it looks like, a more developed version of what Steam currently is, I'll definitely start using it. Sure this is not the most masculine video ever seen, but how insecure are you? Some comments in this thread seem to judge the software based on the apparent misspelling of "pwned", and that' just silly...
The little insight we get into the workings of this don't seem half bad, and no one ever said you HAD to play FarmVille or buy online clothes with this thing, I sure won't. I do like the idea of an easy-to-use overlay for the daily rutines, while preserving the accessability that Windows currently has.
Give it to meh Microsoft...
darkcommanderq said:
It was fine until the guy misspelled pwn3d. Even Pwned would have been acceptable, but POwned? WTF IS THAT SHIT!
microsoft! Hey you! Do you really want to coincide the entire PC market to steam?
I rest my case...