lets collectively lol @ these "I need feminism because..." pics


New member
Dec 29, 2009
hey i wanna play!

i need feminism because republicans spent the better part of last year attacking womens reproductive rights

i need feminism because republicans continue to try and make abortion illegal

i need feminism because, working in construction, my male co-workers all treat me like a fragile child incapable of handling any physical labor or crude humor

haha god feminism is so stupid! lets just get rid of it because as we all know, once a group has achieved acceptance and is mostly equal, it will stay that way forever

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
Ummmmmm, surely I'm not the only one in 3 pages of comments to notice that most, if not all, of the pics in the OP are fake...right?


New member
Oct 15, 2011
A lot of those pictures are quite /facepalm worthy that have nothing to do with feminism or genders, and yet here we are with World Gender War 3 as people get up in arms about imaginery threats.


New member
Oct 15, 2011
00slash00 said:
hey i wanna play!

i need feminism because republicans spent the better part of last year attacking womens reproductive rights

i need feminism because republicans continue to try and make abortion illegal

i need feminism because, working in construction, my male co-workers all treat me like a fragile child incapable of handling any physical labor or crude humor

haha god feminism is so stupid! lets just get rid of it because as we all know, once a group has achieved acceptance and is mostly equal, it will stay that way forever
Honestly as someone who used to work in construction as a young lad, im surprised they act that WELL around you. If it makes you feel any better, they treated me the same way (as a guy) when I first started because I was just a teenager. And yea, guys are expected to do the literal heavy lifting in a workplace (and no, its not to feel macho. many just feel obligated to do so). Sexist, yes, but unfortunately it is ingrained and perpetrated by both sexes on a regular basis. Only way to get around that is to prove that you can handle it im afraid.

That goes to the crude humor as well, they are probably afraid that they will offend you and cause a sexism shitstorm so they treat you with kid's gloves to avoid any potential problems. Although you might have to make the first crude joke just to show them its okay. Cant really blame them for not including you in the crude humor when it is very common for people to get fired that way.


New member
Dec 29, 2009
FelixG said:
00slash00 said:
i need feminism because, working in construction, my male co-workers all treat me like a fragile child incapable of handling any physical labor or crude humor
This one is womens own fault, its a roll of the dice if you tell a crude joke if a woman will report you to the supervisors and get your ass in a sling or if she will laugh along with the rest of you. Its just better to avoid the ass in the sling option and exclude women-folk all together from most folks perspective.

Plus in my time working at Target and Albertsons (fuck retail ~.~) whenever something heavy was to be moved who do you think they call? Yep. Cant say about your working in construction, but you would likely be the exception not the rule.
except i make crude jokes myself and besides, there are some guys there who dont treat me like a child and arent afraid to make jokes which i either laugh at or have no reaction to (depending on whether or not i actually found them funny). the majority of the guys just seem to have this idea that they must always remain proper in the presence of a woman, which is annoying. nothing about me screams "proper lady." also, you dont work in construction if you cant handle physical labor. i cant speak for your last jobs in which the women would make guys grab heavy shit because they werent strong enough (or maybe were just too lazy) but physical labor is literally 100% of my job


New member
Aug 30, 2011
1. That's a problem with you, not society. I assume you don't go around asking what people think of it.

2. And I have come into contact with things named after women. Besides, without knowing what university that is, my instinct is that the man it was named after probably founded the university or did something great. If it was a woman, maybe it would be named after her. This is probably the easiest one for me to consider stupid. Then again, I'm the sort of person who prefers to say 'mankind' because it has two syllables rather than three.

3. So you're complaining not only at a lack of objectification, but at a lack of indecent behaviour towards females. That's like saying we need higher standards of living because I'm evidently too poor, having not been robbed. Also, it's spelt "harassment" (as opposed to harrasment), and once again, the problem is with you internalising society's views despite not knowing what people think of you. Looks like I lied, this is pretty stupid as well.

4. As far as I'm concerned, I wouldn't want anyone taking action on my behalf on something I don't realise I'm doing because I might not be doing it or at the very least don't understand the specifics, but I suppose that's just me. Don't know what he means by rape culture, so not going to comment much. Also it's spelt "feminism" (as opposed to fetminism).

5. Ok, fair point. Standards for what classifies as aesthetically pleasing do not accomodate armpit hair most times, and for other people to respond in a way that regards it immediately as a detraction (as opposed to a non-event), betrays those standards. But get some self-confidence while you're at it. [small]But if we're gonna talk about sexism, assuming you know what someone is going to think about someone else's armpit hair based on their gender...bit dubious?[/small]

6. Honestly, I don't think they even are patriarchal beauty standards. For a start, fat people, at a certain point, are just unsightly. Man or woman. And it is my belief that this is a sentiment shared by a lot of other people of both genders. I wouldn't call the girl pictured past that point, and I think being comfortable with your body, within what can reasonably be attributed to physiology, is a good thing that doesn't happen as much as it should. But the point I'm trying to make is, I don't know that many people who find model-thin people attractive. If anything it looks unhealthy, and personally, I think it's a beauty standard that is pushed by the fashion industry rather than by..."the patriarchy"...for business reasons.

7. I don't get it. Anyone can do a degree. Your gender studies degree IS as valid as anyone else's gender studies degree, as valid as that may be. Is she referring to the unfortunate situation of your opinion being dismissed sometimes because you are part of the benfiting side? For example, I am a white male, and as such my opinion on sexism and racism is occasionally ignored or rendered invalid because I am not on the receiving end. And there could be some merit to that, being that I'm probably biased in favour of myself. But as far as a degree is concerned, qualifications are qualifications. I assume you learn the same things as male students.

8. Don't even start thinking art should be restricted in what it can and can't depict. Secondly, both males and females feature, it's part of an interest in human anatomy and form. Unsurprisingly, you see more female nudes because there are more male artists. Whether female nudes are done as a study of anatomy, as a betterment of artistic skill, or because the artist was feeling a bit lusty, the point is not to create a character that responders care about, or a realistic person, the point is the body and its depiction. And ironically, I find nudes in art are often more accepting of different body types than most media.

Someone care to show me what a misogynistic pig I am?

Ryan Hughes

New member
Jul 10, 2012
whatever everyone. Look, if you don't think you need feminism, then take a short visit to a country without it. I'm not telling you to leave for good, just a two-week vacation to a country like China. If you have even the slightest moral sense, you will come back with a healthy respect for western feminism, and what is has accomplished for society.


New member
Sep 20, 2009
A few points...

1) in Renaissance art, "larger" women were considered the standard; and personally, the only ribs I want to see should be covered in BBQ sauce. However, having dealt with weight problems in the past, everyone should aspire to good health, being persecuted for "being fat" is a completely different animal

2) women's fashion and beauty standards are dictated, and often by men; but those men (and some women) happen to be the fashion designers responsible for stick figures wearing tissues and tiaras at catwalks in France

3) I am still a staunch advocate of women's rights, but I am no longer part of the "movement" or social clubs available on campus. Why? I got tired of certain members labeling me as "gay" or "in it to get sex," neither of which is true.

To be fair, many advocates are reasonable, smart, and considerate people. And honestly, many of us geeks over-react to such things, for fear of being made to look juvenile. It's the kind of buzzword journalism that outlets, such as Fox News, use to vilify us, after all.

However, this isn't the first time we've seen the loud, stupid minority bring a bad name to the cause; it happens to us gamers all the time.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Vault101 said:
there is a difference between being "fat" and being natually a little big, not everyone is or will ever acheive a stick thin model body, bodies come in different shapes and sizes
Of course there is a difference. The woman in the picture said "Fat". "Fat" implies a state of ill health. We don't need to go down the semantic rabbit hole to separate every possible degree of husky build and determine which are and aren't acceptable, we can assume we're both reasonable people here and don't think an extra 5-10 pounds makes you a leper. If you're FAT, you have a problem, regardless of your gender. That is all I am saying.

Vault101 said:
back in the day being a little "voluptuous" was actually pretty attractive, it ment you were well fed and possibly upper class (just take a look at all those classical paintings) same with being pale when now a tan is considered atractive (when its kind of unhalthy in some ways)
Well, "back in the day" sleeping with young boys was commonplace, too, and women couldn't vote or own property, and we were all up on that slave owning shit. We had a lot of crazy ideas "back in the day". "Fat" is not good for you, the opinions of classical painters notwithstanding. Neither is anorexia, naturally, we are not advocating for Skinny Nation here, we are simply advising people that being dramatically overweight should not be a point of pride any more so than another illness. We scoff at "bug chasers", and rightfully so. We should scoff at "fat" enthusiasts as well. It's just not healthy.

Dr. Cakey

New member
Feb 1, 2011
RJ 17 said:
Ummmmmm, surely I'm not the only one in 3 pages of comments to notice that most, if not all, of the pics in the OP are fake...right?
I thought that was the case, but I was wondering if I was falling victim to Poe's Law.

FelixG said:
This one is womens own fault, its a roll of the dice if you tell a crude joke if a woman will report you to the supervisors and get your ass in a sling or if she will laugh along with the rest of you.
They just need to level their charisma a bit. Then they can skip the harassment check and proceed directly to the humor roll.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
Oh sweet jesus. This thread could erupt into a war that'll make even those in the basement crap their pants.

Look, I'm just gonna say I support equality, not feminism as that word alone suggests that one gender should be considered superior to the other, which I don't believe in. However, if people who want equality want to call themselves feminists, go ahead, it won't make me angry unless we start getting this "all men are pigs" crap. For one, Beyonce alone fills the world's quota for people saying that, and for another, seriously? Screw you if you think that. Sexism is not solved by more sexism.

I will say that I don't like the use of the term "patriarchy" either. It always sounded to me like that suggested there was some big male conspiracy that everyone with a dick on the planet was in on, but maybe that's just me.


has tits and is on fire
Jan 8, 2009
Those are pretty amusing.
I like addressing each one individually so I'll do that.
1) Bold. I wouldn't call it "unmanly" to enjoy being fucked by a girl with a strap-on. Lots of other negative things, but not "unmanly". "Fucked up", "gross" and "kinky" all appear in my head WELL before "unmanly".
2) What? It's a fucking name!
3) Feminism can't help with you being batshit crazy enough to WANT to be sexually harassed. Deal with it.
4) What the fuck is "rape culture"? Is this about rape jokes? Because I make rape jokes. I also make jokes about fucking felching but nobody talks about a bloody felch culture... which is disappointing because that'd be hilarious.
5) Feminism can't help you with your friends being arseholes.
6) Chubby chasers exist. This view of men's sexuality as totally one dimensional is possibly more stupid than any sexism these ladies may have experienced. We aren't trying to enforce anything. Gay guys run the bloody fashion industry, don't listen to them about what men find sexy in a woman. I got really turned on recently when a girl said she didn't donate to charity, I thought "Cor, what a saucy *****." I think ***** was appropriate, she doesn't donate to charity.
7) Gender Studies IS a fucking joke. But so is fucking art history, social science and philosophy. And I LOVE philosophy.
8) I'm pretty sure you've heard of a male nude that is possibly the most FAMOUS nude ever. He shares my name funnily enough. Made by a dude named Michelangelo. Artists love ALL nudes. Because artists are a bit fucked up, and probably enjoy a bit of strap-on up the bum. Still can be considered manly though.


New member
Jan 24, 2013
Now im just your average joe "know little think a lot" which I'm fine with admitting because well that who I am and pretending to be smarter than I am wont really help
me any now will it, but having read them and most of the comments with what little I really know about feminism I can conclude that these are really really really really dumb
...................... points

I mean I don't really see why any of the are feminist problems even with the explanations and re- explanations they just seem to be non points for dragged up for the sake of adding them to a movement that is from what I can tell from hear is rapidly loosing its directions and is falling of the tracks

I certainly don't understand how he or I (As it seemed like a statement directed at men in general weather thats just my take on it or not) are indirectly effecting rape culture (A term I don't understand)
I mean does that mean Im a rapist simply because Im a man or because I like to have sex with my girlfriend
Because unless I have some sort of sleep induced second personality that likes to go buy the epithet "10 inch terry" and hits the clubs every night in a open shirt I really really don't think Im adding to it

But I do have one real question as a normal guy thats hasn't really experienced or talked much about feminism: Why do I need feminism ?

Open question because I would genuinely like to know and don't