sockpuppet said:
Not gonna lie, I lol'd at the 'noproofnoproofnoproof' quote. (Although it does feel strange to me; posting with and arguing against the editors and authors of this very site...just something that gave me a shiver for a moment ^_^
And that study is one that I hadn't heard of before, thanks for linking it.
Don't be intimidated ; me, if one day I push somebody's wrong button and get banned I hope it'll be because I dared say the truth .
John Funk said:
I just think that portraying Japan as an enlightened country where nothing is wrong ever is a horribly, horribly misguided aim, and that its "low rape rate" really shouldn't be used as evidence.
I'm sorry then that I slightly misunderstood you.
I am not portraying Japan as a superior country, I especially disapprove it's super rigid social structure and patriarchy.
I'm only putting the light on that particular side of their culture that is better .
reciprocal said:
First of all, there's a big article in the link below:
I read this,it is interesting.
reciprocal said:
There just isn't sufficient statistical evidence to show that these items have a negative impact on the Japanese people. At worst it has a neutral effect. There are so many other factors involved that may have a dramatic effect but I believe treating Rapelay as a scapegoat is delusional and almost criminal as it prevents the more pertinent factors to be addressed.
It's true we'd have to see Japan banning Hentai and wait to see how it's rape rates evolve to conclude on the cultural factors ; but it remains that there is no evidence of pornography having a negative impact on society at all.
Studies like this are real statistical evidence of this ; and that's what this is all about, showing how senseless censorship is.
Rapelay became sort of like a simbol by accident, it could have been some other game like it, It's after CNN made a scandal out of it that literally hundreds of american lawyers started harrassing japanese publishers. Then japanese pro-censorship organisations started receiving large amounts of money from american associations.
That said,I'd like to know what are the more pertinent factors you're thinking of.
toriver said:
Gah, please make paragraphs so I can unerstand you better !
I think I agree my a lot of what you say, but I have to repeat that I'mnot glorifying Japan.
Gamegodtre said:
personally i don't believe we should correlate real rape with this game. and it seems people have gotten off the issue at hand which is that even though there is other forms of this rape porn out there that this one is being targeted for no apparent reason.
No,I am discussing the issue, the mess around Rapelay is only one of the most visible sign of freedom of speech being endangered around the world.
If nothing is done against this trend the statue of David may one day be hidden away or destroyed.