Megan Fox: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Haters Can "F*ck Off"


New member
Mar 18, 2011

Gotta defend your boyfriend's work, I suppose.

Adam Jensen said:
She might be a shallow bimbo, but in this case I agree with her. Kind of. I support her attitude at least. I have no interest in this movie whatsoever, but what is the point of hating it? What difference does the existence of this movie have in your life? Let people have their fun with it. It shouldn't bother you.
It allows entitled normals to feel like they're part of a fandom despite never having anything to do with it. Same thing happened with transformers. I honestly don't understand the idea that everyone should be allowed in any fandom they want whenever they want. It should be okay for people to not be allowed in a fandom. Of course, people feel entitled and like they deserve to be part of something for liking one thing out of an entire series.


Hat Man
Jul 8, 2011
San Diego, CA
kortin said:
I honestly don't understand the idea that everyone should be allowed in any fandom they want whenever they want.
Well, to have it any other way, Fandom would have to be curated. You'd need to pass a test, get a credential, and avoid pissing off the board. And then they'd just call it something different, anyway.


New member
Feb 25, 2012
To think that she was once the favorite to play Hack from Hack/Slash. But really she's not saying anything that nerds themselves haven't said over and over, which is that these movies keep getting made because people keep seeing them, a lot of the people who don't like them still see them and give them money just to hate on it.

Don't like Bay movies? Don't watch a single trailer on the Internet, don't buy any promoted items (including Pizza Hut cheesy bites pizza), and certainly don't go see the movie. I don't think it's fair to say she was just saying "fuck all nerds", but rather that nerds complain and complain and still end up throwing money at this stuff and then complain that it made more money than the movie they didn't actually see but heard was good.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Hmmm...going to go with Eff-stark, Fuh-stark doesn't roll off the tongue the same way.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
Pyrian said:
kortin said:
I honestly don't understand the idea that everyone should be allowed in any fandom they want whenever they want.
Well, to have it any other way, Fandom would have to be curated. You'd need to pass a test, get a credential, and avoid pissing off the board. And then they'd just call it something different, anyway.
It's more of an ideological conundrum. In an ideal world, people will be interested in what they want to be interested in and when they find something new that interests them, they put time and effort into getting to know and learn about what they're interested in. In our world, all you need to do is see the transformers movies or TMNT to be a fan of the franchise.

It doesn't help that the movie actively makes fun of its subject basis.

"So you're mutant turtle ninja teenagers?"
"Well when you put it that way, it sounds ridiculous."

I understand that it's supposed to be a "LOL GUYS, JUST MAKIN FUN OF WHAT WE LIKE LOL" thing, but, not unlike making fun of friends, you make fun of them when you're considered friends. If you make fun of someone who hates you, even if you intend it as a joke, you're just going to make them hate you more.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
Pyrian said:
Nazulu said:
Pyrian said:
Nazulu said:
...but it was never a fucking excuse to ignore criticism.
Wild success is a fantastic reason to ignore haters and double down on pleasing existing fans. You don't make money by not having anybody dislike your work, you make money by having enough people like it, and if you've got that, the rest don't really matter so much.

But pissing off your fans by pandering to people who don't like your work in the first place, is a great way to lose your existing audience without gaining a new one.
...if you're known for being repetitive or shit at something, then it may drag you down to nothing in future. ... And your last sentence isn't based on anything.
You have an argument based on denying basic facts (like Michael Bay Transformers movies still making bank), and you accuse me of not having any basis for my claims. Face it: if fans of M.B.T.'s walk into M.B.T.5 and it's Bumblebee Driving Miss Daisy, they are NOT going to be happy.

Nazulu said:
Hell, we know a great artist is one that tries to improve, but I guess they're not really artists.
Ignoring haters is not the same thing as not trying to improve. There's a difference between striving to do better, and abandoning what made you successful in the first place. The reality is that most criticism of wildly successful franchises fits firmly into the latter category, and not only can but must be ignored if the franchise is going to continue to be successful.
Denying what facts? I never said they weren't making money. And M.B.T. what? How does that back up anything?

I would amazed to see them try to be different with something or make it look well done, and I know I'm not the only one. However, I haven't been specific with anything, so you're just making assumptions.

And your last point doesn't make any sense either. Can't you strive to do better without abandoning what made you successful? And it's funny you say that because how does anyone know what exactly makes something successful? Everyone just guesses.

Also, your reality bit... Well, how on earth would you know? How do you know something could have been more or less successful if it strived to do better?

And another thing. Are you putting money above everything? Don't you want to see artists try to do something special? Or are you just satisfied with how things are?


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Pyrian said:
kortin said:
I honestly don't understand the idea that everyone should be allowed in any fandom they want whenever they want.
Well, to have it any other way, Fandom would have to be curated. You'd need to pass a test, get a credential, and avoid pissing off the board. And then they'd just call it something different, anyway.
I can understand a bit more for transformers, but is there really an existing nostalgia driven 'fandom' for the Ninja Turtles? Kind of like how know one was really upset about the GI Joe movies when good or bad they didn't have Michael Bay's name attached to it. Ninja Turtles is also a brand that kept on kicking, so without the spectacle of giant robots blowing things up these feels more like a 'cool' kids movie.

To a certain extent Michael Bay deserves the hate he gets, but sometimes that can go a little to far and I can see why it pisses someone who's effected via association with him.


New member
Jun 2, 2010
Wow! Way to sell your movie there Megan. Am I alone in wishing she had found her true calling in porn, where we would never actually have to hear her speak a line of dialogue?

And I hate to break it to her, but more and more these days word of mouth, and whether or not a prior movie was quality does count in the box office. Transformers 4 may appear to do well. But actually the studio is quite disappointed with it. The drop off from T3 was huge, as was the increase in costs. T4 may have made money, but the margin of return was deeply below expectations. It actually lost money in the US and Europe. It made most of its money in China. One can assume largely because A. The Chinese really like giant robots hitting each other, and B. They don't speak the language so thankfully don't know just how inane the dialogue is.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
I don't feel that filmmakers have any place talking about whether or not their work is good. It's great to hear about what their thoughts were making it, or what meaning they attribute to their work, or stories about the making of it and the other people who made it. I don't give a damn when some actor or director says there work is "good". It's empty and meaningless. People who like a work of media should defend it, not the people who made it.

It's the fact that filmmakers (usually) don't criticize the audience which establishes how inappropriate it is for audiences to make personal attacks against those same filmmakers. Megan Fox is entitled to not care what non-paying people think, but she crossed a line here.


New member
Jun 2, 2010
RandV80 said:
Pyrian said:
kortin said:
I honestly don't understand the idea that everyone should be allowed in any fandom they want whenever they want.
Well, to have it any other way, Fandom would have to be curated. You'd need to pass a test, get a credential, and avoid pissing off the board. And then they'd just call it something different, anyway.
I can understand a bit more for transformers, but is there really an existing nostalgia driven 'fandom' for the Ninja Turtles? Kind of like how know one was really upset about the GI Joe movies when good or bad they didn't have Michael Bay's name attached to it. Ninja Turtles is also a brand that kept on kicking, so without the spectacle of giant robots blowing things up these feels more like a 'cool' kids movie.

To a certain extent Michael Bay deserves the hate he gets, but sometimes that can go a little to far and I can see why it pisses someone who's effected via association with him.
There is a strong nostalgic TMNT fan base, that has been further heightened and stirred up by the current utterly fantastic TMNT animated series running on Nikolodeon, I think up to 3 seasons now. It is surprisingly well written with some of the most clever dialogue on TV right now, and a hilariously dark undercurrent that you just don't expect in a kids show. It has a huge college age following. Unfortunately a lot of people will go see this, what looks to be complete shit fest of a movie, mainly on the strengths of the totally separate well made TV show. And that is the sad thing in all of this. Michael Bay and Megan Fox's big payday here will really be the result of all the hard work and effort put in by those people who made the new animated series. People who will then see any and all value in their series and their IP tank when this turd of a movie lands. It's the M Night Shamalamadingdong Last Airbender situation all over again.


New member
Jun 26, 2013
Mcoffey said:
Classy as hell! Still, she's not wrong. At the end of the day this movie is still probably going to make more money than God, ugly-ass turtles and all.
My bet is that it's going to lose to Guardians, a movie that is going to thwart it at every turn in international release. It'll make enough money to justify its sequel, because you can do that with marketing, but it will be a disappointment to the studio as reviewers keep a consistent "hey, you know, you can just go see Guardians" drumbeat.

And then next week it's going to fight Expendables for, once again, Guardian's scraps.

RJ Dalton

New member
Aug 13, 2009
Yeah, except I didn't go to any of the transformers movies in theaters, nor did I pay to see any of them in any way and only saw the first one because my parents bought the DVD and watched it (I got through half the movie before I called it quits). So, Ms. Fox, since I didn't support it and didn't like it, you can fuck off, too. Maybe if you weren't a shitty actress who only gets jobs because, for some odd reason, people think you are sexy, I'd be a little nicer in my reply, but . . . well, there you have it. Develop some talent, then I'll take you seriously.


New member
Sep 9, 2010
Fans, when faced with a new adaptation tend to complain. There are a few times, I'm sure, where fan reaction is positive, but when things start turning out like what this movie is looking like, through the trailers, people are going to voice their opinions, their concerns. And sometimes, fans, like to *****. They can wait to see the movie, but I assume these trailers, and news releases, are supposed to spark interest, buzz, and talk. So each time they're going to release something about the movie, people are going to talk about it, and it's not going to be all positive. Do they want silence when they release another trailer?

I'll give that Megan Fox has a point, as far as the team that made the movie is concerned why should they care what the fans think? If they were trying to make a movie for the fans, then sure, they should care, but I don't think that's what they care about, so why even care about fan reaction, other than that it may drive down ticket sales. But as Ms. Fox mentioned people are going to go see the damn thing anyway, and maybe her statement will bring in a few more ticket sales than it loses, because people are not rational. But at some point you have to learn how to accept criticism. No matter how beautiful your "x" is, if it looks like a "y" you screwed up at some point in the process. Granted, like this movie seems, maybe you wanted to make a "y" and are upset people do not think it's an "x".


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Now that's the April O'Neil we know.

And Money is the only language Hollywood speaks.


New member
Apr 22, 2011
Brian Tams said:
As if I needed another reason not to go see this movie.

Criticism =/= Hatred


"Hater" is yet another word that humanity should lose the privilege of using.
Yes, because if the detractors of the Micheal Bay films are one thing it is completely cool headed and they only ever give fair and balanced criticism. /sarcasm

The Micheal Bay / Megan Fox haters are just that. Lets not pretend otherwise. It just makes us look like idiots.

You personally may be a reasonable person but by far the most noise on the issue is being made by hateful jerks.


New member
May 18, 2011
Where is this "off"? Does he/she/it look good? I need more information to go on here, Megan, at least give me the longitude and latitude!

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
So basically: "You don't like my shitty acting in these overwrought adolescent toy commercials? Well fuck you."

Megan Fox said:
Let me tell you something about those people. How much money did Transformers 4 make? Exactly.
Of course! How could I forget? Money is an infallible, direct measurement of quality.

Nevermind that this line might have had more punch if it came from someone who was actually IN Transformers 4.

In fact, that brings up a good question: why the fuck are you sticking up for another Bay production you had nothing to do with? Let me remind everyone that Bay spent the better part of a year trashing you while he promoted Transformers 3.

And the probable answer to my own question, is the reason Fox cited: Fat stacks of cash.
(This is why we can't have nice things. This is why Transformers continues to perpetuate the process of Hollywood raping my childhood for money. There wouldn't be any "haters" if they would just stop doing that.)

Megan Fox said:
Those people can complain - they all go to the theater.
No Ms. Fox, not all. I for one, won't see TNMT. In theater or afterward. I will go out of my way to avoid watching any bit of it at this point.


Partly because it's a Michael Bay production about a franchise popular in my childhood; and I've seen just how much I like those. But mostly, because you have a starring role in it.

Literally, that whiny unprofessional outburst you've made is the most believable emotion I've ever seen from your person.

In every fucking thing I've seen you in..
...your delivery sucks the momentum out of everything.
...your attempts at emoting make my eyes roll involuntarily.
...your ability to not give a. Single. FUCK. about what you're doing in any given scene makes me long for the screen presence of Tara Reid.
(and at least Reid's doing fun, hilarious schlock now instead of starring in some of the worst shit I've seen in my life)

You should kiss those tits and ass of yours every night, because your sole asset on screen is your body; a fact that Bay himself made all the more obvious with his numerous slow panning shots to show it off.

It pains me to even humor calling you an actress...I'd call you a lucky porn star, but I've yet to see a porn star who annoys and bores me even half as much as you do.

The only reason you weren't cited as the most hated thing in the Transformers films is because Bay decided racist caricatures and a parade of obnoxious, annoying, awkward-as-fuck comic relief were more important than your ass.

But truly, I'm glad you felt the need to push Bay's ability to pander to the inbred dregs of society as the best defense you have against all criticism (it's oh so easy to label anyone who disagrees or dislikes something as a "hater" these days) , because it highlights just how shallow, callous, and pretentious you really are.

Saika Renegade

New member
Nov 18, 2009
No, we don't all go to the theater if we consider a piece to be dross in the making. I have zero problems with missing out on movies on the big screen because I have the patience to wait for reviews and gathering if I'm in for fun or a pointless three hour parade of driveling spectacle. Dealing with other moviegoers just makes the experience worse, for me. I blithely ignored the past few Transformers movies after the first one by Bay, and will continue to blithely ignore this new TMNT thing, but hey, with an attitude like that, she gives me a -great- excuse to not support anything with her in it.