Microsoft Denies Core Gamers Hated Kinect


New member
Jan 31, 2011
Hearing angry kids crazy mad over kinect then I'm looking at the sales. Ok,never the term vocal minority was more apropriate.


New member
Mar 12, 2011
Kevlar Eater said:
I never said I hated the Kinect; I just don't want one because it never appealed to me at all.
This. I've got nothing against it, but it is a ridiculously overprice bit of gear (IMO), despite how clevernit us, so I never intent to buy it (unless, of course, it is integrated onto the next gem XBox, in which case I'll have no choice to obtain that bit of gear.

What troubles me is that Microsoft will probably end up making it more and more essential, so I'll end up missing out if I don't get Kinect. This will, of course, be just so they get more money, and this does worry me.

Ham Blitz

New member
May 28, 2009
I wouldn't say I hate the Kinect, I mean, it looks fun and all, but I really don't want to spend $150 dollars on it.
I don't doubt some of the games are fun, and the whole voice thing could be fun for ME3, but I could see the voice thing getting annoying, especially when playing at night.


New member
Apr 30, 2011
The most positive reaction I've heard from any core gamer I personally know (which is a lot) is something along the lines of "meh". I think a lot of people, myself included, think the Kinect is a great piece of technology but M$ is squandering it's capabilities in trying to steal the Wii's audience. I've yet to see any in-game use for the Kinect that doesn't either make you look like a tool or could be much more effectively replaced with the use of buttons.

I bet all those core gamers Tsunoda says love the Kinect all reside inside his head...


New member
Jan 28, 2009
I tried the Kinect, and I tried to like it. It's just not a good gaming peripheral. It's a fuckin awesome piece of technology that you can do amazing stuff with, just not good for gaming.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
Logan Westbrook said:
Microsoft Denies Core Gamers Hated Kinect
In other news Spam is voted the worlds favourite thing about the internet.

Hristo Tzonkov

New member
Apr 5, 2010
Being honest as a hardcore gamer I view gaming as a quiet,fairly motionless experience.I don't like shouting unless I'm actually communicating with people(mmos) and I don't like moving much.Which is why it doesn't appeal to me as a gamer.As a partygoer tho I think it's cool I'd deffinately try it.And it's probably a lot less painful than trying the same stuff on a drunk head(for an example boxing...).


Garroter of Maladjusted Slobs
Apr 27, 2011
Unfortunately, I couldn't dig up his email anywhere. I suggest that one of you do some digging (perhaps recruit /v to do your bidding) to find an email, and politely (please, and thank you) remind him that he's wrong.


New member
Nov 22, 2010
I'm a 14 year old boy and i have kinect, I LOVE KINECTIMALS! and i look foreward to ME3 voice commands and Kinect disneyland, as i cant go to america disneyland for real, hears hoping for a 3 hour queue simulator


Media Snob
Mar 19, 2010
I love Kinect! It has so many uses in the medical and technological fields. Too bad it sucks at what it was designed to do: control video games.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
I'm not against Kinect. I'm against companies trying to force motion controllers on gamers. I play games to relax, I don't want to dance around or flail my arms to game.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
im a core gamer. the only good thing i think kinect has to offer me is the voice commands in Mass Effect 3.

thats. it.


New member
Aug 17, 2008
It seems to me someone who would go buy kinect on launch is the kinda person who puts on Facebook their newborn kitten had her first poop.

Rational well-adjusted people don't go fill Microsoft's inbox with hate messages when they do something that isn't forced upon it's customers to buy or even participate in. So when you only hear from the %10-%30 of the aforementioned Facebook people it's easy to assume that everyone loves it.

I played kinect at my neighbors house and yea while it was fun it was that type of fun that's only going to last for a week at most. I didn't have any stake in it so it was easy to see that. My neighbor still preaches that it's the next best thing to toilet paper or sex despite the fact there's a cobweb now hanging off it.

I went through the same thing for L.A Noire it such an amazing game I'm so glad i spent money on it...what? It's been 3 weeks since I last played it? Oh well, (insert excuse here).


Aug 11, 2010
These statements are a bit of a fallacy though. What's a core gamer? Someone who plays everyday? Someone who owns all the systems? Personally I don't consider the person who plays just-one-game a hard core gamer. People who only play Call of Duty, or just FPSes, or only RPGs and MMOs like WoW. But that's just my interpretation.

And in that group you have some people who might play Dance Central everyday and consider the Kinect hard core. They may have been aiming at the same "casual" market Wii went for with motion controls but there's lots of people who slide in and out of that category. My boss PC games but he got a Wii for his kids. He'd buy Kinect but doesn't see a need to now. My other work colleague plays Halo games and basically the Lego games. Occassionally trying something different (if I sell him on it). But he only plays once a week, if that. He got a Kinect because he got a good deal.

Also there are only so many first party and second-party exclusive Xbox games, and most of those are "hard core" games, and their Kinect games are casual. But the third party games for Kinect are always casual. So it's not just Microsoft who thinks Kinect = Casual.

To me the Kinect fails it's core principal. The idea is that motion controls should be so intuitive that virtually anyone can play a Kinect game without thinking about how to do it. Unlike controller games that are only a little less complicated than driving a car. The lack of responsiveness in Kinect seems to make most experiences with it somewhat baffling and non-intuitive.

And what do you expect a company rep to say about their product? If you were involved with something that was a bit crap and your reputation was tied to it are you going to go around apologising? It doesn't work, ask Brad Pitt about Meet Joe Black.