C'mon, Microsoft. The problem isn't a systems problem. Nor it it a services problem. The chief reason consumers think you are clueless about PC gaming is a catalogue problem.
How many dollars are spent on medium-high end gaming rigs every year? I don't have any stats handy, but I'd guess in the hundreds of millions. Whatever the number, I can safely say it's a lot. Where you fail, Microsoft, is that you primarily publish on PC things that are technically games, but target a completely different audience than the ones spending these dollars on gaming rigs. Sure, Hexic [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexic], Snap Attack [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snap_Attack], and Age of Empires: Castle Siege [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_Empires:_Castle_Siege] may all be good games, but that's not why we're buying these fancy machines. We want games like Sunset Overdrive, Halo: The Master Chief Collection, and Forza Horizon. We don't want to lose out on exclusives to your own platforms, such as Rise of the Tomb Raider.
Spencer, I truly believe you're trying to increase Microsoft's PC gaming presence. I believe you when you say you want to solve this problem. But until you understand what that problem actually is, in a manner consistent with reality, you won't be able to. Nobody is buying $800+ PCs and complaining there's not enough Sudoku clones in the Windows Store. Bring your AAA games to Windows, do so in a timely fashion, and the dollars will follow.
P.S. Thanks
P.P.S. I know you're afraid of Steam. Since it's not your platform, you don't bring in the same kind of money as from your own stores. But I have an idea. Something you've already done in the past: timed Windows Store exclusives. It worked for Halo: Spartan Assault, now just do it for higher-profile games. Plenty of fans will forego their preference for more gamer-friendly platforms such as Steam for a game they want badly enough, even if they know full well it'll be on Steam later. Those that don't aren't going to jump ship to an Xbox One from their PC or PS4 anyway, so giving it to them on Steam later is purely new sales that otherwise would've been lost.
P.P.P.S. You're welcome