Monster Hunter Tri


New member
Dec 23, 2009
The tutorial takes about an hour or 2 at most.

It's not even a tutorial as much as it is training. It's a difficult game, if you played earlier MH games you'd be grateful this one had more of a learning curve.

It's good to hear that Yahtzee actually tried one of the real monsters. That's where i'll allow him his opinion, he made it out to be tedious but for most people including myself beating that thing was really rewarding.

Unless at that magic ten hour mark the game goes "Ha ha, just kidding, here's a completely different game" and magically transmutes the disk into Shadow of the Colossus
That's actually not too far off from what i've seen xD


New member
Oct 30, 2009
the tutorial is not mandatory. the tutorial is not 10 hours. yes it is a long tutorial, yes it is longer than it should be. probably close to 3 or 4 hours. but not 10.
"It gets better after the tutorial is not a good excuse."

remember Half-Life 2? SystemShock 2? If I remember right, those tutorials weren't the most fun part of the game.

EDIT: I personally enjoy Monster Hunter games very much. some people don't and thats their thing. You don't have to like what I like I just don't like when you say "This sucks" Just because it's not the kind of game you would play.

The Lunatic

Jun 3, 2010
Lordofthesuplex said:
Oh no don't use that excuse. That's still no reason for him to say shit like "the Wii's lack of existence would improve the industry." That's the kind of biased propaganda horse shit I could've gotten from the TreyBrotherhood, not someone who actually paid to critique things. There's a difference between not liking a console and just being a plain fucking asshole.

In fact, take a look at his Dethroning Moment of Suck section on TVTropes and see for yourself that I'm not the only one who sees how downhill his credibility as a critic has become:

It's obvious Yahtzee only reviewed this game for one of two problems: 1) He forced into it for the sake of a paycheck since those of us who know better know he hates JRPGs and games with MMO elements or 2) He did it for the same reason he did a review on Wii Sports Resort: to make the system and the people who enjoy it look bad and his ego look good.
To be fair, a game like Monster Hunter would probably have been better on a proper console like the PS3 or Xbox 360.

It's hard to say it wouldn't be, there's a very good reason they have bundles with Pro controllers.


New member
Jun 8, 2009
Brickcups said:
Carnagath said:
Blah blah blah, MH3 does not have a 10 hour tutorial. It has a 90 minute tutorial, unless you linger on, doing things that are unnecessary forever. Do them for a bit, explore a bit, then move on. Do you need a manual to play this game, someone to hold your hand? You don't like some elements of it, sure, I accept that, but saying it has a 10 hour tutorial is like reviewing WoW and spending your first 10 hours picking herbs and then saying "In this game you do nothing but pick herbs for the first 10 hours". That's pretty silly.


Exactly! If it takes you 10 hours to get through the tutorial... you aren't playing it right. lol
I'd say if you can get stuck in the tutorial for 10 hour despite trying to finish it quickly, then that's just bad game design.


New member
May 8, 2010
'Up yours, Monster Hunter Tri fans.' This is why I love this guy. You won't see the punkasses at other game sites say this. Bunch of pansies giving perfect scores to Punch Out! and Klonoa. Jerks who when reviewing FFXIII are like 'C'mon guys give this game a chance, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaase.' Or ruminating about the philosophical implications of Dragon Quest.

Up yours indeed, up yours indeed.


New member
Apr 9, 2010
Lordofthesuplex said:
Nateman742 said:
This thread is hilarious. If Yahtzee didn't like it he didn't like it; The review was funny regardless. Good show.
Oh no don't use that excuse. That's still no reason for him to say shit like "the Wii's lack of existence would improve the industry." That's the kind of biased propaganda horse shit I could've gotten from the TreyBrotherhood, not someone who actually paid to critique things. There's a difference between not liking a console and just being a plain fucking asshole.

In fact, take a look at his Dethroning Moment of Suck section on TVTropes and see for yourself that I'm not the only one who sees how downhill his credibility as a critic has become:

It's obvious Yahtzee only reviewed this game for one of two problems: 1) He forced into it for the sake of a paycheck since those of us who know better know he hates JRPGs and games with MMO elements or 2) He did it for the same reason he did a review on Wii Sports Resort: to make the system and the people who enjoy it look bad and his ego look good.
Yes, because the Dethroning Moment of Suck pages are totally accurate and not at all just random peoples of the Internet whining.

Seriously, the DarthWiki is far-and-away the worst section of TV Tropes in my experience: I flat-out don't go there anymore because of how worthless it is to me. Not funny, not enlightening.


New member
May 29, 2010
Cingal said:
To be fair, a game like Monster Hunter would probably have been better on a proper console like the PS3 or Xbox 360.
Proper console, I lol'd.

Cingal said:
It's hard to say it wouldn't be, there's a very good reason they have bundles with Pro controllers.
Yes, to give former MH fans a controller they can get used to easily.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
I can't believe it, people are still whining about his review. Go watch his mailbag showdown see how much he cares about your opinion and why you should care the same about his.

It's his OPINION people if you don't like it then don't watch his videos, YOU chose to watch it and subject yourself to it so you have yourself to blame. What does it matter if someone doesn't like what you like? Why does this matter SO much to you that you have to continuously whine and harass someone because of their opinion? Why can't you accept that he doesn't like it, OH WELL you like it and that's what counts.

If you REALLY like a game, then that's great for you ya know? Surely there are games you, yourself do not like. Perhaps maybe did you think someone else likes it or it's their favorite game ever? Maybe they should whine your ear off too because it's a perfectly good game! But they don't because it doesn't matter what your opinion is of a game they like. (or if they do, sorry to hear that maybe they should keep their opinions to their self wink wink) Is yelling at him he's wrong going to make him like it anymore than he does now? No.

Here's a thought, don't flip out for someones opinion, just say you liked it for so and so reason and move on. Why is it always people getting offended, did you make the game? Do you work for the game company?

Seriously, get over it. I like Monster Hunter Freedom Unite a lot for PSP, but I know people that don't. Oh well! I like it so that's all that matters, let them play whatever they're playing.


New member
Aug 27, 2009
Once again:

It's not that he didn't like the game. It's that this review was incomplete and he's been dishonest in defending that incompleteness.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Hm, the idea you "play it until you can't bear it" isn't actually so sound.

I, for example, thought very little of No More Heroes when I got stuck at Rank 6. However, coming back to the game months later I managed to beat the boss and from that point onwards I have nothing but undying respect for it. It blew me away, and while it was more me getting stuck than anything wrong in the pacing it still proved that a game can get better later on, OK the opening was hardly "bad" but the latter half of the game was significantly more interesting. Same goes for Bioshock 2, in fact Bioshock 2 was "OK" until about 2 hours from the end where it suddenly became "incredible".


New member
Mar 31, 2010
Cingal said:
cursedseishi said:
Edward123454321 said:
Can someone who's actually played this game for more than ten hours, tell me if the tutorial is that long?

I've seen about 4 posts here saying "Bah! Ten hours for the tutorial, I'm not getting this game anymore, thanks Yahtzee!" and another 4 saying "The tutorial's about an hour long..."

It's reasons like this I don't trust him nearly as much as a critic as I do a comedian.
It really depends. For me it did technically take "10 hours" to go through it, only because the first 9 or so hours I spent online with friends. When I actually started the tutorial, I shot right through it and hit the 3star quests in less than a few hours.

My little sister though, who has never touched the games before, and was using sword and shield, only took about 1.5hrs at best, but only because running into the Lagiacrus near the end of it made her almost have a heart attack.

And, if she can beat the Great JAggi in 15 minutes with the same basic sword and shield Yahtzee had, and only took me 5-10 with it, I have to wonder how it took him the better part of half an hour to kill the thing besides the obvious reason of "My little sister is better than him, despite the fact she loved and played only barbie (or mary-kate and ashley) games growing up".
I went straight from 10 minutes in Single Player to Multiplayer, which, was a rather painful experience, admittedly, having a Royal Ludroth pop up during a quest when you've not even seen a Great Jaggi yet isn't the greatest experience.

I only played Single Player between Online Sessions, so, probably no more than 3-4 hours. I'm on 4 star quests, however, most of my progress was made online, so, I had Lagiacrus gear while I was killing the Barroth.

Now, I'm on High rank quests, and can't really be bothered progressing much on Single Player, having high rank weapons and armours rather makes the game a bit too easy on the single player. Unless I fancy kicking the Great Jaggi to death, there's not much fun to be found after you've got the gear from SP.
Yahtzee's really been called out on this one. =P


New member
Oct 17, 2009
This review is what happens when gamers who expect their games a certain way and Japan collide. Japan also means originality, and frankly I've loved the series for just that reason. The game is clunky, it's punishing, and single player is essentially practice, but most systems in the game have a reason behind them. In a way, we've been spoiled by easy games that neuter their own difficulty by allowing players to perform virtually any action in a split second and pause to chug healing potions if that doesn't work out. Monster Hunter is and has been the complete opposite of that kind of game for some time now, and, as a gamer that relishes a challenge, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Japanese action RPGs definitely have their own deliberate pace that emphasizes planning and consequences for every button press. In survival horror games, the planning is simple and understandable: manage health and ammo. The Monster Hunter series is also a game about planning, but you need to wrap your head around a lot of systems first. One knock on Japanese games that I've seen time and time again is that they're good at innovating but bad at explaining the intricacies outside the manual. We've been spoiled not to open the manual anymore, so we're essentially going in blind. Once you're in, it's fun, but the learning curve, especially for this series, can be near vertical.

To give you an idea of this, here's part of a list of things you need to plan for when entering a mission:
- health
- stamina (max degrades over time w/o food)
- type of weapon
- weapon sharpness
- do i need a team? (usually the answer is yes)
- armor buffs
- is it hot? (health drains w/o counter-buff)
- is it cold? (ditto for stamina)
- does the monster have a lot of armor (sharpness degrades faster)
- can the monster fly? (can flee quickly and be hard to find while it heals)
- can I get poisoned/paralyzed/etc (pack potions or appropriate armor)
- can the monster swim?
- in water? (pack bait for your fishing pole, really)
- in sand? (pack sonic bombs)
- how many inventory slots should I leave open?
- what else should I grab while I'm here?

Like any good 8-bit boss, it isn't uncommon for a first attempt on a monster to be a practice run either. It's a hard, taxing game, and if you aren't up for a Demon's Souls level of challenge, you'd best pack up and go home. In fact, I'd argue that Demon's Souls is easier than trying to play Monster Hunter singleplayer. This is strictly for the hardest of hardcore, sadly, the kind of people who probably pawned their Wiis years ago.

Demonio Penguino

New member
Oct 11, 2009
1.the tutorial's not that long
2.even if it gets good a long time in, at least that part's good gets even better
BTW i have played this and it is actually a great game so everyone who's like "it sounds horrible" SHUT UP AND QUIT WHINING. JEEZ.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Yahtzee is my hero. For to long i have sat on a bus watching idiots play Monster Hunter and tell me how awesome it is while all they do is get their tales kicked by really weak dinosoaurs. Thank you so much Yahtzee these people deserve to be mocked. Not because they are fans of this game, but because they are ignorant slaves to this game.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
milskidasith said:
NoblePhilistineFox said:
3.)whats the point of stun? maybe I dont fully understand it or something.
If its sole purpose is to simply make the enemies flinch for a moment(like making them tople sideways like the Royal does), then wouldnt it be easier to have a gunner with para or sleep or something.
or just use a trap.
and lets just say(for the record) that this has nothing to do with sidequests, fighting only.

1&5.)every hammer ive played with never does anything but screw me(and the other players) up while I(we) was doing exactly what I was supposed to do(go for cutable parts near the tail)
in fact I almost never go near the head because logically speaking, the head is where the teath are...

4.)I think one of us explained it wrong or something, because here is what I am hearing.
my weapon has around 230(I think) fire damage and 490 regular, and you are saying that a SnS with 300 fire damage, and say 230 attack, would do more damage to the same monster.
and the longsword is almost as fast(if not a little faster) while attacking if using spirit attacks so lets take that factor out of the equation.

7.)what about switch axes, they can deal a f**kload.
when used right they have always been the best part of the team im on.
put him and a good support gunner together and youve got an unstopable force.
Stun is when the monster gets the stars floating around his head and sits still for as long as if it was paralyzed. That's what stun is. It's the same thing that happens to you if you get hit repeatedly.

If hammer users are being idiots, that's a problem, but when I go hammering I always hit the head. It's easy enough to superpound after an attack and stay safe.

Yes, the SnS does more elemental damage per attack. It will deal less raw damage (the formula is complicated, but basically, attacks have a certain "percent" of the raw damage stat they deal, which is then divided based on the weapons multiplier [GS and SA's are about 5, so their damage is fifthed after everything is over, SnS is like 1 point something, so it's a little more than half, etc).

For instance, for raw damage, a GS could have, say, 1k damage (way high), hit with a 100% attack (About a second level charge strike), at an area that has 50% defense on the monster and has a 5 times weapon factor (not exact), so it deals (1000*1*.5)/5 damage, or 100 damage.

A Sword and Shield with, say, 300 damage could deal a 10% attack (about normal) to the same area, with a factor of 1.5 for the weapon, meaning it would deal (300*.1*.5)/1.5, or ten damage.

However, elemental damage is much simpler: It's just the elemental damage stat, times the monsters elemental defense for that area and that element, times some factor I can't remember, so yes, a SnS with 300 fire element will deal more elemental damage, per hit, than a longsword with 230 fire damage. Elemental damage is rarely a huge factor except against monsters with a huge weakness to one element, such as Gigginox's to fire.

7: Switch axes still deal less damage, though they are a lot easier to pick up.
1.)online support code: H2214253121
Character name: Zen
prove me wrong then.

Im not talking about JUST elemental damage though(otherwise the numbers on the weapons would be enough to prove me wrong)
wouldnt having a MUCH higher attack bonus with only a minor decrease in element equal out to the same amount (if not a little more) damage as well as add a little versatility for if you have to fight a monster resistant or something like that?
they both decrease the same lifebar after all.
(and btw, my sword has 290 fire damage ^_^)

but then again, why argue about which is better when we can agree that together they are awesome

7.)actually, ill give you that one.
switch axes are more for the versitile fighting than raw power(though they arent lacking in either)
and the Hammers main selling point is that its raw power without restraint.
but as for the most importat person on the team, I would have to go with an experienced gunner.
a good gunner can(all at the same time)
give you buffs
heal you
give enemies negative status effects(poison,para,sleep,exhaust,etc)
do element damage
do regular damage
and quickly gain enemie attention with weaker bullets.


New member
Feb 9, 2009
Loonerinoes said:
Con: Extra Punctuation this week somewhat less informative as usual
Pro: You get to read through all the emotional replies to an official "up yours" from Yahtzee to all the fanboys.
When Yahtzee hates, he's at his best. And there's nothing more fun than seeing what the hated-on do after. :D


New member
Apr 8, 2010
I don't know how Yahtzee managed to use 10 hours through the tutorial, but if he did he sucks totally in this game, I didn't even bothered to take the time soaring through the whole tutorial, I only used maximum 20 min or less through the whole village requests (the tutorial shit from every person in the village).