Jonci said:
I was disappointed by the bad review (not that he said the game was bad, but that he reviewed it poorly). I have a little more respect that he actually took the time to progress through to the Great Jaggi battle and get more feel for the game. I don't care if someone doesn't like Monster Hunter, as long as it is judged by more than the tutorial.
However, how the hell did you spend 10 hours on the tutorial? It's five quick gathering missions. It should take a new player 2 hours max, as in they took so long to figure out how to even draw their weapon that it would take two hours max. You can't even spend 10 hours doing them without failing due to the 50 minute time limit on missions!
A review isn't made it bad because you don't agree, and if you don't agree and you think it's just a fine game he shouldn't really get to you. So you can either just play that shitty game and enjoy yourself instead of wasting time whining about things "mean old Yahtzee" said. Why do you even bother, attention problems?
And about the tutorial. It is Yahtzee, he is known for over-exagguration. 10 hours is indeed ridiculous, however 50X5=250mins= more than 4 hours, so you're 2 hour max is pretty idiotic. However a real tutorial I think should be like the one from Brütal Legend. A 5 minute mission to roll you in, not 4 bloody hours of gathering horse shit, which probably will feel like 10 hours. So next time think before you actually post your bullshit.