Monster Hunter Tri


New member
Apr 9, 2010
RJ Dalton said:
Quorothorn said:
That sounds like how a playthrough of a Resident Evil game often goes (well, not Resi5 so much due to its Chapter Select feature, but still), only with ammo supplies instead of weapon integrity.

Also, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer video game "Chaos Bleeds" (yeah, yeah, I know) actually did weapon degeneration pretty well. Of course, the two swords that you could find in the game were immune to it, so that helped it make sense.

So I agree: weapon degradation can totally work. It just seems to be one of those gameplay elements that are routinely done badly, like escort missions.

ETA: Dorkmaster, you magnificent ninja.
Yeah, it is routinely badly implemented. Out of curiosity, can you name an escort mission that didn't suck?
Resident Evil 4, I suppose? Like half the game was one big escort mission, and it was still an awesome game.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
@Edward123454321: No it isnt that long, and when you become embroiled in a struggle against a massive beast who routinely tries to eat you, you will be thankful that the game taught you how to play first.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Carnagath said:
riottrio said:
Carnagath said:
Edward123454321 said:
Can someone who's actually played this game for more than ten hours, tell me if the tutorial is that long?

I've seen about 4 posts here saying "Bah! Ten hours for the tutorial, I'm not getting this game anymore, thanks Yahtzee!" and another 4 saying "The tutorial's about an hour long..."

It's reasons like this I don't trust him nearly as much as a critic as I do a comedian.
Yes, I can tell you responsibly that, unless you are Yahtzee, (clinically depressed because your stupid freaking job demands that you turn on YOUR FUCKING WII of all things and play some shitty Japanese dinosaur game, instead of getting drunk and hitting on girls at your bar, so you crawl drudgingly and aimlessly from one point of the map to another, without any interest whatsoever in enjoying yourself, pausing every 5 minutes to pray to a God that you don't believe in to release you from this torment), then it will not take you more than 90 minutes to get to the "juicy" parts of the game.
carnagath, edward didn't want to start a flamewar, calm down a little. your post doesn't even make much sense anyway. surely if he didn't want to spend much time on the Wii, he would run through as much of it as he could, rather than crawling. Yahtzee's an intelligent guy you know.
I am very calm! Why is Yahtzee the only one who gets a free pass about taking the piss, but everyone else needs to "calm down" anyway? Does not compute :p
ah, sorry. i think its the fact he uses his voice, so when he does mock anger, you can actually tell. whilst i find it hard to distinguish angry capitals from i'm pretending to be angry for giggles capitals.
and Yahtzee gets angry sometimes too. nobody thinks he's perfect, because they'd just get mocked for it.


In brightest day...
Nov 18, 2009
Tarkand said:
J03bot said:
Yeah, red dead redemption never actually told me how to use the dead-eye system in game, so after I inadvertently shot a helpless randomer in the face, I looked at the manual{slight dramatisation, I accidentally used it on a bandit, and it helped. I still had no idea what the hell I'd done though
It actually does, when you're on the ranch hunting coyotes.
...Guess I missed that bit. I was busy shooting coyotes at the time.


New member
Jun 1, 2010
The tutorial isn't 10 hours long, its only around an hour long! Yahtzee's trolling. This isn't a matter of opinion, he's flat out lying about Monster Hunter Tri to make it look bad! I don't know why so many of you people take Yahtzee seriously, he flat out admits that he's a troll on his profile!

Jima B

New member
Feb 14, 2010
This makes me want to play the game, to see how bad it actually is. People all over the web seem to be really loving it for reasons I can't yet fathom.
I don't think I'd be the kind of person to enjoy it though, and I'm certainly not the kind of person to buy an entire console just to play a game that I won't like. Wonder if anyone I know is gonna get it.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
Caliostro said:
Well... They asked for it.
yes, yes they did.

Caliostro said:
No. Weapon degradation is never good. Ever. In any game that has ever existed or that will ever exist.
Personally, I thought it worked well in the Elder Scrolls games. But there it was a very gradual thing, in which it would generally take 2-3 quests before your weapon showed any signs of deteriorating.

And unlike games like Far Cry, there was no chance that the weapons would spontaneously not work; they just did reduced damage.

AND, unlike Fallout, they were easy to repair. What I hated about Fallout's mechanic is that it meant you had to lug around 4-5 copies of whatever gun you were using just so you'd be able to use it until you got to the next area. Whereas 1 or 2 1lb hammers could see you stay at 100% weapon damage for hours on end.

Yer man o'er yonder

New member
May 20, 2010
Krimson Kun said:
Yer man o said:
Sturmdolch said:
This game sounds terrible... I mean, I know Yahtzee exaggerates a lot (or really hates games?) but even so, this sounds like a shitty Korean MMORPG without the MMO part.
So an RPG then? That's what it is supposed to be as far as I know.
And what a lovely rant Yahtzee had. Hope he enjoyed it.
Its an action game, with only rpg like element being the skill system
In that case feel free to ignore me.

Krimson Kun

New member
May 28, 2010
ReverseEngineered said:
*slow clap* I totally agree, Yahtzee. The game shouldn't start getting good 10 hours in. Would you have sex with a cheese grater if somebody promised it "gets good" 10 minutes in? I don't think so. It's the same excuse as, "She's nice once you get to know her." It's another way of saying, "She's a ***** and has no social skills, but she isn't half as mean to her friends."

A good game should be good from beginning to end. The tutorial shouldn't be terrible, nor should it be 10 hours long (if it takes 10 hours to explain how to play the game, it is either too complicated or you need to learn how to explain things better).

I swear that some of the people defending these games are suffering from Stockholm syndrome. They paid so much for their games that they have to see them through to the end, and once they get past the 10 hour mark, even the slightest improvement seems like a blessing, because they've become accustomed to such horrible gameplay the rest of the way through. It isn't fun or entertaining, it's servitude. They play the game because they have to in order to justify the time, money, and effort they have already invested in it.

PS: I haven't tried Monster Hunter Tri, nor do I intend to. If it really does take 10 hours to get "good", it isn't worth my time.


New member
Apr 9, 2010
SorryYouFailed said:
The tutorial isn't 10 hours long, its only around an hour long! Yahtzee's trolling. This isn't a matter of opinion, he's flat out lying about Monster Hunter Tri to make it look bad! I don't know why so many of you people take Yahtzee seriously, he flat out admits that he's a troll on his profile!
Actually, that line is a reference to one of his videos, the one where he goes through a couple pieces of his post-Brawl mail and is amused when one of the respondents calls him a "professional troll". He liked the idea of a troll handing out business cards. Know what you're talking about before you post, kthx.


New member
May 29, 2010
And again my post goes unread.

Maybe I should have postet: "ITT: illiterate people".
That would have at least sparked some reaction (not to mention, it would have expressed the picture that this community is offering me).


New member
Jun 1, 2010
Straying Bullet said:
Like I said, the fans humping this game got boned in the ***. It's good Yahtzee wrote a response to everyone here to see, that this game suffers the Final Fantasy 13 fiasco. 20 hours with repetive grind and suddenly it becomes better?

Twenty, fucking hours. Good Job Yahtzee, loved that last punchline. Up yours indeed and everyone who quoted me bashing this game as well under his review. Writing off Yahtzee not being an intelligent being and thinking your voice has any value. Lol troll lol.
It doesn't take 10 hours to get through the tutorial, it only takes around 1 hour! Yahtzee's trolling!


New member
Apr 25, 2008
I never commented on the original review, and I hate the Monster Hunter series and would never buy Tri, but I think - for the sake of your own credibility - you should mention in the review when and why you stopped playing.


New member
May 14, 2009
Edward123454321 said:
Krimson Kun said:
Edward123454321 said:
Dorkmaster Flek said:
RJ Dalton said:
Ah ha! At last I have something to say that contradicts you!

I actually think a weapons degradation system could work well, depending on the feel of gameplay your going for and how you implement it. Remember STALKER: Shadows of Chernobyl. That game had a weapon degradation system and I actually thought it fit really well with the feel of a world breaking down around you. Of course, the big difference between STALKER and this game is apparently the fact that you could fire more than ten shots of your weapon without it becoming shit. Actually, in STALKER, there was one gun that I picked up early in the game and I kept it pretty much throughout, watching it slowly degrade as the game went on and worrying that it would give out on me at a critical moment. It made me rethink how I used it, because it was such a freaking awesome weapon I didn't want to loose it. So, I'd find ways to avoid having to use it if I could and I'd make sure that every shot with it counted. That was awesome. Of course, by the end of the game, it had become next to useless, because the frame had gotten bent, causing the accuracy to go way down, but by that point, it was almost the end and I was fighting guys who had much better weapons that I had to pick up anyway in order to fight them. I actually thought that worked well.
So, weapon degradation can work if you implement it well.

Really, that's all I can make an argument for, and I'm not really arguing in favor of the game you're reviewing, so maybe that doesn't count.
Actually, what you've just described sounds like your basic limited ammo game design element. Your gun essentially had a limited amount of ammo, and you had to choose how to ration it. That makes a little bit more sense. What Yahtzee is referring to (I think) is more a degradation system for melee weapons like swords and axes and the like. That just sucks ass, because you're expected to keep using the weapon repeatedly, but you have to stop and repair it.

It sucks less if it takes a while to actually degrade, because you can basically use it for the whole mission and then repair it when you get back to town between missions. But it's still retarded, because now it's basically just a little checkbox on your "list of shit to do whenever I'm in town". It doesn't add anything to the gameplay; it's just annoying. Just get rid of it. It's not fun. At all. Yeah, it's less realistic, but you know what? Fuck realism. Reality sucks and we need less of it in video games, especially bloody fantasy ones with giant fucking monsters.
Too true, especially the bit at the end, although I think the degradation of melee weapons could work, seeing as Capcom seem so fucking enthusiastic to implement it. I think they probably could of made it so weapons only degrade when your fighting certain, more powerful enemies, and it's not until you improve your weapon that you can take on these enemies. It could work slightly better, because your blade wouldn't pointlessly get fucked up by tiny, low level critters and it could work as an incentive to upgrade weapons to take on the harder enemies. That said, however, is generally quite a shitty idea, because it just wouldn't really work with melee weapons. Fallout did a good job with guns though.
The sharpness system is basically there to make players upgrade their weapon yes, and to make the game less repetitive(believe it or not), and if you're new to the game its nothing more than huge huge annoyance. When you get used to it(or use things to make the sharpness problem go away) it actually makes the game interesting, and helps you know the passage of time too, since doing a single quest can take up to 40 minutes
What do you mean by "helps you know the passage of time" during quests, how does it do that?
If you know the monster pretty well you can tell how close to dead it is by how often your sharpness has decreased. I know that fighting a G ranked Gold Rathian in Unite with my hammer meant after two sharpens she was ready for capture.

ioudas omnis

New member
Jul 2, 2008
Krantos said:
Personally, I thought it worked well in the Elder Scrolls games. But there it was a very gradual thing, in which it would generally take 2-3 quests before your weapon showed any signs of deteriorating.

And unlike games like Far Cry, there was no chance that the weapons would spontaneously not work; they just did reduced damage.

AND, unlike Fallout, they were easy to repair. What I hated about Fallout's mechanic is that it meant you had to lug around 4-5 copies of whatever gun you were using just so you'd be able to use it until you got to the next area. Whereas 1 or 2 1lb hammers could see you stay at 100% weapon damage for hours on end.
I think the person meant it's just a bad, and annoying idea. Whether the mechanics of it are presented well or not.

Also, can we please shut up about the whole "IT'S NOT REALLY TEN HOURS OMG HE LIED AND IS A LIAR AND EVERY OPINION HE HAS SHOULD BE SUBSEQUENTLY DISCARDED BECAUSE OF THIS AND OTHER THINGS ON THIS CHART I'VE MADE." shtick? I'm sure people have gathered by now that it's not actually that length of time and he's either horrendous at playing games, or he was simply exaggerating to prove a point. This, on no level, invalidates his opinion of the game.


New member
Aug 19, 2008
I agree on every single point of his rant, and it's not because I'm some ZP-fan-tard. I've only played the demo, and I did not find any enjoyment out of it. I even went as far as to try out every character available and different control schemes for each one, hoping to find some redeeming factor. By the end of this endeavor, there was nothing worth the effort. It's just a terribly designed game on the wrong console.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
Well played Yahtzee, well played.

I quite enjoyed the meh meh meh meh...I dropped one in my drawers...


New member
Jun 1, 2010
Quorothorn said:
SorryYouFailed said:
The tutorial isn't 10 hours long, its only around an hour long! Yahtzee's trolling. This isn't a matter of opinion, he's flat out lying about Monster Hunter Tri to make it look bad! I don't know why so many of you people take Yahtzee seriously, he flat out admits that he's a troll on his profile!
Actually, that line is a reference to one of his videos, the one where he goes through a couple pieces of his post-Brawl mail and is amused when one of the respondents calls him a "professional troll". He liked the idea of a troll handing out business cards. Know what you're talking about before you post, kthx.
That doesn't change the fact that Monster Hunter Tri's tutorial is only an hour long!