Most Boring Game You've Ever Played


New member
Oct 3, 2010
sravankb said:
BioShock, Fallout 3, and L.A. Noire.

Bioshock was tedious because there was absolutely no variation in the level design, and the objectives in each stage were exactly the bloody same. The only reason I kept playing was for the story.

Fallout 3, because it was incredibly depressing to experience. The combat completely broke my immersion, the visuals were barf, the character animations were downright terrible, glitches up the ass, etc.

L.A. Noire - can't even call this a game. It was a bunch of cutscenes with about 3-4 decisions to make every 15 minutes.
All my enthusiasm for LA Noire flew out the window when I watched a friend play it. Had no desire to even try it out for myself at that point.

And I didn't finish Bioshock. As you said, every objective felt the same. About to make it to the objective, and...oh look, the door has been locked and I need to wander back across the whole thing. Lovely. I had more fun with Bioshock 2, but I'd probably have to play it again to give it a proper evaluation.

Grant Hobba

New member
Aug 30, 2010
Every Call of Duty since number 4... they are trying way to hard to be in... in fact every shooter since.. Honestly cod4 was great... but since... they are just no fun.


New member
Sep 30, 2010
i64ever said:
Desert bus. No question.
How did it take 'till the second page for this to get mentioned? heres the wikipedia entry on it:
Its a friggen real time real distance driving sim in the middle of the desert.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
As another guy already said, WoW.

Course I give it a little more of a chance, and played to level 22. Then I said "Wow, this is still just as boring as killing smaller versions of this [Generic Fantasy Enemy], I'm going to stop"

Any game where you have to get to the END before it gets fun is a shit game.


New member
Dec 6, 2007
Daystar Clarion said:
Final Fantasy 13.

It's like being forced to watch a shitty Japanese soap opera for 40 hours (that's when I decided that I was done with the game), broken up by periods of linear corridors and terribly uninteractive combat.

I can't help think Squeenix spent more time trying to make it the best looking game at the time, rather than the best game.
This. I constantly get accused of vehemently hating on FF13 because it's apparently the cool thing to do or something. It can't be because I actually played it and was the first FF, barring FFX-2, that I outright refused to finish because it was so awful. I came back months later after being berrated that it "gets better at the end," and found that I had made the right choice, and people were lying to me. It doesn't get better. It's one of the worst stories in JRPG history, with the blandest cast in FF history, except for Vanille who isn't bland but INFURIATING to listen to. What's worse, is it was the game right after FF12, which I will unabashedly call my favorite in the series, despite Vaan being a worthless quazi-protagonist. At least he wasn't as bad as Tidus.

FF13 felt like they were just trying too damn hard to make the game pretty, and forewent everything else. Something I felt about FF14 as well. Though, FF14 is funnier now that they are claiming to "fix" it, and the first thing on their 'to do' list is revamp the graphics engine. >=| Wtf SE.


New member
Oct 3, 2010
Varanfan9 said:
Borderlands. It takes too long to get started and is barren of anything interesting. Combat was not that great and the quests were boring.
Completely forgot about this one. Very boring indeed. Have no idea how anyone could really enjoy it, even with friends. Maybe it improves significantly with mods?


Nov 9, 2010
For me, it's Agarest: Generations of War. Don't get me wrong; I want to finish the game, I love the story, concepts etc, but I can seriously only play 2 or 3 battles at a time then move on to something else. Before people ask; I barely play shooters, I've finished Disgaea 1-3, my favorite games are turned based ones, I played Fallout 1 and 2, I am used to slow combat, but there's something about Agarest's that makes me unable to finish it.

For a game that I find boring and don't like that much is Minecraft, single player gets me about 10 minutes, multiplayer MAYBE half an just bores me. Now back to Final Fantasy XIII, which I love.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
D-Ray said:
Farmville....why did I even start it.
I played it for a solid 4 months until New years. I was starting to get bored but I wanted to see what would happen after the countdown hit zero but all I got was a free level up.
I quit it immediately after.


King over my mind
Mar 29, 2011
Took me a while to narrow down a game I stopped playing due to boredom as opposed to just being bad. My vote goes to Prince of Persia

It looks nice but I found once I got over the spectacle of it, it was just tedious to play. The fights were the worst part, I hate QTE fights.


New member
Jul 29, 2010
Tried to get into Conflict: Denied Ops and Army of Two. Just couldn't do it. Gave them both a fair shot, but I don't think I'll ever pick up either game again.

There are more, but only those two come to mind at the moment.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
Koroviev said:
Varanfan9 said:
Borderlands. It takes too long to get started and is barren of anything interesting. Combat was not that great and the quests were boring.
Completely forgot about this one. Very boring indeed. Have no idea how anyone could really enjoy it, even with friends. Maybe it improves significantly with mods?
The beginning grind is boring but once you are super powerful and have amazing guns it's actually pretty fun. It just takes a long time to get there.
Also it seems like the dlc is better than the main game. The secret armory is actually challenging and is quite funny.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
GreatTeacherCAW said:
Almost any sandbox game. GTA has my attention for about an hour before I just get so bored that I turn it off, and the same goes for Saints Row and Red Dead Redemption (especially RDR. Fucking boring.)
Oh! Thou has't cleft my heart in twain! (reading Hamlet sorry!)

OT: Sacred 2: Fallen Angel. Dear CHRIST that was bad!


New member
Apr 13, 2009
KingofallCosmos said:
Uncharted. I Thought i t had to be good, so I've finished it. Bored out of my mind all the way.

Probably not the most boring game out there, but the combination of high expectations and positive reviews made it more tedious to me.
I 2nd you, good sir and/or madame.

A good friend of mine told me he doesn't like PS3, but he would have bought one for Uncharted. He's a good friend whose recommended me good games and movies before, but Uncharted is one of the misteps.

Is it sad that when the game jumped the shark is when I started liking it, BTW?


New member
Oct 3, 2010
Wakikifudge said:
Koroviev said:
Varanfan9 said:
Borderlands. It takes too long to get started and is barren of anything interesting. Combat was not that great and the quests were boring.
Completely forgot about this one. Very boring indeed. Have no idea how anyone could really enjoy it, even with friends. Maybe it improves significantly with mods?
The beginning grind is boring but once you are super powerful and have amazing guns it's actually pretty fun. It just takes a long time to get there.
Also it seems like the dlc is better than the main game. The secret armory is actually challenging and is quite funny.
I have a really hard time sticking with games that don't give a good first impression. I have very limited leisure time (i.e. 9/10 I am simultaneously browsing forums and working through a stack of homework), so I like to make the best use of it.


My brother answers too!
Dec 22, 2010
Me: (Brother's name), what's your favorite game?
My brother: Paper Mario

So my answer is Paper Mario :3.

But seriously, I'd have to say...Fallout 3. I found it way too boring.

Me: (Brother's name) what's the most boring game you've ever played?
My brother: Any NFL game.

There you have it.


New member
Nov 29, 2009
AlternatePFG said:
I'm going to piss off some people by saying this but... BioShock.

Don't get me wrong, there is some aspects of the game that I love. I love the whole setting, the Art Deco style is beautiful, the story is good, if a bit shaky near the end. I pretty much like everything about the game except for one thing.

The gameplay. It's dull. I haven't played a shooter with such boring, unsatisfying combat as BioShock before in my life. There are no satisfying weapons to use (Save for the shotgun, but even then it's not very good) and almost no variety in enemy design. Plasmids really weren't fun to use either. I could almost get over that, as there isn't a huge amount of combat in the game at first, but after the big reveal, the game decides to up the ante by sending endless waves of splicers after you and it gets really, really boring.
Your not alone in this one. You just knew the moment you got a mission that said "Go through that door and talk to that person" that the floor was going to collapse or the door was going to lock or the roof was going to cave in.

I'm sorry but got a combination or bored and annoyed the 3rd time I found out I was going to have to take the 45 minute route.