CTU_Loscombe said:
DMC fans piss me off something rotten
So what if the character design has changed? It doesnt mean its not a DMC game does it?!
This whole argument is the "Windwaker Effect"...Windwaker was the BEST LoZ game AND had a whole new design for EVERYTHING. Not just a single character
I suggest that if you are a DMC fan, you buy the game and judge it upon its GAMEPLAY and stop being so fucking superficial
You may have heard the phrase "You cant judge a book by its cover"...When I first read War Of The Worlds it had a plain orange cover with the title written in Times New Roman...As bland a cover as you can get...It is the greatest work of literature in existence.
So for all you whiners may know, the new DMC may be the best DMC ever
Dont judge the fucking game on its looks and judge it by how well it plays
I was going to go on about personal opinion and how developers need peoples opinions so they can better their game.
But instead I'll revisit some DMC history.
You say Windwaker was the best, which is opinion as I have a few hardcore LoZ fans that would disagree with you on that one.
And Windwaker changed up the style and everything. So change is good right?
Well DMC already tried this... that one game that Capcom tries to sweep under the rug but drags itself up every now and then to remind everyone how badly Dante ended up when they tried to change his style for DMC2.
The gameplay was fine. But Capcom have never gone back there... why?
Cause people frickin hated that Dante. So as important gameplay is, obviously visuals play a part, as much as we'd like to say they don't. Truly they do somewhere in there.
And it doesn't help that when they revisited the original Dante style for the second time they made the best DMC game of the series. (3, if you were unsure).
Your argument is still a valid one, however it's a failed formula with DMC games.
dogstile said:
I want them to stick with the designs so it really ticks off the fans.
After all, I like the game, I play it alot. I don't care, he looks acceptable. Well done for taking a chance ninja theory. Its fans like these that stop developers from trying new things.
I think this applies to you slightly. Though I get what you're saying about needing to change up the formula.
However DMC has only had 4 games. 1 of which Capcom refuses to acknowledge exists, and one you spent half the game as a different character.
If DMC is already stagnating to you them you must froth at the mouth over Halo/Call of Duty/Final Fantasy/Medal of Honor/many many more.