[Nostalgia Warning] Games and/or series you want brought back/to die.


New member
Feb 25, 2009
The Thief series still up there as my favourite games off all time, and MONKEY ISLAND! I think I?d dance a jig if they made another Guybrush Threepwood adventure. Especially if they brought back Ron Gilbert, Tim Schafer and Dave Grossman to make it.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
I'd like to see a good remake of the old school gameboy game, Final Fantasy Adventure. Sword of Mana was complete crap. What they did to it was ruin it... FFA had a charm to it while Sword of Mana made me want to punch a baby. GUH!


New member
Sep 17, 2007
RAKais said:
Firia said:
L33tsauce_Marty said:
Game series to rot in the ground:
Star Wars games. I mean really...
Here here! That cow gets milked so often, it's popping out powdered milk. That crap isn't good for anyone. But will Lukas let it die? No, he'll go Vader on its ass; introduce lots of high tech life support, special effects, and the occation "I honestly don't need actors anymore thanks to computers." ...Oh, wait, that's the movies. Well, same diff.
Starwars Battlefront games are the only worthwhile star wars experience, I hope you will agree
Hmmmmmm... you might have me there. Come to think of it, there might be a couple of golden eggs among the chaff. I seem to remember some Star Wars game around the same time as Battle Front that featured Elite Clone Troopers. That game was fun, and Battlefront was at least entertaining. (hey, you could cap Ewoks... cool!)

The rest? To the chair with them, I say!


New member
Oct 16, 2008
Chu Chu Rocket on Xbox Live Arcade is a no-brainer. C'mon, Sega.

I could also use another Star Wars: Rogue Squadron/Rogue Leader game. Quit snivelling about Lair and get on that, Factor 5.


Mar 26, 2008
As most people already know i would sell my kidney for Dungeon Keeper to come back. Not as that friggin' chinese MMO, but as a proper, awesomely evil RTS.

EDIT: Looking back at the posts im not the only one. HUG ME MY BROTHERS!!!


New member
Oct 21, 2008
I wonder if it will break the flow when i say: Black and White :D
Id like a proper Black and White, not some city builder >.<
Damn you Ea, Damn you !


New member
Jan 8, 2009
goin-mad said:
The Thing
>John Carpenter's version was awesome. It needs to come back, or at least have a decent video game made for it.
Key word here is "decent."

I personally miss Soul Blazer and Illusion of Gaia.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Firia said:
L33tsauce_Marty said:
Game series to rot in the ground:
Star Wars games. I mean really...
Here here! That cow gets milked so often, it's popping out powdered milk. That crap isn't good for anyone. But will Lukas let it die? No, he'll go Vader on its ass; introduce lots of high tech life support, special effects, and the occation "I honestly don't need actors anymore thanks to computers." ...Oh, wait, that's the movies. Well, same diff.
There's hope that something exists to destroy the Star Wars franchise, at least. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKSkfqAe6QI]

Sure, the video is very inaccurate and not really close to an honest depiction, but even if that Imperial Star Destroyer brought its frontal guns to bear against that Orion destroyer's prickly broad side, the results likely wouldn't have been much different. Chalk up one for the GTVA.

Aesthetical Quietus

New member
Mar 4, 2009
urprobablyright said:
Aesthetical Quietus said:
I wasn't trying to compare them, I was just saying I like it. xD
So you can speak german, or you installed them in english, or what?
Age of Empires: The Age of Kings was in German but that didn't affect the expansion's being in English - and I only really played the expansion for the first few months. Such beautiful graphics, huge maps, endless missions full of joy... yup

I lived in germany from 2001-2004 but i've lost all my german now
That explains it, lol^^

Uber Evil

New member
Mar 4, 2009
I Personally want another Thief Game. Eidos hinted at it, but nothing seems to be happening. I just don't want them making it in modern times like what Ion Storm was gonna do.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
Gauntlet Legends, I want a hardcore hack n' mindless slash game like the original. Gimmie a game where i can kill things until my hands bleed then want to kill more.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
Firia said:
RAKais said:
Firia said:
L33tsauce_Marty said:
Game series to rot in the ground:
Star Wars games. I mean really...
Here here! That cow gets milked so often, it's popping out powdered milk. That crap isn't good for anyone. But will Lukas let it die? No, he'll go Vader on its ass; introduce lots of high tech life support, special effects, and the occation "I honestly don't need actors anymore thanks to computers." ...Oh, wait, that's the movies. Well, same diff.
Starwars Battlefront games are the only worthwhile star wars experience, I hope you will agree
Hmmmmmm... you might have me there. Come to think of it, there might be a couple of golden eggs among the chaff. I seem to remember some Star Wars game around the same time as Battle Front that featured Elite Clone Troopers. That game was fun, and Battlefront was at least entertaining. (hey, you could cap Ewoks... cool!)

The rest? To the chair with them, I say!
C'mon guys, no love for the "Golden era" of Star Wars gaming? If you're too young to remember, allow me to elaborate (if not, then disregard the following paragraph):

The early to mid 90's was a positively magical time for Star Wars fans. The classic trilogy had been released (and re-released) on VHS, the prequels were still a twinkle in George Lucas' eye, and Lucasarts was known as one of the best game developers in the business (they even made games that weren't related to Star Wars!). In short, the franchise was still loved and revered by the general public. During this time, some of the best Star Wars games of all time were made, mostly for the PC. From the awesome flight sim X-Wing (and the even more awesome Tie Fighter) to the FPS classics Dark Forces and Jedi Knight, these games offered sublime gameplay, gripping storylines, and a degree of polish sorely missing from most modern Star Wars titles. Even the simple arcade-style games like Rebel Assault went the extra mile in its presentation. I miss those days, when calling yourself a Star Wars fan was a mark of pride, not derision.

I would give anything to see a new game in the X-Wing/Tie Fighter series. No other Star Wars flight game even comes close to its greatness. Heck, just getting a re-release with modern day graphics would be a dream come true.

On a slightly different subject, I wish Capcom gets off their butt and makes a Viewtiful Joe 3. I want a true sequel this time, not that second rate Super Smash Bros. clone that was made a few years ago. And for the love of God, focus on Joe and Silvia ONLY, not that crappy supporting cast from the anime.

Raven's Nest

Elite Member
Feb 19, 2009
Link Kadeshi said:
Freespace needs a revival, like frackin' hardcore, who's with me?!
I'm with you. And whilst i'm here, bring back click and pointers!


Neverhoodian said:
I would give anything to see a new game in the X-Wing/Tie Fighter series. No other Star Wars flight game even comes close to its greatness. Heck, just getting a re-release with modern day graphics would be a dream come true.
Did you not play X-wing Alliance then? - Close but no cigar.


New member
Mar 5, 2009
ToonLink said:
Earthbound is one game that defiantly needs a next gen remake/sequel.
Earthbound was a sequel, lets not forget. I would be happy to get the first one translated. I tried learning Japanese, but Im just too dumb.

What I want to Die, and what I want to live: Final Fantasy. I want good FF's back, and the bad ones to go away. 7-9 you will find mix feelings about from the populace. But general concensus is post 9 they just arent FF anymore.

I really really want the next in the Chrono series Chrono Trigger->Chrono Cross-> Gimme!

I also want Lost Vikings, Marble Madness, Battletoads, Double Dragon. And to agree with someone else.. PLEASE FINISH SHENMUE

Honestly, things to die: Games based on Graphics that are so pretty, and play like ass, and have lost all their passion.
Games to be remade: The games from the past that were fun. Sure they werent awesome-super-radical-graphic-billion-fps-rendering-gods. But here's a concept, they were fucking fun.

Oh and contra.. a good one.