@Notch and the 'F-bomb'


New member
Jul 25, 2008
ElPatron said:
Double standards. They can have the N-word. [sarcasm]What if from now on, anyone who breaks into my property will get a warning or a shot depending on his colour [/sarcasm]. After that sentence double standards don't seem so good now, do they?

Also, by your logic the fact that I have an ambiguous sexual orientation allows me to use the word "gay". Because I am protected under your double standard.
They don't "have it", I can say "******" I just can't call black people that. Because that is OBVIOUSLY inflammatory!

You get that? RIGHT? How things are inflammatory? Context! WHO says WHAT to WHOM! This is why words are not actually banned. The n-word is not banned, what is banned is racial threats which are up to the courts to decide, not a dictionary. The law is not so pig-headed and inflexible as you'd like to assume.

What the hell does all that have to do with breaking into people's property? What is the relation between the crime of burglary and the history of slavery and racism? REALLY! There is nothing! The way you should treat and intruder in your home should be based on the tangible and actual threat they pose, not judge by skin colour. Like if they have a weapon, or many accomplices, or if they are advancing on you threateningly.

Also, it's not a double standard because "gay" is not and offensive term as homosexuals have used it to self-indentify. However "******" is, it IS inflammatory to call a gay person a "fag" or "******" for how it incites hatred and difference. But not for one person who is unambiguously gay to say to another.

Instant K4rma

Aug 29, 2008
Dense_Electric said:
I'm just going to say this: the day western society gets over this ridiculous notion that certain words are inherently "bad" will be a good day indeed.
I could not agree more.

How we ever came to the point of deeming simple words to be "off limits" or "inappropriate" is beyond me.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
I just saw the tweets, you would think we were all in highschool still. I'm very disapointed in Notch (for handling this like a child) and Yogscast. Even if I have my doubts that YC really did act that badly I'm really disapointed in how this has been handled.

If Notch must really think of the children why didn't he think of all the kids who look up to him and YC, my brother included.I'm not gonna say somthing like he will be 'heart broken' (because thats stupid) but he will be really dissapointed to see them fighting like this.

You would think no one had heard of being discreet.


New member
Mar 20, 2004
The whole concept of curse words is horribly draconian; the context of an expression carries so much more weight then the word used.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Wow, this is a issue...

My parents used to swear in front of me all the time as a child, it never hurt me.

Seriously, the amount of cotton wooling these kids are being given is insane, they are in Vegas for christ sake!


New member
Jul 18, 2011
Treblaine said:
The way you should treat and intruder in your home should be based on the tangible and actual threat they pose (...) Like if they have a weapon, or many accomplices, or if they are advancing on you threateningly.
That is not related to my point at all but some places have what the Americans call the "Castle Doctrine".

It has nothing to do with skin because you might not be able to determine the criminal's colour or if he is armed or not, if he is facing you or not, etc. Just shoot at center mass and call an ambulance later.

Alistair Crook

New member
Mar 16, 2011
I'm fairly ambivalent on the whole matter, but it doesn't seem like as much of an overreaction if certain people had been pissing around the whole time as Notch has revealed (Operative word if, I hasten to add)


Oct 4, 2011
No need to swear near the kiddies. Do you people swear at your parents just because they know what swears are?

If you say yes then you should put soap in your mouth.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
ElPatron said:
Treblaine said:
You using "that's gay" to describe things that are merely pathetic rather than of a same-sex screwing thing... that is homophobic.
Why has the black culture transformed the n-word into something that does not carry the old pejorative meaning but we can't take the homophobic out of "gay"?

I don't get mankind at all.

Anyway, Notch probably reacted this way to save face and not be associated with people who swear in front of children.
"Gay" isn't homophobic. It was a word chosen by the gay community (as the original meaning meant happy and freespirited) because homosexual was very clinical and it was during the time when it was seen as a mental illness. Queer, on the other hand has always been pejorative, though arguably the gay community changed that with chants like "we're here, we're queer. Get used to it!"


New member
Aug 2, 2008
This is kinda of gotten complex due to the recent tweets from Notch...If they're true then the Yogscast have clearly done something wrong, but then I can't see them doing things like that as they just seem really nasty...um...

I think it was not a good move on Notch's part to post this on twitter, because he's bound to cause a shitstorm and create tension, when it should have just been handled quietly. That's one of the dangers of a platform like twitter where in a few seconds you can type something incredibly inflammatory, and there's nothing that you can do if you change your mind.

Ultimately Notch is perfectly fine (and morally right) if he doesn't want to work with the Yogscast anymore, but there's no need for this infantile tirade of insults, especially coming a few days after minecon, wich was such a great moment for Minecraft.

This exposes the need for game developers, and people who are going to give interviews in the games industry, to be properly media trained, because stuff like this shouldn't happen.


New member
Sep 20, 2011
Someone once said to me if you can't say it without swearing, then you don't know how to say it.

Cursing isn't part of a vocabulary, because it's only use is a vocalization of frustration or anger. Like when you watch the Jimquisition here on The Escapist, and he gets the rage shakes and just repeats "fuck" seven or eight times as a sentence. I find this more annoying than say, Yahtzee, who while arguably the most foul-mouthed person on this site, at least approaches it with some creativity and for comic effect, instead of just acting like a fourteen year old throwing a temper tantrum. My brother swears like this, and it is as agonizing to put up with as scraping a razor over my own teeth.

Sizzle Montyjing

Pronouns - Slam/Slammed/Slammin'
Apr 5, 2011
Oh who the fuck gives a shit about this kind of mother-fucking bullshit?
It's obviously a MASSIVE over-reaction on Notch's part, it's just the 'fcuk' word, may as well have said rough sex, in fact, in this fucked-up logic that would be 100 times better because it doesn't involve 4 letters stringed together to mean what rough sex does, (more or less on the definition here)

If you find swear words offensive, get over it and chill the fuck out.


New member
May 5, 2010
Princess Trollestia said:
No need to swear near the kiddies. Do you people swear at your parents just because they know what swears are?

If you say yes then you should put soap in your mouth.
Yes, and my parents swear too. And I resent that you seem to think you should be able to dictate in such a condescending manner what I and my parents say to each other.


New member
Mar 17, 2010

Totalbiscuit's word on the current situation.

I have to agree with him for the most part. Though the ones he speaks of with their metaphorical pitchforks, those who need to hear this the most, are probably deaf to it.

All a lot of fuss over not much at all if you ask me.


~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011
wooty said:
Go to any primary or secondary school in the world and you'll hear a lot worse than that.

Hell, play on Xbox Live for 3 minutes, younger people saying worse things more frequently, mixed in with violence too.
You speaks za truth. So much truth, yes.

Anyway, it's just another word in our already huge vocabulary. One little F-Bomb won't make your child want to murder and molest.


Oct 4, 2011
LetalisK said:
Princess Trollestia said:
No need to swear near the kiddies. Do you people swear at your parents just because they know what swears are?

If you say yes then you should put soap in your mouth.
Yes, and my parents swear too. And I resent that you seem to think you should be able to dictate in such a condescending manner what I and my parents say to each other.
I resent that you think you can dictate what I dictate. Monarchy doesn't work like that, sorry. Now go get some soap before your tongue is stained.

I hope you don't swear to your future children.


New member
May 5, 2010
Princess Trollestia said:
LetalisK said:
Princess Trollestia said:
No need to swear near the kiddies. Do you people swear at your parents just because they know what swears are?

If you say yes then you should put soap in your mouth.
Yes, and my parents swear too. And I resent that you seem to think you should be able to dictate in such a condescending manner what I and my parents say to each other.
I resent that you think you can dictate what I dictate. Monarchy doesn't work like that, sorry.
*looks at name* Point taken. I'll let you go waste someone else's life.