Thank you so much, people show support for indie studios by buying their products, if EA chooses to help out those studios by putting their games in the spotlight again (games I forget about), how is that a bad thing? Notch here comes off as somebody saying: "They want to help others? How dare they!"Andy Chalk said:Nobody's forcing anyone to buy EA's products, or to pay for their "nickel and dime" DLC, or use Origin, or anything else. EA makes a product and offers that product under certain conditions; consumers then choose whether or not they want to lay out their money for it. And millions upon millions of people say "Yes, please."
If anyone in that equation is "destroying" the industry - which, for the record, is absolute nonsense - it's not EA, it's the purchasing public. It's you.
EA doesn't have a gun to anybody's head, and it's the height of ridiculousness to suggest otherwise.
As for Notch's comments, they're beyond disingenuous. "EA is methodically destroying gaming" is not a statement that needs clarification.
If only people realized you can respect something a company does, and still dislike them, it's not like you're forced to be on one side of the fence or the other.