Pu-leeze..... Dude.. I think most rpg players are of the general conviction that ME2 wasn't an RPG... just a simple shooter, with a 'few' customisable options and a storyline that took a jump and a sharp left in so far as the direction the frist was going... yep polished.. but that's not too dificult for an on rails shooter..aaaaaDisregard said:I don't want my $50 back - the game is great so far, it's like Fallout 3 but with sane dialogue, interesting quests and lots of meaningful choices. And it crushed only once in about 10 hours of playtime.
There are rough edges here and there, but I gladly close my eyes on them - they are the minor problems which don't ruin the game, at least if you don't encounter some serious bug.
It's just too damn hard to achieve for New Vegas-like game the level of polish of Mass Effect 2. ME2 is very short, super-linear and controllable.
Every movement in the cutscene, smallest detail, camera angle - it's hard and expensive, but possible for (relatively) small RPG with little to no consequences for the game world (I love Mass Effect 2, but most of decisions just don't cause noticeable changes - world always stays the same. And quests are scarce).
On the other hand we've got New Vegas with open world, lots of NPCs (most of which don't just stand in one place for ages, awaiting player's visit - they simulate simple sleep-work-eat cycle or even roam the surroundings), many quests with several solutions which affect environment, other NPCs and player's relations with different factions.
It's insanely hard to debug such a game, so naturally with constrains of time and money we don't get a perfect product immediately after release, but I'd rather buy slightly unpolished Fallout - New Vegas than stable, linear and uninspiring grinding of Gothic 4.
But here we go again... someone else using the size of the game to somehow infer that Ob should be let off the hook... they choose to take on a project of this size.. they said they knew what they were doing.. the fact is they failled... totally their fault....
If I say I can build a mansion, then 'finish' it, but the windows let in water and the doors don't hang plumb.. is it ok if I say that the project was too big for me after all?