Oh dear...


New member
May 4, 2009
ELCTea said:
Thyunda said:
ELCTea said:
WrongSprite said:
This is old news man...happened months ago.

But yeah, standard answer, he deserves no less.
Sorry :( i only found out today through the silly facebook group (don't hate me)
Yo, I found a Facebook group called 'suport gud spellin' fairly recently. That had more members than I cared to count, so Facebook groups do not represent the opinions of the general populace.
errr yes i know i was just saying that i saw a group and thats the only way i found out.
I thought you were more commenting on the amount of members said group had...it was actually a reply to the OP but I'm lazy.
My bad. =(


New member
Sep 18, 2009
Not a chance. Let him rot for his time. He probably thought he COULD get away with it because of his status, which makes it slightly more abhorrent if anything ... but still, justice should be blind to such things whether the effect would be positive or negative.

What if it was a notorious gangster and it was a petition from a million gangsters (they won't get that many fans signing up btw - no one ever does) asking for his release?


New member
May 16, 2009
FargoDog said:
The Paris Hilton thing is the absolute worst. If it was an incredibly famous actor or talanted musician, then at least people have a reason for looking up to them. They're inspirational to people. What the fuck has Paris Hilton ever done that one could consider inspirational? NOTHING WHATSOEVER. She's been in like thirty reality shows, and if you're the kind of person who wants to be like Paris Hilton in her reality shows, then you would not last long in my utopia.

Because I would bury you in the same damn coffin but without the drinking straw.

Oh, and I don't mean 'you' as in 'you yourself', but just as in general. If you know what I mean. <.<
Exactly. She's never done a single thing worthy of inspiration, unless you count being an attention whore an inspiring feat. She's only made a fool of herself and it's only gotten worse with her decrease in popularity. Yes, those people who look up to her probably need to be buried in a coffin without the straw.

Though, I kinda thought you were talking about me for a second. I got sad. At least spare me the coffin treatment.


Still Approved by Shock
May 30, 2010
United States
They shouldn't get reduced sentences but they do, and unfortunately he's popular enough that he will easily get that petition full, which is just a damn shame. I could go without hearing anything new from him.


New member
May 21, 2009
I would be willing to bet he already is getting a reduced sentence. One year for drugs and an illegal firearm should be at least two to three I would think.

Sneaky-Pie said:
Of course they should.

Celebrities are more important than you or I.

I mean, they can sing.

Some can but lil Wayne can't. The only reason he is famous is because of this new auto tuner phase that music is going through.

Sewer Rat

New member
Sep 14, 2008
While I personally am against anti-weed laws (I'm not a stoner, but they are fun as hell to watch), until the law is inevitably changed all should be treated equally. Being a celebrity should not be the equivalent of a 'get out of jail free' card, although it is often mistaken for one. Also what 'illegal firearm' was he carrying?


New member
May 18, 2009
FargoDog said:
Julianking93 said:
In all honesty, I was going to say that....but I figured it would be too harsh >>

But yes, if anything, they should be made an example of with even harsher sentences.
Society needs to make an example, and no better example can be made than of celebrities, especially when so many of them and their fans think they're above the law.

I seem to recall Lindsay Lohan was caught with cocaine and was out of jail in under 72 hours. If that was any member of society who wasn't famous, they would be in there for at the very least a year. I can't stand the pedestal people put celebrities on, and as such deserve harsher punishments.

Good God, I would be a horrible leader.
OT: No one is above the law, its there for a reason, and if a celebrity gets away with a crime (because their famous) what image is that sending out?


Elite Member
May 28, 2009
I know I'm in the minority for saying this but I agree that celebs should get lighter prison time that us regular folk. Why? Because it's their job to keep us entertained and distract us from the hardships of our lives for brief periods of time. I hold celebrities in a higher regard because of this, including believing that they should be punished a lot more leniently.

However, the major crimes are an exception. If a celebrity, be it sports or entertainment or royalty or whatever, commits murder or rape or a vicious assault, then I wish the book to be thrown at him or her, as it were. They are *not* above that.


This is the most wittiest title
Oct 26, 2009
Of course celebs should serve their time like everyone else. Duh. Random Facebook groups aren't exactly the best way to get the people's popular opinion on things.

On a side note, I happen to know that Lil Wayne was some time ago put to an "insulation" cell (or whatever it is. Absolute solitude and stripped of any comforts possible), because of having an iPod hidden in his regular cell.

I also happen to know that the prison's one executive has been accused and suffered some kind of penalties for favoring this rapper.

On a totally different notice: why on earth do you name a topic as vaguely as "Oh dear...". Dislike.


New member
Jun 11, 2009

Stephen Fry did jailtime. What's wrong with it? Makes 'em good and proper.

Also, I think we should start a petition to increase his sentence on the grounds that Lil' Wayne is...well...Lil' Wayne

Seriously, even the other rappers think he's a trolling little kid.

The Diabolical Biz

New member
Jun 25, 2009
Totally, I mean how stupid is he for thinking he could get away with it anyway?!

He needs to be made an example to send out a message that being commercially successful doesn't mean you can get away with anything!

When it comes right down to it, he's a pretty terrible person who deserves his time.

[sub][sub]Plus I hate him for contributing to the destruction of Hip-Hop. And for the line "When I was 5 my favorite movie was the gremlins/ain't got shit to do with this but just thought I'd mention"...[/sub][/sub]

Douchebag intent

New member
Oct 17, 2010
"celebrities are above the law" as stated by whoopie goldberg in the live action movie "Rockey and Bullwinkle"

and I agree.


New member
Aug 26, 2008
A celebrity should be treated the same as everyone else. Just because they are richer or more well known than somebody else doesn't make them above the law.


New member
Nov 3, 2008
Rune342 said:
A celebrity should be treated the same as everyone else. Just because they are richer or more well known than somebody else doesn't make them above the law.
Agreed...but he is a rapper... so I say we give him a good thrashing, some community service, boot-camp, a boot, and send him to a remote arctic fishing village without any sort of connection to the outside world. There he won't be a bad role-model for kids, and he damage my ears any further.