Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
May 21, 2009
jamlord said:
I don't think thats the game you are looking for. That was definitely "The ClueFinders 4th Grade Adventures: Puzzle of the Pyramid". That game was the bet as a kid. It was part of a series. I played them when they first came out.
Stupid things don't work on my Mega Advanced computer...


New member
Dec 5, 2010
Okay, I have one. It's an old game me and my friend Ryan used to play everyday. Either for the N64 or SNES, I'm not sure. But you can pick between a male or female, or both. It's a view from the side and you walk through different levels fighting enemies. We never got through the first boss, she was a witch or something and she would throw fire or lightning at you. The background was white, like clouds, maybe? But I can't for the life of me remember the name of this game. But when you chose your player, they were in this weird futuristic pod like thing. Please help me out!


New member
Nov 15, 2010
There is one. It was a side-scroller on the Sega Genesis (I think) I remember playing as a werewolf...thing. I vaguely recall a forest level, and a level on some kind of mothership. My recallections are sketchy at best, though. There was another on the PS2, or maybe it was the PS1...anyway, it was an FPS. I just remember shooting dinosaurs in the jungle. Also, I think there was a part where you had to dodge pterosaurs after falling out of a plane. Again, sketchy. Veeery sketchy.


Occasional Gentleman
Apr 3, 2010
I never played it myself but I remember seeing this RTS that was sort of sci-fi but I don't think it had anything too advanced. It had 2D graphics and the part that I watched the enemies mainly had these little fixed turrets that I guess must have been pretty powerful because the player I watched used a lot of troops against each one. I also remember seeing a gunboat sailing up and down a river near the left side of the screen once, and I'm pretty sure the player said it was on his side. The main thing that stands out in my memory is that the player could sell units to the enemy (I guess, since they stayed there but changed colors, and then he had another unit attack them). The AI probably wasn't that good since I don't remember the sold units actually doing anything. I don't recall the exact year but in that same place I also saw people playing Warcraft 2.


New member
Dec 10, 2010
ok here's one
prob over 10 years now thou, but i remain hopeful!
two-player game with a split screen. there is some alien swirly colourful planet, and then there's the earth planet. and both are globes stuck in some maze.
the aim is to attempt to find the other one and shoot them before they shoot you. you basically hunt around the maze trying to find your opponent before they find you, and you can see where they are, but of course you're in diff parts of the maze.
anyone? lol


New member
Dec 12, 2010
I have been trying to remember a name of a game where a dad who i think is in the military and he has his dead daughter who he brings back as a robot or cyborg. Please can someome help me with this game


New member
Jan 4, 2009
There was a game on my friend's SNES or NES when I was a kid I thought was the Legend of Zelda for the longest time, and even bought Zelda because I though that was it. (Not that I was disappointed)

It was a side-scrolling adventure, where you played as a character that I recall looking like Link (but it might be that because I associated it with Zelda, my memories have changed), and perhaps another character, maybe playable, who I recall being a girl.

Anyways, it was a game with platforming and fighting enemies. I remember clearly a power-up that made boulders circle you, protecting you for a while.

warm slurm

New member
Dec 10, 2010
I played this game a long time ago. It was for an old PC (not sure which one, maybe Acorn or Apple) and you were a sphere (I think it was coloured to look like Earth) in space, and you had to maneuver and jump across the platforms. That was it. I played it a lot then and it always bugs me that I can't remember what it was called...


New member
Dec 13, 2010
Hey guys I am looking for this game i played about 10 years ago. It is a vertical-side scrolling game on the pc in which you drive this car on a road and you come across all kinds of enemies like planes and choppers and stuff and you shoot those up. You can get weapon upgrades and i remember you could have 2 enormous launchers on the side of your car or even one big laser which killed anything and was on for 2 seconds. Each level contained end bosses. I think it was on a cd or even a floppy and a msdos game.

Please help me out, thanks!!!

pharaoh malik

New member
Dec 1, 2010
I remember the name actually -- but I was kind of wondering if anybody else played it. I actually thought it was friggin' amazing but aside from playing it back in the day I've never heard anybody else's opinion.

The game was for Sega Dreamcast -- and was called Toy Commander. The title sounds kind of lame but it was an awesome action game. I miss it, I thought it was great.


New member
Dec 20, 2010
I have a tough game that I barely remember..
I think it was SNES, maybe NES..I swore it was a roadrunner style game, but I remember there was a boss, perhaps wile coyote, or it may have been another looney tunes member flying in a helicopter or a plane overhead, and while youre trying to complete the level hes throwing a rope down like a lasso and if he gets you he pulls you up and carries you away, and you have to restart the level or something. I have no idea what game it was!!


New member
Nov 22, 2010
Uhh Well...
I remember playing it on a ps1 demo ageees ago but I lost it so I can't find the game T.T
Basically, you played as a miner person and the screen is like dirt, rocks and gems. You collect the gems and if you dig under a rock it drops on you and you die etc.
Yup >.>

EDIT: Oh gosh I found it with not much trouble xD
Rocks n Gems :)


New member
Nov 2, 2010
I remember one off the SEGA Mega-Drive. It was a side scrolling adventure game about a wolf that shoots fireballs from it's mouth


New member
Dec 19, 2010
There was this arcade game that i once played where you had to shoot various targets except avoid hitting a guy with a mustache or anything that looked like him really it was actually lots of fun