Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
I've got one that's been bugging me for the longest time.

It's a PC game, at least 10 years old I'm thinkin'. It was a horror game where you played as this woman whose husband/boyfriend gets possessed by a demon or something and goes around killing women, and you're supposed to stop him. From time to time, there were cutscenes showing different women being killed in different ways. At one point, he captures you and ties you to a chair with a guillotine blade above your head and you have to somehow free yourself before he releases the blade to kill you.

I never actually played it, I remember watching my mom or somebody else play it. Nevertheless, I'd love to find out what it is.

rancher of monsters

New member
Oct 31, 2010
There's this one PS1 game that I remember having a demo for. It was like tomb raider, but the whole thing was set under water and you had to fight sharks, divers, and sea monsters with, I think, a net shooter and a spear gun. Anybody know what I'm talking about?


New member
Apr 9, 2008
rancher of monsters said:
There's this one PS1 game that I remember having a demo for. It was like tomb raider, but the whole thing was set under water and you had to fight sharks, divers, and sea monsters with, I think, a net shooter and a spear gun. Anybody know what I'm talking about?
Treasures of the deep my friend, great game.

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
m_mniny said:
ok so first thanks for starting such a topic .. i registered an account just for this thread.
i got three games that i can't remember their names (some serious memory issues!)

1) the first game i used to play on PC like 12 years ago or so (probably a DOS game) the setup is simple, a shoot'em up game with zombies where you choose between a male or a female character at the beginning then you shoot the zombies and rescue people.
Where it not for the fact that you said PC, I'd assume you're talking about <a href=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zombies_Ate_My_Neighbors>Zombies Ate My Neighbors, an SNES game. You could choose between a male or female avatar, and then you ran around dispatching the various monsters from the corny horror and science fiction movies of days gone by with weapons like a water gun, a bazooka, a weed whacker, cans of soda (that acted like grenades) and so forth. Your primary objective is to rescue your neighbors and then escape the level.


A Miserable Pile of Honesty
Jul 17, 2009
benbenthegamerman said:
it was a game where u are some lady with a bow and arrow who has a pet tiger. the game sucked but...
That would be Portal Runner [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal_Runner], unless it was actually a tiger, and not a lion. I remember seeing some ads for that as well as a level skip cheat in a magazine somewhere.


New member
Sep 20, 2010
UnusualStranger said:
I remember a game a long time ago.

It was an RPG and I only remember the beginning, which was epic.

You start out simply entering a palace made of glass it seems. You start out as a party of 4, and are apparently heavily leveled up, well equipped, and everything. You wander through, running into random battles and the like, until you get to a set of bosses. You can soundly beat these bosses, but after the battle, they form this dark light around you.

You and your compatriots make your own lights to battle it, and win, but everyone is injured. You walk about and check on everyone, but the party is separated by a collapsing glass bridge. So, half of your party takes off, and you and your party member escape on foot from the palace/castle.

It then fast forwards, and the main character and hero from the beginning is found trying to escape his girlfriend, no longer the hero they were before.

The game is for SNES, I think(not sure at all here), and it is a great game filled with all sorts of stuff, and I wish I could remember what it was called so I could find it.
Sounds like Lufia & the fortress of doom


New member
May 27, 2009
Z of the Na said:
BlackandBlueMage said:
there was a crazy ass racing game i used to play on a pc (but it may have been an emulator) i remember the graphics were roughly playstation caliber and there were warps and you raced through underwater tunnels and man, it was awesome. anyone have a clue?
Rush 2049?

That was a pretty crazy racing game, if my memory serves me correctly.
YES! this is it! my childhood has come one step closer into focus! thanks!


New member
Oct 29, 2009
There was this cartridge game, a platformer, the main character looked like a version of Mario with black pants, green T-shirt and big white shoes, if I remember correctly.
The game was divided into different regions with different themes.
I recall that you could find eggs in the game, which popped out one of the four card suits, which each gave the character a different mount, either a seal for underwater situations, 2 different dinosaurs (blue and red, blue one attacked with his tail, red one shot fire out of his mouth), can't remember the fourth mount anymore though.
Anyone has any ideas XD?

Z of the Na'vi

Born with one kidney.
Apr 27, 2009
BlackandBlueMage said:
YES! this is it! my childhood has come one step closer into focus! thanks!
Aylaine said:

That's why the story was so cheesy. All females had died virtually, and the story was mostly driven by the main guy killing a bunch of dudes to get his girl back. xD

Thanks Z. <3
Not a problem, I'm happy to return the sweet memories of childhood to the both of you. I had quite an extensive library of games back when I was about 7 or so, thus these games are quite remembered in my heart.

It's always nice to remember the games of our childhood, at least in my retrospect, I'm not sure about your age when you first played these games, but that seems to be the overall theme going here.

Broady Brio

New member
Jun 28, 2009
PC game.
I only played the demo.
It had Barbarians as well as Daemons as a race.
You chose a hero as well and their name. The only name I can think of is Morpheus a daemon.

If you wanted to built on unsuitable ground and you were Barbarians they would go "IDIOT!"

EDIT:I think it be called Warlords Battlecry II.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
There's one.
I think it was on the sega Mega Drive, it was a side-scroller, you controled a ship which could shoot and I remember a couple of different bosses, one being a big fish and another which loads of cannons surronding its body.

(EDIT: Just looked through Google and found out it's Super Fantasy Zone.) it was one of my favourite games for the mega drive other than sonic the hedgehog.


New member
Oct 31, 2010
Razhen3 said:
I have a few games which I have never been able to figure out their names, but I can only think of one right now.

I played this game when I was 3 or 4 years old, so realize this may be innacurate :) . I played it on an old school computer (it was no later than 1991 I think) and I believe the game had 5-10 floppy disks. I have always wanted to say it is called Dragon's Lair, but every internet search I've used has always turned up games that never look similar.

Anyways, I remember you start off in shack or small farm type building, and outside is your pet pig (I wish I could remember his name! lol) I don't remember how you move around the world, but I believe it's an isometric view which is stationary. I think I remember a large river south east of where your farm is and I remember eventually entering a cave, which I believe had a dragon in it, and after entering you needed to climb a rope or get a rope to proceed. That's all I can remember, someone help! This has been bothering me for 20 years :)

One of the other games I wish I could remember more about was more recent than NES but definitely older than SNES (I remember most SNES games I've played, I have a pretty good memory) All I know is it was a JRPG. I know that isn't helpful, but it wasn't any Final Fantasy, Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, or Phantasy Star. It wasn't Shining Force (and it wasn't a tactical rpg), but this thread just made me think of that game and how amazing it was...
I'm quoting myself in hopes someone will know what game this is, since it's been a few days :)


New member
Apr 15, 2009
This game where you play as a futuristic copper in America and you had a car that turned into a robot. I think it was "Something or other LAPD", forgot the name of it though. It was on the PS1.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
Z of the Na said:
Epsilon-Delta said:
I recall an old Playstation game in which you played as an anthropomorphic tiger who had some sort of Chi powers. But in the beginning, you are attacked by this Dragon and are on a revenge quest. You go around and meet/battle other Zodiac animals. The name has escaped me for fifteen years.
I got it for you right here: "Tai Fu: the Wrath of the Tiger". It took a bit of searching, but I remember renting this game as well. The gameplay reminded a small bit of Crash Bandicoot, but maybe that was due to my age and the color schemes used in the game.

Still, it was kickass.

Spot on, my friend. And I agree, it was a bit like Crash. Although more mature, I think. Ah, the good old days.


New member
May 27, 2009
ah, i thought of another one! it was an arcade style game, with the insert coins and stuff, i dont remember where exactly i played it, but anyways, there was a mouse, running from cats in a 2D mansion with trampolines, and, i swear i remember this correctly, you beat them by SLAMMING DOORS AT THEM. it was hard as hell, anyone know the name?


New member
Nov 5, 2010
I played a game on the snes around 1990 and cant seem to remeber what the name was.
Maybe someone knows:
It had 1 or 2 player mode.
The view of the game is from above
You played as a robot and could turn into a jetfighter
You had a base red or blue depending on wich player you where.
And needed to conqeur more bases 4 if i am right.
At your base you could build tanks and some other military verhicles.
The tanks could move in the other bases filling one out of 4 red/blue blips on the base.
when filled it turned into your base.


New member
Mar 26, 2010
Mid 90's a RTS game with four alien races:
Intelligent but weak guys that looked a bit like skeksi's from 'Dark crystal', some guys that looked like gorillas or hippopotami that used to be their soldiers, some sapient plants that used to be their slaves and some brown skinned guys that were like the 'peaceful monks' of the world and had a build similar to 'Grays/stereotype aliens'


New member
Nov 27, 2010
Yes, I have those days where I can't remember games. I have one that is annoying me.. I vaguely remember but you were a circle, in a maze and you shot opponents (either second player or the computer) and when you died, it said "Have a Nice day" (i think that is what it said, anyways). Which I think was for SNES. I cannot find the name at all :( so I know how that goes.