Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Nov 19, 2016
Hey again! I'm looking for another game (I think those two are the only ones i miss from childhood)

Genre: RPG
Year: 2004 or more

Random facts:

Rpg medieval / fantasy

It was a Demo from a gaming magazine.

You were playing a Female character (only option available)character was like a female warrior blonde, nothing exaggerated, all the graffcs and art are "realistic"

You start the game in the top of a mountain in some kind of monastery, a random person (a thief) stolen a sword (i think it was a two-handed sword) and i think this was the main quest, you have to chase him but in the demo you never catch him

Game was 2D but beautiful hand draw scenarios, i think your character wears a Cape / there is capes in the game, long ones (maybe your character is blonde

In the demo you are just coming down from the mountains followin the stranger who stole the sword, and you figth some wild creatures and reach a little town, the landscapes were beutifull hand made draw or look a like, colorfull but realistic stile (all 2d)

The game grafics stile were like Siege of Avalon, but far better, all the game mechanics were like Siege of avalon too / or other games like baldurs gate etc

Main reason i want to find it, because the storyline was really cool and i really wanted to catch that damm thief who stole that sword! xD and an RPG with L O N G capes! god dammit! xD


New member
Nov 19, 2016
K I played this game around 7 years ago.

It had a farmer and a chicken
The enemy were wolves and they stole the farmers chickens
The farmer had 1 chicken that had magical powers
The farmer which had gun and the chicken went to search for the wolves
There are 3 wolves.
The big fat wolf, the scientist wolf and the leader wolf.
I wanted to find this game and I stumbled around here.
Pls find it.

Khang Vu

New member
Nov 19, 2016
Hello, everyone!

I tried to search some kind of turn-based strategy game I used to play back in about 15 ~ 20 years ago but I can't quite catch its name! I'm not sure that about 600+ pages have mentioned this one or not but I had hard time searching it until now.

Here is the description.

It is PS1 game, JP developer I guess, 3D engine, Mixed a little with western cowboy culture, Robotic theme which some of them can transform into formula car alike(not The Transformer thing), turn-based strategy genre, Graphic is polygon without much of shading but it is ok as far as I can remember.

On very first mission you start off with some folks that already had nice looking robot height about 2 story tall, some are transform from car into robotic state some are transform into car and get right into action where they escort some kind of supply truck that tailing along each other between 2 cliff. They're around 4 - 6 protagonist one is set-up sniper on a cliff that unable to move but can targeting enemy far as hell - pin point precision and shoot like an anti-material round, one is like brawler that has switch axe smash out from its arm, one is gunner with lever-action rifle alike and take a shot while moving. They're like guardian that they shoot down bad guy robot as they entering the scene.

The game play is like many same popular in genre. The turn switch between you and enemy but this game take every action as "pre-motion" as you ordering you unit to move or take any action but non of them happen right away, you set up every pre-motion to every unit they end turn to switch them for enemy which this game not shown how enemy make their real-time-movement but just cut right into action scene where some of your unit might get intercept by the enemy units, our units maybe counter-attack right away, some may just swat them aside with melee combat/weapon butt as they move on to position they ordered, some may get bump or intercepted and stop right after.

Every result may show after action scene, to see how enemy made their move and how our units get their finalize situation.

This game is really cool and fun to play but also hard as hell, pretty hard enough to frustrate you or me sometime as my play and pre-motion order didn't work out so well but I still can get enough of their action scene. Sometime if unit shoot down an enemy, especially lever-action rifle - must enemy explode in that shot they'll take reload action afterward where they swing its slug out like a bad-ass cowboy (I'm sure if they can blow-a-smoke, they'll do too but no, they're robot tho XD).

I know its a long-ass description but I can only hope some of your memory can tell them for me, if someone can recall please tell me its name! Thanks in advance!


New member
Aug 2, 2014
OMG! Thank you Pixelhunter! Sorry for the delay, but didn't get an e-mail notification about this quote. Sent you a private message, please send me your paypal address, and i will send the bounty right away!

Pixelhunter said:
gergo314 said:
Hi guys!

I'm searching for an old point and click adventure game that I played on my mom's old laptop (somewhere between 95-99). I only remember parts of it, but i hope some of you have played with it :)

- The game takes place in a futuristic world (Earth maybe), and it's in a cartoonish stlye, like the ScummVM, Lucasarts, Sierra games
- You play with a guy who wears glasses and i think wears a white suit (not sure)
- You start in a place that looks like a construction site, and from there you can go to a subway station (in the toilet you got beaten up by some big guys, the train can run over you)
- There is an old house after that, where you get into an old apartment, where you can gather some stuff. I think there was an old lady you could talk to.
- The only "cinematic" i remember: You get into a flying car with a busty girl (she drives) and a big (white) dog. She brings you to an entrance of a futuristic mall (or some building). The entrance got a security robot-eye, that you can disable some way, but i think i only did it once :D
- In the mall (or some building) there are bunch of people moving, and i think that's where i got stuck.
- The graphics are very similar to Beneath a Steel Sky and Space Quest.
Any help would be great :)

(this game is bugging me for years, and posted the description on many sites, without any success :( )

Now i'm placing a bounty on the game. Anyone who finds it first, will get $20 via paypal!
That's "The Awesome Adventures of Victor Vector & Yondo: The Cyberplasm Formula" (1995).



New member
Jan 21, 2015
SeveralButts said:
Meanwhile I myself am looking for a different game that if anyone wants, can help me find it too, but the post above is much more important. I remember playing an early 2000's game that was 3-D and you played as this rectangular, almost french-fry like character, who was the color red if I remember right, and had black beady eyes, all of the characters were like this, including a pink rectangle that was kidnapped early on in the story by what I'm guessing was the big baddy, another rectangle, only black. That's all I remember about the story, but I also remember an element of the gameplay including a wolf chasing you around on this long path that faced the camera, and you could sometimes shoot balls at it or something, it's very vague because I was TERRIFIED of that thing for the LONGEST time, and only recently remembered it and wanted to see what the game was really like.
I found out that this game was a demo for a Breakout game on the disk for Frogger 2:Swampy's Revenge, but now I need to know the exact name of the game, all I'm getting when I google it are generic breakout games.


New member
Nov 20, 2016
Okay i have been looking for this game for years, I played it at my School when i was in 4 or 5 grade and all i remember about it is you have to catch fairies with a net at least i think its fairies but i can not remember i never got very far because well it was school so i want to play it again any ideas?


New member
Nov 20, 2016
Hi there, the game I played is for PS2 I believe, you would play as some animal (I think a fox?) and start in a small town with a wooden sword. After completing quests/missions or something along those lines you would become a squire and could use a better sword, wear armor, and play as another character which is some female animal that I also can't remember very well. Thanks in advance if anyone knows.


New member
Nov 20, 2016
So I played this game when I was younger I cant remember how long ago it was probably about 8 years ago. I'm pretty sure I played just on the computer like a browser game. You had to go around this world and move along these spaces and had a chance of running into monsters on every space, and the monsters had types like in pokemon. You were traveling around the map trying to collect information for a scientist. And you ended up going to this part where the monsters you were fighting were robots. And there were random save points and things hidden around the map.


New member
Nov 20, 2016
GAME ONE: a pc game on an old family computer which involved breaking blocks with a paddle but the visuals were amazing and there were different stages with different animated backgrounds.
edit: found out its called ricochet lost worlds

GAME TWO: also on old family pc, a 3d game where you were probably a spaceship and moved around a place that was probably a cave and there were enemies including things that were like wasps maybe? also there might have been green gem things. incredibly vague, sorry


New member
Nov 20, 2016
So I have two games I've been thinking of for a long long time that I can't remember.

The first one was an old point-and-click adventure game sort of like Myst that was set in space. I think I got it for free with a computer we bought probably between 1998-2000 and it was probably running on Windows 98. I can't really remember much past that except that I think the cover had a picture of a guy in a space-suit on it that was black and yellow maybe. I also seem to remember walking around a futuristic space city that was all in bubbles and stuff. But past that i really don't remember much at all.

The second game was older and it was probably for Windows 3.11 or 95. This one was liek a robot battle arena where would would pick various robots to fight as against other robots in an arena, and the only detail I really remember is that if you threw your opponent into the edge of the arena they would get electrocuted.

Anyone happen to remember either of these games or have any suggestions?


New member
Apr 26, 2012
Steinprime said:
Okay i have been looking for this game for years, I played it at my School when i was in 4 or 5 grade and all i remember about it is you have to catch fairies with a net at least i think its fairies but i can not remember i never got very far because well it was school so i want to play it again any ideas?
Treasure Mountain?



New member
Apr 26, 2012
The second game was older and it was probably for Windows 3.11 or 95. This one was liek a robot battle arena where would would pick various robots to fight as against other robots in an arena, and the only detail I really remember is that if you threw your opponent into the edge of the arena they would get electrocuted.
One Must Fall 2097.


New member
Nov 20, 2016
This is really bugging me and I have no idea how to explain this game very well but
It is a game boy game and it was like a giant robot dog game and the robots if I remember right were like animals like a giant robot tiger and they had cannons and shit and it was like outside battle rpg please help I loved that game


New member
Nov 20, 2016
This is really bugging me and I have no idea how to explain this game very well but
It is a game boy game and it was like a giant robot rpg fighting game and the robots if I remember right were like animals like a giant robot tiger and they had cannons and shit and it was like outside battle rpg please help I loved that game

Tok Tok

New member
Nov 18, 2016
Zaltys said:
Tok Tok said:
- muscular rambo like guy
- rescuing woman
- going with a elevator to the next level
- Killing mutant like monsters.


No sorry that's not it. It's a more modern style and is higher res. Don't know how to describe it else. Is there a collection of screenshots of old games? Like an easy to scroll through so you can find it easily?

Jovan Palanac

New member
Nov 20, 2016
I remeber i was playing a game with ships and towns.I think it was in 2d,and the ships was something like this:https://www.google.rs/search?q=chinese+junk+video+game&espv=2&biw=2133&bih=1082&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiLmP2C57fQAhVJbRQKHSmbAiAQ_AUIBigB&dpr=0.9#imgrc=3gib8w_mZp0tgM%3A.There was a few diffrent characters.PLEASE HEEEEEEEELP


New member
Feb 28, 2016
So I have two games I've been thinking of for a long long time that I can't remember.

The first one was an old point-and-click adventure game sort of like Myst that was set in space. I think I got it for free with a computer we bought probably between 1998-2000 and it was probably running on Windows 98. I can't really remember much past that except that I think the cover had a picture of a guy in a space-suit on it that was black and yellow maybe. I also seem to remember walking around a futuristic space city that was all in bubbles and stuff. But past that i really don't remember much at all.

The second game was older and it was probably for Windows 3.11 or 95. This one was liek a robot battle arena where would would pick various robots to fight as against other robots in an arena, and the only detail I really remember is that if you threw your opponent into the edge of the arena they would get electrocuted.

Anyone happen to remember either of these games or have any suggestions?
The first one sounds like it may be a Space Quest game.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
The first one was an old point-and-click adventure game sort of like Myst that was set in space. I think I got it for free with a computer we bought probably between 1998-2000 and it was probably running on Windows 98. I can't really remember much past that except that I think the cover had a picture of a guy in a space-suit on it that was black and yellow maybe. I also seem to remember walking around a futuristic space city that was all in bubbles and stuff. But past that i really don't remember much at all.
Most likely The Journeyman Project: Turbo!, which was distributed with a lot of early Windows 95 and 98 systems.