Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Maciej Jerzy Knot

New member
Nov 20, 2016
Hello !

I tried to find some games from the years now, so this forum is my last chance to find them :p

1) It's simple logic game where you are the prisoner who need to escape from the prison. Each level is something like chessboard and you can move only by rolling from square to square. There was some obstacles. For example the arrows, when you roll on a right arrow you was moved to the right, left to the left etc.

2) The game started with intro where you, as a main character, just playing at computer during the thunderstorm. Suddenly the thunder hit... Something ;p You or your computer and in your room appear the knight. Then game started and you were in some medieval world with sword only.

I would be really gratefull if you can help me to find these games :)


New member
Nov 20, 2016
Zaltys said:
Steinprime said:
Okay i have been looking for this game for years, I played it at my School when i was in 4 or 5 grade and all i remember about it is you have to catch fairies with a net at least i think its fairies but i can not remember i never got very far because well it was school so i want to play it again any ideas?
Treasure Mountain?


No i wasn't that it colorful and the fairies where red i think


New member
Nov 20, 2016
Trying to find a game I played in school on an IBM PC around 1995-1997 area.
It was a breakout/arkanoid style game that had a layout like so: http://imgur.com/a/uZ2IL
As you progressed the little icons would build around the screen, and you had to solve math problems along the way.v


New member
Nov 21, 2016
Wow, It's amazing that this thread is still alive and kicking after so many years! Anyways, I created an account just for this thread! I'm trying to find a game I played as a kid that I *believe* was on the N64. It very well could have been the Playstation or SNES though... It was an overhead RPG styled game, similar in concept to old Final Fantasy games or perhaps Zelda. There were something like 3 or maybe 4 characters that you played as (or more so, I think you just controlled one and the others followed). I'm pretty sure all or most of the characters were female. Anyways, I remember playing through only a very short portion of the game because I ended up getting to a part that contained ghost like enemies that could possess your companions. While possessing someone, their primary "attack" would be to *lick* you. (Or maybe they turned you into something, I think maybe snow or ice cream? Then proceeded to lick you. It was a weird concept and part of my memory is being split between both the game, and a dream about the game lol). My parents thought this was too sexual (I don't know, they were super old fashion) for my age and decided to return the game right there. I never got to play anything else of it, but my curiosity of it has always made me want to try and find it again. It's literally the one and only game that I remember playing but cannot for the life of me figure out what it was called, or really much else about it other than what my faint memory of it described here in this comment. Come to think of it, I'm actually pretty sure it was an SNES title.

Edit: I'm actually now almost positive the ghosts would turn you into a snowman and lick you. It's strange, but that's the most defining thing I can remember about it.

If someone has any possible ideas, I'd be extremely happy to hear them!


New member
Nov 21, 2016
I remember an old floppy disk game I would play on an IBM PC with a joystick like this one (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/27/ae/d8/27aed8aab43579d6d8dfb18e2cfd840f.jpg). It had an angled above view of a spaceship (i believe it was looking at the back right side of the spaceship) and you had to dodge walls and blocks while shooting blocks or other things. The screen automatically scrolled forward so all you had to control was the up, down, left, right motion and the shooting, which was done with the red joystick button. The background was all black as if you were in space and all the things you had to dodge were on this long platform that was also floating in space. The game would start with just a view of the spaceship and as the screen autoscrolled forward you see the first wall floating on the space platform. It was hard to judge how high you needed to be to get over or under the walls. It is similar to the game Skyroads, but much older with worse graphics. Also, I remember the colors having alot of purple and teal and the spaceship was white.


New member
Feb 28, 2016
Tok Tok said:
Zaltys said:
Tok Tok said:
- muscular rambo like guy
- rescuing woman
- going with a elevator to the next level
- Killing mutant like monsters.


No sorry that's not it. It's a more modern style and is higher res. Don't know how to describe it else. Is there a collection of screenshots of old games? Like an easy to scroll through so you can find it easily?[/quote]

Might it possibly be Bio Menace? I'm not sure that's the right art style, but...


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
ihavetopoopoo said:
I remember an old floppy disk game I would play on an IBM PC with a joystick like this one (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/27/ae/d8/27aed8aab43579d6d8dfb18e2cfd840f.jpg). It had an angled above view of a spaceship (i believe it was looking at the back right side of the spaceship) and you had to dodge walls and blocks while shooting blocks or other things. The screen automatically scrolled forward so all you had to control was the up, down, left, right motion and the shooting, which was done with the red joystick button. The background was all black as if you were in space and all the things you had to dodge were on this long platform that was also floating in space. The game would start with just a view of the spaceship and as the screen autoscrolled forward you see the first wall floating on the space platform. It was hard to judge how high you needed to be to get over or under the walls. It is similar to the game Skyroads, but much older with worse graphics. Also, I remember the colors having alot of purple and teal and the spaceship was white.
That's probably Zaxxon, or one of the variants of Zaxxon.


New member
Nov 21, 2016
Hello everyone.
-I recall playing a game on HP Pavillion with stunning .5 gb ram in 2002, Windows XP. I think it was one of the games that comes on your PC. You are a cannon and your job is to destroy other cannons. You are situated on an tropical island and you are to eliminate other cannons (players). It is turn by turn based, you can be in teams. You pick variable ammunition, shrinking cannon balls that decrease land mass, forcing enemy cannon to sink into water and be destroyed. Or a grow cannon, increases mass in a spot. There are also rocket ammunition. I also remember that if you press the space bar, you are propelled upwards in a mountain, you are on top and gives good birds eye view of map. The shooting mechanism is based on X and Y bar that can be increased or decreased, very touchy-feely controls. There is also wind factor that comes into play. Also, there are chest and crabs? around the game that you can destroy to gain extra points. The game is very tropical, with tropical music playing. There is a day and night cycle present. Please help. Cannot remember for the life of me the name of the game.


New member
Apr 26, 2012
Steinprime said:
No i wasn't that it colorful and the fairies where red i think
Are you sure that you didn't play it in CGA? Games from the Super Solver series were common in schools.


Tok Tok

New member
Nov 18, 2016
No sorry I know that game. Yesterday I went through an whole collection of old games and couldn't find. The pictures were small and only one showed so I probably skipped over it.

To describe it even better. You had to rescue multiple woman in every level (if I remember correctly) and I think they were covered in some sort of (mutant)goo. I think you also had a jetpack(?). What very recognizeable for me was the pictures they showed when you finished a level, which was the character going up in an elevator who was over muscular. The rendering style was also a bit cartoonisch.

You also had weapons like a flamethrower and a gun which could shoot cans that exploded.

Any ideas?? :D

KaiYLowell said:
Tok Tok said:
Zaltys said:
Tok Tok said:
- muscular rambo like guy
- rescuing woman
- going with a elevator to the next level
- Killing mutant like monsters.


No sorry that's not it. It's a more modern style and is higher res. Don't know how to describe it else. Is there a collection of screenshots of old games? Like an easy to scroll through so you can find it easily?[/quote]

Might it possibly be Bio Menace? I'm not sure that's the right art style, but...[/quote]

Maciej Jerzy Knot

New member
Nov 20, 2016
Maybe you think about Halloween Harry, known also as Alien Carnage ?

Tok Tok said:
No sorry I know that game. Yesterday I went through an whole collection of old games and couldn't find. The pictures were small and only one showed so I probably skipped over it.

To describe it even better. You had to rescue multiple woman in every level (if I remember correctly) and I think they were covered in some sort of (mutant)goo. I think you also had a jetpack(?). What very recognizeable for me was the pictures they showed when you finished a level, which was the character going up in an elevator who was over muscular. The rendering style was also a bit cartoonisch.

You also had weapons like a flamethrower and a gun which could shoot cans that exploded.

Any ideas?? :D

KaiYLowell said:
Tok Tok said:
Zaltys said:
Tok Tok said:
- muscular rambo like guy
- rescuing woman
- going with a elevator to the next level
- Killing mutant like monsters.


No sorry that's not it. It's a more modern style and is higher res. Don't know how to describe it else. Is there a collection of screenshots of old games? Like an easy to scroll through so you can find it easily?[/quote]

Might it possibly be Bio Menace? I'm not sure that's the right art style, but...[/quote][/quote]

Tok Tok

New member
Nov 18, 2016
That's it!! Thank you so much! haha didn't think someone would know. I played the demo of a demo cd when I was a kid. It's weird because I remember it to be more HD, but I guess it's normal to remember things to be greater than how you look at them now.

Thanks for posting!

Maciej Jerzy Knot said:
Maybe you think about Halloween Harry, known also as Alien Carnage ?

Tok Tok said:
No sorry I know that game. Yesterday I went through an whole collection of old games and couldn't find. The pictures were small and only one showed so I probably skipped over it.

To describe it even better. You had to rescue multiple woman in every level (if I remember correctly) and I think they were covered in some sort of (mutant)goo. I think you also had a jetpack(?). What very recognizeable for me was the pictures they showed when you finished a level, which was the character going up in an elevator who was over muscular. The rendering style was also a bit cartoonisch.

You also had weapons like a flamethrower and a gun which could shoot cans that exploded.

Any ideas?? :D

KaiYLowell said:
Tok Tok said:
Zaltys said:
Tok Tok said:
- muscular rambo like guy
- rescuing woman
- going with a elevator to the next level
- Killing mutant like monsters.


No sorry that's not it. It's a more modern style and is higher res. Don't know how to describe it else. Is there a collection of screenshots of old games? Like an easy to scroll through so you can find it easily?[/quote]

Might it possibly be Bio Menace? I'm not sure that's the right art style, but...[/quote][/quote][/quote]

Federico Cappellini

New member
Nov 22, 2016
I need your help. I can't remember the name of a 3d hack-and-slash game, third person, where you impersonate a barbarian with a big sword. It was a little dark, with blood, at the start you had to fight orcs, there were traps and i don't remember more... The graphics were like the playstation 1 graphics...


New member
Nov 20, 2016
RelativityMan said:
The first one was an old point-and-click adventure game sort of like Myst that was set in space. I think I got it for free with a computer we bought probably between 1998-2000 and it was probably running on Windows 98. I can't really remember much past that except that I think the cover had a picture of a guy in a space-suit on it that was black and yellow maybe. I also seem to remember walking around a futuristic space city that was all in bubbles and stuff. But past that i really don't remember much at all.
Most likely The Journeyman Project: Turbo!, which was distributed with a lot of early Windows 95 and 98 systems.
Yep this was it, thanks!

Zaltys said:
The second game was older and it was probably for Windows 3.11 or 95. This one was liek a robot battle arena where would would pick various robots to fight as against other robots in an arena, and the only detail I really remember is that if you threw your opponent into the edge of the arena they would get electrocuted.
One Must Fall 2097.
Yep, wow it,s been more than a decade since I've seen this. Thanks


New member
Nov 22, 2016
Gays need your help. Don't you remember a game where you moving from on scene to another. During one scene you can click on images and learn english words. I remember c- camel and c-carpet. It was very fun and unusual in 97-2000 to play game like this. 2d, looked like a handdrawn picters in paint with minimal animation . English alphabet. One scene - one latter. I'm from russia)
Nov 11, 2016
hello,can eny help me find this game.
A City gang game where u control a hero who has abilitis and can use guns and other wepons,he needs conquer other regions of city with his gangs,by fighting other gangs that control parts of city,its part rpg and strategy,game is old,its for pc,so pls if someone has eny idea what this game could be?

Andi Gunawan

New member
Nov 18, 2016
can anyone help me find this game?
first game in ps1
-similiar like hack and slash and dungeon crawler
-beggining in game awoke from his sleep and help people around them and after evening he help old man kill mouse and kill boss mouse
-he live in village with his mother and left his village because a problem and his mother suggest to somewhere where his father live

second game in pc
-this game is fps and shooting game
-somewhere in road and talking with girl in street and nothing clue about this game except he brought gun and must kill her
-and when he went to his car and run away from police but he caughted
-in jail idk why but his prison cell opened but be guarded by police

please someone if you remember or know about this game tell me the name of that game


New member
Nov 22, 2016

This game has been bothering me for a couple of years but i cant find it anywhere.

I only remember these island's which was somehow connected. In the horizon you could only see ocean (?) If i'm not mistaken, you played as this guy which sort of reminded me of the mjolnir armor from Halo. It was kind of a open world type game and you could use a jetpack booster of sorts to get around. There was also some type of monsters in the game. The beginning of the game you were on top of a island and your space ship / space capsule had crash landed.

Please help

Console: Most likely Ps2