Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Nov 22, 2016

This game has been bothering me for a couple of years but i cant find it anywhere.

I only remember these island's which was somehow connected. In the horizon you could only see ocean (?) If i'm not mistaken, you played as this guy which sort of reminded me of the mjolnir armor from Halo. It was kind of a open world type game and you could use a jetpack booster of sorts to get around. There was also some type of monsters in the game. The beginning of the game you were on top of a island and your space ship / space capsule had crash landed.

Please help

Console: Most likely Ps2

Andi Gunawan

New member
Nov 18, 2016
Andi Gunawan said:
can anyone help me find this game?
first game in ps1
-similiar like hack and slash and dungeon crawler
-beggining in game awoke from his sleep and help people around them and after evening he help old man kill mouse and kill boss mouse
-he live in village with his mother and left his village because a problem and his mother suggest to somewhere where his father live

second game in pc
-this game is fps and shooting game
-somewhere in road and talking with girl in street and nothing clue about this game except he brought gun and must kill her
-and when he went to his car and run away from police but he caughted
-in jail idk why but his prison cell opened but be guarded by police

please someone if you remember or know about this game tell me the name of that game
i already found the first game with my logic
just answer the second game please someone

first game in ps1 is Technomage


Senior Member
Dec 21, 2014
Andi Gunawan said:
Andi Gunawan said:
can anyone help me find this game?
first game in ps1
-similiar like hack and slash and dungeon crawler
-beggining in game awoke from his sleep and help people around them and after evening he help old man kill mouse and kill boss mouse
-he live in village with his mother and left his village because a problem and his mother suggest to somewhere where his father live

second game in pc
-this game is fps and shooting game
-somewhere in road and talking with girl in street and nothing clue about this game except he brought gun and must kill her
-and when he went to his car and run away from police but he caughted
-in jail idk why but his prison cell opened but be guarded by police

please someone if you remember or know about this game tell me the name of that game
i already found the first game with my logic
just answer the second game please someone

first game in ps1 is Technomage
Well, you too might have played "Sniper: Path of Vengeance" (2002).
It's astonishing, how many people actually remember that utter piece of sh... ooter.



New member
Nov 22, 2016
Game (I think) I can't seen to find any trace of. Maybe someone can help...

Details I can remember:

Early 2000s PC classroom game
Not sure of subject, could have been music, maybe math.
I remember a sphere slowly bouncing around the screen within surrealistic backgrounds. I believe there was really nice music. I don't remember actually doing anything. Maybe searching around for a ball.

For all I know it could have been a really nice screensaver that I really enjoyed. lol

Rose Miles

New member
Nov 22, 2016
There's this 2 player game that kids in my class in 2012-2013 used to play, where each player had a home base/spawn of a crystal on either side of the field. One Player would be red and the other would be blue. The two players would then attack each other, using different characters that would have different attacks and health, and cost different amounts. They were automated and all you would do was either click the character or use wasd to choose it, and it would spawn at the base.You would win when you got to and attacked the other person's base. I remember one of the characters was a monk, and they really used to like it. I also remember that there was some kind of hack or cheat that the first player could use against the second player.


New member
Nov 22, 2016
I need help!
Can't remember the name of a game for it think ps1 but could be pc.
It's a game were you control a tribe of aztec like indians and have a chief that you can control and use magic.
It's a lot like Age of Empire in building to get units and move them around to fight.
The things I remember frome the game is that you have to take control of some kind of temple to get new magic and maybe units not sure.
The starting ability or 1 of the first you get is a short cooldown fireball and frome there it just gets bigger.
There are also priests that can take over your units and fireball casters.
And when you shoot the fireball ability at the main guy you control he makes a bounce and yell something if I remember correctly xD

Sry for the vague explanation and will try to remember more!
Ty in advance to anyone that can help!

Braedan Kieffer

New member
Nov 23, 2016
Im not sure if this thread is still going, but im just gonna say mine:

Spoilers BTW.

Its a game where three humans on mars in an infested ship try to find get back together with each other. You switch perspectives between each character. The only problem is they all have a... virus that when two or more parts get close to each other makes a monsterous creature (if only two then it tracks and fuses with the third). There are a large amount of... zombie like humans that will attack the player. They are unkillable and killing them will only put them... to sleep maybe? They get back up after a while.
Thats all i remember. there are probably details i left out.

I spent a bit more time resaerching it and it turns out to be called: Martian Gothic: Unification
Ill leave this post up just for the few people who want to find this game's name.

Rui Lopes

New member
Oct 17, 2016
Hi. I'd like to request some assistance.
I want to play a puzzle game in which you control an alien! The first sequence when you start a game is in a pig area with mud in which you can kill little piggies. you also land on a farm and you befriend a duck by removing some chackles off of him. I think thats all i remember. OH and you have to get a key from the farmer house to drive the car (also a playable sequence, where you can run stuff over).
I don't know if I get the reply notification on my e-mail but I will come here when I remember to! Thanks in advance. Have a great one.

Rui Lopes

New member
Oct 17, 2016
GAME ERA: early 2000's (I played this when I was 8, in the 2000's)
GAME TYPE: puzzle/point and click
GAME AREAS BY ORDER: farmhouse -> driving sequence -> gas station/bar
OTHER THINGS I REMEMBER: you start the game when you crash (or land) your ship in a farmhouse. The first screen you see is in a mud pool with pigs frightened in the corner. you can use your remote control to burst the little pigs and theres a gore animation. next you go save a duck by removing some shackles off of him. Then you get a needle from a haystack by using the duck. Next you get a key from the farmhouse and then use it to drive a truck. The drivable sequence lets you run over deers and some other stuff. That's as far as I've gotten as a kid. Thanks in advance


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Rui Lopes said:
GAME ERA: early 2000's (I played this when I was 8, in the 2000's)
GAME TYPE: puzzle/point and click
GAME AREAS BY ORDER: farmhouse -> driving sequence -> gas station/bar
OTHER THINGS I REMEMBER: you start the game when you crash (or land) your ship in a farmhouse. The first screen you see is in a mud pool with pigs frightened in the corner. you can use your remote control to burst the little pigs and theres a gore animation. next you go save a duck by removing some shackles off of him. Then you get a needle from a haystack by using the duck. Next you get a key from the farmhouse and then use it to drive a truck. The drivable sequence lets you run over deers and some other stuff. That's as far as I've gotten as a kid. Thanks in advance
That would be U.F.O.s by Artech Digital Entertainment.


New member
Nov 24, 2016
PC game ~ 1996-1999
Action, may be quest
First or third person game
Pretty realistic (not over-stylized) medieval setting, with knights enemies (and archers?) (no magic? not sure...)
Full 3d game or prerendered 3d sprites in 3d environment
And I think, there was a location with a small bridge with a big knight with a hammer.

//(semi) realistic medieval action with knights, 1996-1999, 3d

Update: Thief: The Dark Project or Thief II: The Metal Age or something very similar, remember the spinning arrow indicator


New member
Nov 24, 2016
It was a PC game, I never caught when it was released.

but i remmbe rreally enjoying it

It had green blobs that would fight eachother, aganist red and blue and etc, witha a main story line and a demo

They'd spawn with warp pad looking doheckies, and the last elvel of the demo was an ice level

it was like a strategy game, where you spend green liquid whatever fluids to spawn your soliders, and the strongest was this club holding one, but for the life of me i cant remmember its name!


New member
Nov 24, 2016
amylou said:
ok so this is driving me crazy cos i cant remember many details about the game. it was a pc game in the late 90's, the only thing i can really remember is the ending where you are a baby dinosaur but you can power up and morph into a robot dinosaur when you are fighting. And the fight takes place in like a dinosaur teddy factory??
This game was called "battle beast" it was released in 1995. You start off in a teddy factory as animated baby reptile stuffed animal then you choose your map by who ever gets their colored dot to the map first. You come in through a sewage pipe and then during the battle you can turn into a robot. At the end your character turns back into the baby stuffy. Fun game.

Anthony Lim

New member
Nov 24, 2016
There was this game i played on the PSP. Seemed to be from Japanese Origin. It was a silhouette figure of a man with a long red tie and a suit rescuing people in the middle of some disaster.There was a monster disaster, where silhouettes had broken legs or were in wheeled beds, and you had to either push them or command them while using items in square floating colored boxes to go across the level to the exit. If you break your legyou lose, if you break someone elses leg or drive a bed under an elevator, they would fly towards the screen and drop out of the shot, but then a man in a jetpack comes and saves them. The level ends when youve saved everyone and led them to the green exit. I recall an ice level where everything was frozen, and you had to ask a child to go across the fragile plat form in order to give you rope which you needed to get.


New member
Jun 28, 2016
Goatboyjones said:
I'm looking for an old pc dos game from around 1990... It was a platform game with a Knight for the main character... All you could see was his Silhouette against a night sky and it took place in grave yards, castles etc...

Any help would be much appreciated.
Blade Warrior

Shardul Mahadik

New member
Nov 25, 2016
Looking for a PC game
Early 2000s maybe
Different levels were underground cities ending in 'ville'
Creature (kind of like big rats maybe or turtles not sure) fighting with other bosses. There was a 2 player mode too.
Close to the end of the level the was a huge honk sound when the boss came in.
Maybe game's name start with 'B' but not sure.
Nov 25, 2016
Looking for a PC game, late 1990's. Pretty sure "Search and Destroy" or "Seek and Destroy" was the sub-title. Graphics were very similar to MechWarrior 2 Mercenaries in 3dfx. It was a RTS game that you played from first person, inside of a ship of sorts. It was a sort of hybrid RTS in that you could build various defensive structures and troop creation buildings- which ranged from ground troops, various armored vehicles, tanks and aircraft{I specifically remember SAM (surface to air missile) turrets for downing aircraft}. However you could also attack enemies using your own vehicle weapons. Level design was mostly snow, dark sediments and lava lakes/rivers. The game case had an image of one of the alien flying aircraft. Please and thank you :)

***Update!!! I miraculiously found it, hours after mining Google, and two minutes after posting here ^^.
Uprising 2: Lead and Destroy



Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Anthony Lim said:
There was this game i played on the PSP. Seemed to be from Japanese Origin. It was a silhouette figure of a man with a long red tie and a suit rescuing people in the middle of some disaster.There was a monster disaster, where silhouettes had broken legs or were in wheeled beds, and you had to either push them or command them while using items in square floating colored boxes to go across the level to the exit. If you break your legyou lose, if you break someone elses leg or drive a bed under an elevator, they would fly towards the screen and drop out of the shot, but then a man in a jetpack comes and saves them. The level ends when youve saved everyone and led them to the green exit. I recall an ice level where everything was frozen, and you had to ask a child to go across the fragile plat form in order to give you rope which you needed to get.
Probably Exit developed by Taito.


New member
Nov 25, 2016
Hi everyone,
I'm looking for an old playstation game (1 or 2), you had to be two players, and in the game, the two characters (I think they were bunnies or mice or some cute animal) would each have one side of the screen and have to get through the level by helping each other out. For example, one bunny could have a big pond in front of it - the other character had to push logs from its side into the pond so the other character could cross the pond. The levels are timed and both characters have to cross the finish line before time runs out to get to the next level (you can grab clocks along the way to gain more time).
Each main level had a theme (I most remember a "music" theme and a "winter/ice" theme) and after a number of sub-levels (i think maybe 4-5) you would have to beat a a big character together.
I really need to find it as I would like to get it for my brother - we used to play this game all the time when we were little!
Thanks for your help!