Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Nov 27, 2016

My kids and I have been trying to remember the name of this game we played back in the 90s on a PC. It was a maze game, where you entered an elevator to take you up to the different levels - and when the elevator doors opened up, you were on a space catwalk (floating out in space) - and you had to find the END of the maze.

The space catwalk was a series of squares, all the same color - and the end of the maze (which you had to hunt for in the background) was a different color square. You used the arrow keys to move forward, backward, left, and right along the various space catwalks - and there was this really cool, eerie "space music" that played in the background.

Can anyone remember this old PC game? We'd love to get it's name again - and maybe even see if we could then find it somewhere.

For some reason, I seem to remember the name "Tom" as part of the name of the game (maybe) - but it was NOT "Tom Clancy" - if I am even correct about that name showing up in the name of the game (which I'm not sure about).

Thank you for any help you can provide in remembering what this game was called. There was another game that we tried to remember - and we did finally remember it - another maze game, called "Daisy's Garden" - and we found it again - a really fun maze game!


New member
Nov 6, 2016
RelativityMan said:
Elemelon said:
There's a game I've been trying to remember for years but had no luck. Don't even remember if it was good but at this point it's been bugging me long enough. I think it was for the PS1. All I remember is it was a top-down or iso RPG, not sure exactly, and near the start you'd go into an old man's nightmare to fight pink blobs...
That could be the first Alundra game. Here are some screenshots.
That's brilliant! Thank you!! I don't know how you knew that but at least I can sleep at night now :p

If you're up for a challenge a friend was telling me about a fighting game they couldn't remember.
"All I know is that it's a 3D fighter, on an earlyish system, and one of the stages is a giant raft that goes down rapids.I know the cameras and angles weren't fixed. the character select screen has all the characters on the bottom of the screen, and I think one of them is an old dude"

Good luck!


New member
Jun 28, 2016
Voktev said:
Listen I've been looking for this game for years, i must have played it in 2007 or something on an old PC so i don't know exactly how old it is. It's set in a bedroom and you're in a tiny spaceship and fly around and shoot down other spaceships. The room looks gigantic compared to you and it's like aliens vs humans or something. I can't remember much but something I do remember is that there was a computer in the room and it was an Alienware. Please help me!
Room War?


New member
Nov 28, 2015
shadow252 said:
I think the game I played when I was younger were played by me in 2003-2006 years.

It's a 2D game. Characters were very tiny and had big eyes if I'm not mistaken.

This was an building game. In this game you had to go underground to find some minerals like gold.

You could build some factories or something, houses and many other similar thing to speed up your work.

It had adventure elements like fighting some monsters(there were some big worms eating your people).

On starting screen there was an tower with sorcerer or dragon(I don't remember exactly :p).

It wasn't a game like Settlers, more like lemmings or something like that(2D and other stuff).

It probably had multiplayer. It looked like it was in middle age, but had balloons to fly in and windmills, I think so.

Of course it was a PC game.

I hope someone will know what game I mean. :)
Please, people of escapist forum. Please help me find this great game.


New member
Nov 27, 2016
Any help would be greatly appreciated. There was a demo game for pc in the late 90's to early 2000's that I cannot for the life of me remember. All I can really remember from it was this guy was running around in the dark, it was raining. It was an abandoned town with docks, with one that had a sub. You were trying to get in the sub to get to your pregnant wife but there was something you needed to do before. I think you would have had to buy the game to have been able to get into the sub. I really wish I could remember it so I could play it again.


New member
Feb 28, 2016
shadow252 said:
shadow252 said:
I think the game I played when I was younger were played by me in 2003-2006 years.

It's a 2D game. Characters were very tiny and had big eyes if I'm not mistaken.

This was an building game. In this game you had to go underground to find some minerals like gold.

You could build some factories or something, houses and many other similar thing to speed up your work.

It had adventure elements like fighting some monsters(there were some big worms eating your people).

On starting screen there was an tower with sorcerer or dragon(I don't remember exactly :p).

It wasn't a game like Settlers, more like lemmings or something like that(2D and other stuff).

It probably had multiplayer. It looked like it was in middle age, but had balloons to fly in and windmills, I think so.

Of course it was a PC game.

I hope someone will know what game I mean. :)
Please, people of escapist forum. Please help me find this great game.
Hrmmmmmm. You're certain it's 2D? Because if not, this might be something to check out... http://www.mobygames.com/game/good-life


New member
Sep 20, 2016
Felstaff said:
nightglimmer said:
It was probably from late 1980s/early 90s. You go into an old Victorian house and there are these ghosts you need to help in order to leave the house. I know there is a plant named Clive or Victor (maybe Victor was the gardener) that you have to be careful doesn't wrap you up. Type commands, like [USE SCISSORS] in the greenhouse. There was a ghost baby, a ghost who laughs a lot maybe named Letitia? and I remember playing it on a green and black screen. It was a combo of text and basic pictures.
"You probably already found Hi-Res Adventures; #1 Mystery House & #4 Ulysses in your searches, but if not: how close to these two would you say the games were?"

--Yes, had seen Mystery House, and that's not it. The graphics were actually a lot better (i.e more photo realistic when shown, rather than stick figures) and I remember playing it entirely on a green and black screen, no color.
Sadly, Ulysses is also not the other game either. Thanks for trying, though!


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Thank God, Google found this forum! Maybe you guys can help a desperate fellow out. This game hunts me in my dreams:

I actually did NOT play this game, but watched someone else play it while little me was waiting for my mom in the video games department xD.
What I can remember:
- late 90s - early/mid 20s?
- The game's setting was Dark Ages/Fantasy/Action-(Rpg)?
- A Game Intro, that actually scared me not to play this game:
The Intro was well rendered, it starts with a woman (dressed like a princess?/queen? some maiden in a long dress, I think maybe your typical damsel in distress scenario) wandering a dark corridor of a big castle. It's night time, full moon (?).
While she's walking, suddenly a giant eye appears looking through the windows of the corridor at her. Some giant monster, most certainly a dragon.
- Gameplay: I don't actually remember if it was from a 1st or 3rd person perspective, but definitely 3D, or made like it looked 3D, sry xD. The main guy wielded a sword/shield fighting some tree enemies.

Maybe also helpful: I also remember the Intro of the "Mansion of Hidden Souls" playing on a Sega (don't know if CD, Saturn, or Genesis) beside the console with the game I described, so it may be from the same time.
Sry, I know it's not much, but the rendered Intro made such an impact on me as a kid. It was so realistic and scary for me xD.


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2011
nightglimmer said:
Sadly, Ulysses is also not the other game either. Thanks for trying, though!
There's also The Labyrinth of Crete (not the BUNGiE one) and The Curse of Crowley Manor, both made a few years later, both with a noticeable increase in graphical quality, both for the Apple ][.


New member
Jan 16, 2016
revajera said:
Strategy PC game, that you had to run off the CD every time (so somewhat old). I got my hands on it around 2003.
The whole point of the game was to achieve victory in the part of the map that you were currently on, and when you'd done that you could proceed to the next one with your primary hero.
But basically you stuck around and helped build your city, all the while having to take care of fending off threats (invisible bears in forests who'd kill your lumberjacks) or the enemy nations (?). Also, exploring -- you would find chests with stuff every once in a while.
Pretty sure you could choose from such nations as Poland or Russia. Or maybe it was a Polish game, i have no clue.

The suggestions I got so far: Heroes of Might and Magic V, Age of Empires II

Please confirm. I would be very grateful.
zion_jah said:
From what I've seen it's not Cossacks either.
(Updt) Suggestions I got so far: Heroes of Might and Magic V, Age of Empires II, Cossacks

Let me specify some more of the game mechanics:
The forests were very dense, impenetrable you could say. So if you did not bring a warrior in with your peasants/workers they would die to bears while trying to work.
I'm pretty sure there was a crow you could control. A spy with which you would fly above the land.


New member
Sep 20, 2016
Felstaff said:
nightglimmer said:
Sadly, Ulysses is also not the other game either. Thanks for trying, though!
There's also The Labyrinth of Crete (not the BUNGiE one) and The Curse of Crowley Manor, both made a few years later, both with a noticeable increase in graphical quality, both for the Apple ][.
I suppose it is possible that it was Labyrinth of Crete (def. not the BUNGIE one), though I am having trouble finding any pictures of the actual game, rather than just the case. It was a game much more about solving puzzles than anything. I think it had multiple Greek stories.

The other one is definitely not The Curse of Crowley Manor. What made me think of the game is my husband was playing one of the old King's Quest games (IV) and there is this scene in there with a haunted house and a cemetery that I swear is very close to the same plot line as this game, including having to give the ghost baby a rattle. I wonder if some of the same writers were on the project. I wouldn't have had access to KQ though as a kid, and it didn't have the whole bit with the greenhouse ghost.


New member
Feb 28, 2016
revajera said:
revajera said:
Strategy PC game, that you had to run off the CD every time (so somewhat old). I got my hands on it around 2003.
The whole point of the game was to achieve victory in the part of the map that you were currently on, and when you'd done that you could proceed to the next one with your primary hero.
But basically you stuck around and helped build your city, all the while having to take care of fending off threats (invisible bears in forests who'd kill your lumberjacks) or the enemy nations (?). Also, exploring -- you would find chests with stuff every once in a while.
Pretty sure you could choose from such nations as Poland or Russia. Or maybe it was a Polish game, i have no clue.

The suggestions I got so far: Heroes of Might and Magic V, Age of Empires II

Please confirm. I would be very grateful.
zion_jah said:
From what I've seen it's not Cossacks either.
(Updt) Suggestions I got so far: Heroes of Might and Magic V, Age of Empires II, Cossacks

Let me specify some more of the game mechanics:
The forests were very dense, impenetrable you could say. So if you did not bring a warrior in with your peasants/workers they would die to bears while trying to work.
I'm pretty sure there was a crow you could control. A spy with which you would fly above the land.
Hm. Here's two potential options you may want to check out.



New member
Jan 16, 2016
KaiYLowell said:
My bad, I must have forgotten to write that it was a fantasy/medieval-based game.
Thanks for the suggestions though.
revajera said:
Strategy PC game, that you had to run off the CD every time (so somewhat old). I got my hands on it around 2003.
The whole point of the game was to achieve victory in the part of the map that you were currently on, and when you'd done that you could proceed to the next one with your primary hero.
But basically you stuck around and helped build your city, all the while having to take care of fending off threats (invisible bears in forests who'd kill your lumberjacks) or the enemy nations (?). Also, exploring -- you would find chests with stuff every once in a while.
Pretty sure you could choose from such nations as Poland or Russia. Or maybe it was a Polish game, i have no clue.
(Updt) Suggestions I got so far: Heroes of Might and Magic V, Age of Empires II, Cossacks
Please confirm. I would be very grateful.

Let me specify some more of the game mechanics:
The forests were very dense, impenetrable you could say. So if you did not bring a warrior in with your lumberjacks/peasants they would fall prey to bears.
I'm pretty sure there was a crow you could control. A spy with which you would fly above the land.


New member
Nov 28, 2016
I remember playing a game between 2000-2003. I think it was for PS2 and it was an RPG style game. I don't remember a whole lot, but I remember that it was set in a sort of medieval time. You would go around and collect characters for your army, dwarves, archers, knights, sprites, the occasional dragon etc... then you would battle people and different castles, and I think I remember having to have siege weapons. You could sail around, or walk or whatever else and you would find places that would have different characters say, 15 knights. When those characters were killed in battle they would not come back but you would have to go find more (started with 2 dragons, 1 died, left with 1 sort of deal). I also remember the dragons being red. I don't remember the point or the story of the game, sorry! Any suggestions on what this game could be?


New member
Nov 15, 2013
Hi, i play this games when i was 4 or 5 years old around 2000-2005. The game is sci-fi a really giant robot games with giant tank. You control a mech ,definitely not mechwarrior. The robot that i control has 5 to 6 legs. There are also blue and red team which is a split scrren multiplayer. The mech can fly too ,i remember the starting tutorial where u control the mech ,move around and has to destroy a giant red tank. I hope u guys can help, Thanks XD


New member
Nov 28, 2016
Okay so after finding a game in this thread that I've been looking for since yesterday (Fahrenheit aka Indigo Prophecy) I figured I should probably try to find the second game I've been looking for. I believe it's for PS1? I played it with my cousin and brothers when I was around maybe 6 or 7? It's honestly kind of like Left For Dead. I remember it was a group of like 4 people? maybe 5? One part of the game consists of them walking through these streets shooting zombies (though they could have been aliens or other creatures). I remember playing as one of the characters and the group came across a fairly big church/chapel and this teddy bear turned into a monster and you had to kill it or something and another couple streets down the group comes across the front of a building or house? There was this big creature I think? Or maybe just a lot more zombie creatures. Anyways I remember dying a lot at that point of the game and I believe when your character dies they don't come back until the next level and if you all die well then you have to start over. That's all I pretty much remember to be honest. I'm pretty sure there might've been like two girls and two guys in the group or maybe just 3 guys and one girl. If anyone can help me out that would be amazing :)


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Nov 28, 2016
troyrich said:
I was thinking eariler about all the games i used to play and one came to mind that i used to love, but i cannot for the life of me remember what it was so I wondered if anyone else gets this same memory issue and who knows Might end up finding some classics we forgot long ago.

My one is a PC game It was a car game of sorts driving around and arena leaving a coloured trail behind you and you killed other players by getting them to drive into the trail you leave behind. I think the cars and arena were mostly black (or at least the version i had was) and the trail and 'walls' coming from the cars were really bright colours depending on team etc. Like red, orange, green, blue.

Well there you go, What games have you forgotten, Hopefully we can rediscover old games we thought long lost!
That's tron

Angel Auop

New member
Nov 28, 2016
Hello guys and gals. Im looking for a PC game that my brother played and the only thing i can remember is that it was from PC, Its from around 2007-2010, And some slight description of the game. So you had your character, You controlled him in 3rd person. There were group of knights, black knights all sort of units that you could recruit. They around the map. (The game isKind of Gladius for the PS2, but there were in the open world) you could recruit the units if you walked to them and buy them. You could recruit wolves, bears into your party (army) to fight in a turn based battle. So you had the battlefield, You had ur units in one side and the other enemy units in the other side. The camera switch to top-view when you began a battle. But when not in battle originally it is 3rd person. The game had slightly nice graphics.

Thanks alot! Its been bugging me alot.

Not a Total war game lol You could actually control the character (3rd person)

EDIT: WELL I FOUND THE GAME, Ascension to the throne. LOL

Angel Auop

New member
Nov 28, 2016
Rose Miles said:
There's this 2 player game that kids in my class in 2012-2013 used to play, where each player had a home base/spawn of a crystal on either side of the field. One Player would be red and the other would be blue. The two players would then attack each other, using different characters that would have different attacks and health, and cost different amounts. They were automated and all you would do was either click the character or use wasd to choose it, and it would spawn at the base.You would win when you got to and attacked the other person's base. I remember one of the characters was a monk, and they really used to like it. I also remember that there was some kind of hack or cheat that the first player could use against the second player.
I think Thats League of legends lol


New member
Nov 29, 2016
Hey guys hopefully someone can help me out.

This was a game i played back around 2010 and it was an online web game. The premise was you fought other peoples little monster things which were made out of sd cards or computer chips, but you really had no impact on the fight so it was borderline random who would win. the fight was 2d kinda street fighter style, but the background was just white. also, when you loaded it up you picked what shape size monster looked like from set already made ones.

im pretty sure it was a japanese game or something cause everyone else it matched my monster up against didnt have an english name, but the game had an english name.

hope someone remembers this game!