Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Julius Ceezuz

New member
Dec 1, 2016
There was a game that i used to play probably 13 years ago maybe. not really sure. but when you start the game, theres two beds and in the beds theres a brother and a sister and you have to choose who you want to be. when you choose them they jump out of bed and leave the room and you have to kill big ass spiders and other things. please help me remember


New member
Apr 26, 2012
OzHorde said:
Hello everyone. I have searched for what I can remember of this game to no avail. Hopefully someone remembers it:
- timeframe ~ 25-30 years ago
- probably commodore 64
- rpg / 3d dungeon / 2d overworld and town
I forget the goal of the game but I remember there was a person who would take various gems you found; amethyst sticks
Legacy of the Ancients.
...or possibly Questron II, or The Legend of Blacksilver.


New member
Nov 25, 2016
zion_jah said:
Ok. I've just registered for this post. My memory is kinda blurry and I didn't thought about these 2 games for years (was trying to find them but no luck), and they came to my mind few minutes ago again. Can't stand this anymore, so here it is:

- Your character is on some kind of graveyard
- Enemies showing themselves behind tombstones (their heads sticking out, one by one) and shoot at you.
- 1995-2000 aproxx

Dunno if it was just 1 level of a demo game. But remember playing it as a kid once, and never saw it again.

- FPS (as i recall)
- Wandering through city, killing aliens
- Aliens were suited up, and they had humanish figure (if i'm right)
- 1996-2002

If any1 got slightest idea, just write it down pls, I'm desperate :/

Manolis Mprotzakis

New member
Nov 30, 2016
Hey everyone...I was researching about a game but i cant find it.....It is a game i dont remeber when it got released,it was an old,pixel game were you were a tiny man by pixels.At the beginning you started with a stick and you were killing crabs,it was for a PC,It had its own site i think...Later you could kill bosses and skeletons etc.
If someone finds that game,i will owe him one.All my childhood is in there!


New member
Nov 30, 2016
Zaltys said:
OzHorde said:
Hello everyone. I have searched for what I can remember of this game to no avail. Hopefully someone remembers it:
- timeframe ~ 25-30 years ago
- probably commodore 64
- rpg / 3d dungeon / 2d overworld and town
I forget the goal of the game but I remember there was a person who would take various gems you found; amethyst sticks
Legacy of the Ancients.
...or possibly Questron II, or The Legend of Blacksilver.
Legacy of the Ancients - you nailed it! Thanks Zaltys!

Martin Kohutiar

New member
Apr 9, 2016
I hope someone will get the name

The game was sinleplayer 3D RPG game from third person and it was made in about 2000-2012 i think.
I think you were able to choose if you want to play as a girl or boy and you were god or half god or whatever it was and you were also starting as a kid next to old guy that was talking to you something.
It was in small village on island i think and your first enemies were big scorpions.
There was also in the village some kind of fighting arena next to sea or some water and i remember that i was playing it when i was 10 or 11, now im 15 so maybe that will help too, i really hope you will guys get it.. thanks alot.


New member
Dec 1, 2016

I would like to beg you for help in finding one game I've been playing a long time ago and I cannot for anything remember the name of it.

Let me describe it to you:

It was an RPG game, kind of hack and slash, which took place in some kind of fantasy world where there were monsters and technology. You start on a hill, waking up from being unconsious(?), looking at a burning city attacked by zombies. Your first weapon is a stick (if I remember correctly, it was a big stick). You go to the city and see people with muskets fighting zombies and help them in that. Your first goal is to reach some kind of hidden laboratory (which is small), which in the future will be a place like city in diablo (you have some scientists down there that give you quests related to your current map and sell you things like guns, armors, and you can teleport there during the mission).

At the very beginning, you can buy simple muskets and pistols, while later you have miniguns. I also remember that you can buy rings boosting your abilities (they are expensive).
It was linear with some branching. The maps consisted of the burning city streets, laboratory, swamps, desert, outdoors snow scientific complex (?). At the very end of the map, I think you were shown a count of remaining enemies on it (??).
I will add that graphics were quite impressive (at least for me) at the time of release.

I think the title had something to do with "ether". I am unsure hovewer.

EDIT: more info to that game. Single player campaign was a solo adventure. You did not have a team.
On the first map, there was a very dangerous enemy - a tentacle in the ground. It had high damage and you could not dodge it easily. I remember that's the reason I resorted to creating a gun-fighting character. I also remember that there were bows in this game, but also swords (I'm not sure about the swords however, like just 99% sure). At one point of the game, on a desert map, you come across a puzzle which involves a field wall. There is a bow lying nearby and you have to destroy a pot on the other side of that impenatrable power wall (it's extremely easy).
Also, (I think) at the end of the first map, you meet a group of people with muskets fighting a huge monster. You of course help them and they help you.


New member
Dec 1, 2016
Hi All,

I jumped into GoG sales and browsing through my brain to remember some old games that i could buy.

There is a particular one that i used to play and i remember it had a great feeling. It is an isometric (kind of) sci-fi game, not really RPG but kind of Adventure - RPG. You used to be in a city that had various levels, you also roamed in places above the clouds. Problem is i can't even remember the story, but there was a missing person somewhere (my sister??). The point about the city above the cloud is pretty much important, as i remember very well moving around in that place.

Anyone have any idea how i could look up for this game??

Thank you,


EDIT: Thank you all for the mind support but i remembered it. It was Septerra Core. Damn, my explanation was bad!


New member
Dec 2, 2016
Hello everyone,

i was trying to find an old game i used to play i don't really remember that well, but you started in place with some shops, i think and some buildings, it was always night time and raining i think, there was a big bridge, i am not sure but i think you were given a sniper,that's all i remember in that part. then you ended up in prison and had to think of different ways to escape such as the vents, i never really finished and i need help remembering it.

If anyone knows what game i am talking about then please help me remember,

Thank you


Senior Member
Jul 24, 2014
zion_jah said:
zion_jah said:
Ok. I've just registered for this post. My memory is kinda blurry and I didn't thought about these 2 games for years (was trying to find them but no luck), and they came to my mind few minutes ago again. Can't stand this anymore, so here it is:

- Your character is on some kind of graveyard
- Enemies showing themselves behind tombstones (their heads sticking out, one by one) and shoot at you.
- 1995-2000 aproxx

Dunno if it was just 1 level of a demo game. But remember playing it as a kid once, and never saw it again.

- FPS (as i recall)
- Wandering through city, killing aliens
- Aliens were suited up, and they had humanish figure (if i'm right)
- 1996-2002

If any1 got slightest idea, just write it down pls, I'm desperate :/
Game 1: try Blood,the first level have zombies and some graves: https://youtu.be/KJsmi4JZqYg?t=116

Game 2: Alien Cabal,check this: https://youtu.be/wH6sQlw4Yn0?t=133


New member
Nov 25, 2016
thedkm said:
Game 2: Alien Cabal,check this: https://youtu.be/wH6sQlw4Yn0?t=133
BINGO! First glance on that video and all my memories came back. Wow, great find man, thank you!

2/3 games recovered!!!

That first one sadly not yet :(

It's not "Blood", good try tho. In my game there were no zombies. Action was setted on graveyard and ppl (terrorists) would just sneak their heads over tombstones to shoot you. Your character was anchored (couldn't move) and you only could see a gun/rifle.
As i remember, graphics were great for that age.

I'll keep on posting that game, someone will find it eventually!

Thx for your effort!

Megandren Govender

New member
Dec 2, 2016
I'm looking for a game i played in the early 2000s, you can play as 3 characters a woman or 2 guys, the guy one had bandages wrapped around his head and the other I think was searching for his sister.
Thanks in advance for any help


New member
Dec 2, 2016
I remember a game I played when I was young but i cant remember the name, and I tried but i cant find it anywhere.
I remember that in the game you control a walking/rolling round eye, you fight monsters and complete more worlds and places, kind of advanture game.
Can someone help me find the game's name? If you know please tell me.


New member
Dec 2, 2016
I remember a game I played when I was young but i cant remember the name, and I tried but i cant find it anywhere.
I remember that in the game you control a walking/rolling round eye, you fight monsters and complete more worlds and places, kind of advanture game.
Can someone help me find the game's name? If you know please tell me.


New member
Dec 2, 2016
I remember a game I played when I was young but i cant remember the name, and I tried but i cant find it anywhere.
I remember that in the game you control a walking/rolling round eye, you fight monsters and complete more worlds and places, kind of advanture game.
Can someone help me find the game's name? If you know please tell me.


Senior Member
Jul 24, 2014
talcarni said:
I remember a game I played when I was young but i cant remember the name, and I tried but i cant find it anywhere.
I remember that in the game you control a walking/rolling round eye, you fight monsters and complete more worlds and places, kind of advanture game.
Can someone help me find the game's name? If you know please tell me.
Maybe :Mister Org'Oeil



Senior Member
Dec 21, 2014
prorex0 said:
Hello everyone,

i was trying to find an old game i used to play i don't really remember that well, but you started in place with some shops, i think and some buildings, it was always night time and raining i think, there was a big bridge, i am not sure but i think you were given a sniper,that's all i remember in that part. then you ended up in prison and had to think of different ways to escape such as the vents, i never really finished and i need help remembering it.

If anyone knows what game i am talking about then please help me remember,

Thank you
Et tu, Brute? Haha, please, don't let it be "Sniper: Path of Vengeance" (2003) again.


Seriously, forget that game for good, people. It's not worth it. :-D


New member
Dec 2, 2016
thedkm said:
talcarni said:
I remember a game I played when I was young but i cant remember the name, and I tried but i cant find it anywhere.
I remember that in the game you control a walking/rolling round eye, you fight monsters and complete more worlds and places, kind of advanture game.
Can someone help me find the game's name? If you know please tell me.
Maybe :Mister Org'Oeil

No, it was 3d game not 2d but thanks for supporting.


New member
Aug 20, 2014
Okay so this is a weird one because I have such little memory of what it actually was and it's apparently super obscure because NO ONE has been able to tell me what this game was when I asked them, even people who used to play the game with me!

I have no idea when it was released, I only know I played it on an old computer that must've been somewhere between 98 to Vista.

I only ever had a demo of it, because my dad liked to hunt for demos of little-known games at the time. For reference, I also had the demo of Throne of Darkness at the same time I was playing this. Games I actually owned at the time were things like Lords of the Realm III. I'm -fairly- sure this was before the release of Warcraft III, which became one of my major games.

All I can remember are the tiniest snippets of images... I remember in the beginning of the game, you got to choose either one character or a group of characters and they were all standing in this giant, circular stone room. And I think the center of the room had some sort of sigil or rune in the center, but I don't recall completely. I remember at least most of the choices of characters, if not all of them, wore robes.

I also remember that when you were having your character or characters walk around, your mouse cursor took the shape of little golden footprints or something like that...

I also recall the soundtrack being one of my favorites at the time, with most of it sounding like it was sort of dark choir-esque. It lent itself well to the feel of the game, which was very mystical and fantasy-based.

That's literally all I remember, except I enjoyed the hell out of that demo when I was little. Not even my dad, though he says he thinks he knows what game I'm talking about, can recall the name. This one and Throne of Darkness have been wracking my brain for the longest time, and I only figured out ToD because I remembered it was a Diablo-like so I just had to google "Japanese styled Diablo-like." XD I don't know if this game was any good, as I also enjoyed Throne of Darkness when, really, it was kind of a bad Diablo rip off, but I would love to just know what it was, again.

Thank you very much. If anyone can solve this mystery, I would recommend you pursue a job as a detective, because figuring this out from such little information that I can provide is probably nearly impossible, haha.