Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Aug 15, 2012
So I remember this game I played a long time ago when I was like 6 or 7 (I'm 18 now), but can't remember what it was called for the life of me and I never beat it.

I just remember one of the main characters had a blue rat on his shoulder and in the beginning you had to run away from this big boulder (almost Indiana Jones style) to avoid the infamous "GAME OVER".

I also remember that the combat system was similar to early Final Fantasy games like FF2 or FF3 (I've played just about every FF game there is and I know it's not a FF game).

The game had more than one disc kind of like the old FF7 and FF8 had like 3 discs or so.

I believe the game was on ps1, but it could have been on ps2. I'm really not sure. I'm definitely leaning more towards ps1.

If someone could help me out I would be very appreciative thanks :)


New member
Oct 18, 2008
I just made a thread like this because I didn't know this one existed. I hope someone here can help me then. This is from my so far unanswered thread:

''It's a race game of sorts. You play as a shuttle and you hoover and jump across platforms. It's viewed in third person and your shuttle has two big engines with yellow light emitting from them (probably fire). I also know that there was an X-mas edition of this game.''

Jesse Ryan D

New member
Aug 15, 2012
Wow, can someone help me? I remember a game a played a long time ago, first thing I should say it is a monkey game.

In this game, you would get to play as a monkey, start off in a world and you had to build items to move on to the next world. (i think) And you could play minigames such as a spelling game, and a cannon game, and more but i dont remember them....

And in some world it is like a crystal world....

I've downloaded the game at BigFish or Gamehouse, i tried looking for the game but i couldn't find it, (what i mean is i typed in 'monkey' in the search bar).

Can anyone help? Please!!!! I am going insane!!!!



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Jun 7, 2010
brandonwashere said:
So I remember this game I played a long time ago when I was like 6 or 7 (I'm 18 now), but can't remember what it was called for the life of me and I never beat it.

I just remember one of the main characters had a blue rat on his shoulder and in the beginning you had to run away from this big boulder (almost Indiana Jones style) to avoid the infamous "GAME OVER".

I also remember that the combat system was similar to early Final Fantasy games like FF2 or FF3 (I've played just about every FF game there is and I know it's not a FF game).

The game had more than one disc kind of like the old FF7 and FF8 had like 3 discs or so.

I believe the game was on ps1, but it could have been on ps2. I'm really not sure. I'm definitely leaning more towards ps1.

If someone could help me out I would be very appreciative thanks :)
Wild Arms for the PS1! Good game that I haven't played in ages, either.


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Aug 15, 2012
cloroxbb said:
Jordan23 said:
Can anyone please help identify a game that I've been trying to remember? I believe its a sega or nes game. It's a sideview game and you do puzzles in some sort of land and go through ants hill underground. For some reason, I keep remembering the color purple for some reason. Thanks.
sounds like Lemmings
No. That's not it. The game is very vague in my mind. I remember it mainly taking place on grassy areas where you have to avoid objects and then also go through underground ant hill like mazes to keep moving through the level.


New member
Aug 15, 2012
cloroxbb said:
KarasuKame said:
ok, so i created this account simply for this thread...thank you for creating it.

My father is looking for an old school (probably 70's) arcade game, unfortunately he is terrible at describing things in any amount of detail. I'll paraphrase the best i can:

the game involves three colored lines that you cant control directly, rather, you "guide" (or otherwise influence the movement of said lines) them in an attempt to cross two or more of them over "stars" (objective points) to detonate them. the color changes and there is some music as well.

good luck

Bonus cookie challenge: is there a port for xbox 360 arcade?
Sounds like Missle Command, I dont think there is a version for XBLA
i hate to say this but it isn't missile command (i checked). if it gives a better visual to work off of imagine the mystify screensaver for windows.

seriously, thank you and good luck.


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Aug 15, 2012
cocobeachfl89 said:
An extremely vague description but I didn't play the game myself, I hope somebody can help.

An old xbox game where you wake up in an apartment and don't really know what has happened but you've got blood on you.
When interacting with other characters you have options for responses, which affect how the rest of the game happens. I think early on in a game a police officer knocks on the apartment door.
Later on in the game you're trying to break onto a military base camp to rescue a group of kids that have been held captive.

And that's about all I can remember at the moment
Second Sight? It was on Xbox too.


Thanks that definitely looks like it, you're great!


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Aug 9, 2012
wraythe said:
nirec said:
Okay so the game I can't think of I can only remember a few details:

- I'm pretty sure it was for ps2
-The main female character was named Charlene (but it had weird spelling)
- Something in the storyline about her sister or a fire
- She was an archer maybe
-There was an old man who had like completely white eyes
Could it be Evergrace?
Yes!! Thank you!


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Aug 4, 2012
shawniboy69 said:
Esoomspark said:
Oh christ finally i've been looking for a thread like this for AGES.

Now the following is going to be a very VERY bad description, bare with me:

Its just like Rogue, but its i small grid screen something like 10x10. Not sure.

It worked by going into a dungeon and every level you gained, you could pick a new spell from a list, like "fireball", "heal" and otherwise.

It has some sort of story, but it just doesnt come to me. I played it close to a decade ago, not sure when it was made.

Some of the enemies consisted of a mirror reflection of yourself, as well as a block of jelly?

When you died, there was this grave with when you played and what you put your name as. I think it appeared to be in Atari-ish graphics.

I've been looking forever for this game, I used to love it.
was it a game where all the fighting was in a dungeoun that it was very easy to get lost in..and u could go to town and lvl up and if u died u had to go to the church and revive urself which sometimes was really expensive...the graphics werent that good thats y it was easy to get ost cz everything looked the same, but it was a very fun game.. and after u killed a monster or whatever sometimes there would be a chest that u had to pick an action like to just open it or to attempt to disarm or something, sometimes getting u hurt...and the block of jelly things were like green



New member
Aug 16, 2012
Hey guys! I've been searching for years trying to find the name of a game I used to play when I was younger. It was a PC game on windows 98, involving a green alien (whom i'm pretty sure was called 'Allie'). All I remember was that it was a VERY simple interactive children's game.

All environments were typical rooms in a simple house; living room/kitchen etc, and clicking on different objects in each room made Allie the Alien say different things. The two main phrases I can remember him saying were 'HEY! Stop that!', 'OH that tickles!' and most memorable 'Pinch poke you owe me a coke'.

The walls of the living room where yellow, Allie the Alien was green - everything in the game was of typical 2D graphics. As for the purpose of the game, I cannot remember...

OH also, I remember in the start up (i think?) you could click on pictures of children's faces to listen to voice clips of them saying their likes and dislikes. I remember one went something like 'my name is ????... and I like dooooogs'. I can't remember the name, but it was little boy (probably around 3, wit blonde hair).

Now I think about it, the game sounds creepy haha. But brought loads of joy to me as a child!
So if anyone can help, please please please let me know.



New member
Jul 10, 2012
Reposted because it's nested so far back:

Okay, I've been trying to find the names of these two games for at least 12 years, maybe 15. They are both PC games, both from the late 80's/early 90's. Here goes:

1)The first game involves you being a caveman that looks like the one from Prehistorik, but with large eyes and a little more cartoon-y looking. It was top-down view and I think 32-bit. Whenever he would lose a life, his limbs and head would separate from his body but still attached with springs and he would scream idiotically. No blood, no gore. You would go around and try to destroy/avoid various enemies in 5 different worlds, each of which was themed and had multiple levels. There was a futuristic world, a toy/candy world and a dinosaur world; I can't remember what the other two looked like. When you completed a world you would go back to this screen that looked like toy shelves with other world options on it that you'd select with the arrow keys and then press enter or something. I'm pretty sure he used a club to beat his enemies, but it may have been something else. Pretty sure all of the control were keyboard based.

And finally...

2)This one may have been older, I remember everything was pixellated, like 16-bit. It was first person perspective, trapped in a maze-like dungeon where the monsters would get stronger as you progressed through the levels. I'm pretty sure this one was also keyboard controlled, but I could be wrong. I remember there being a lot of goofy decorations on the brick maze walls. There may have been a projectile weapon to kill the monsters, but I'm pretty sure you had a sword or something, too. I distinctly remember there being a door on the first level that you couldn't open unless you had a really high number of coins, and the one time I opened the door I went straight out the other side without seeing what was in it. The first monsters were small and easy like giant rats and spiders, but when you got to the fourth level there are these giant pinkish/flesh-colored monsters with green flat heads and red eyes that were humanoid in shape, and they stood from floor to ceiling. As you went through the maze you could open and close doors to different rooms which the weak monsters couldn't get through, but the big guy could. Level four was as far as I ever got.

That's pretty much all I can remember. Does anyone know the names of these games?


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Oct 10, 2008
DjSpider said:
I have a question about an old game I played that I just can't seem to find the name of.

The things i do remember about the game:
1. you were a detective/cop accused of murdering your partner
2. you were hunted by the police while trying to catch the murderer
3. you could pick up weapons from the environment (pipes, wooden planks, etc.)
4. you collected bird skeletons during gameplay
5. you become the "bad guy" at the end of the game
6. the game was on the PC, it was a FPS
7. approximate time period 1990-2002

Sorry I can't be of more help and thanks in advance to anyone that can tell me the name of the game.
I'mnot sure, but this sounds a lot like Condemned 1.

Also, to whoever posted the link to a long list of PC games from the 90s.. thank you! Trip down nostalgia lane. Even better when I can name about 80% of the games without even blinking. Too much time wasted as a kid :D


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Oct 5, 2011
Christian Nardella said:
Hello everyone!
I was trying to remember how the game I was thinking about is called, but I can't!
In the game you were a boy with brown hairs and blue armor, or a boy with a red armor and a red helmet! The heroes seemed (I don't know if seemed is correct, I'm not an english writer, the past of seems) children! They fight with swords... I can't really remember a lot about this game... I think it was a SEGA game... I always played this game with my little brother, and I would like to know it's name... Thank you!
You sure they didn't have guns? Sounds a bit like Gunstar Heroes.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
Walter Lucas said:
While I have this post fresh, can you tell me another one, or anyone really:
Arcard game I believe, side-to-side fighting like tekken, doa, soul, etc. I remember this one girl who had a skirt and she had a Bandana around her head. She had a super that involved a volleyball. I believe it was 3d, not entirely sure, graphics weren't too big on my concern back then, ^_^U.
Rival Schools?