Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Jun 22, 2017
1: A vertical space shooter DOS game with several levels. There's a boss in each level, just before fighting it you'll receive this message: "Warning Enemy Approaching". There are a lot of red colored asteroid that you can destroy on the first level, and unfortunately I forget the rest. But, I remember that I was successfully survived until the 6th level, it is somehow located on blue colored structure with rails where enemy moves on it.

Ok that's what I can remember from 16 years ago :). Any idea?



New member
Jun 22, 2017
Mid '90s DOS game, got a shareware version on a PCGamer CD back when a single CD had like 20 demos on it. I'm going to guess the demo was '96 or possibly early '97.

Gulf war themed (it is NOT Desert Strike, that's what I thought at first too). Top down view (I think), not isometric. You can play as a helicopter or a tank and can spend money to buy weapons or upgrade your vehicle. Action shoot 'em up. You need to land your helicopter and pick up POWs and bring them back to safety.

Please to be naming the game I'm thinking of, por favor. Been driving me crazy.


New member
Jun 22, 2017
curiosityhrm said:
1: A vertical space shooter DOS game with several levels. There's a boss in each level, just before fighting it you'll receive this message: "Warning Enemy Approaching". There are a lot of red colored asteroid that you can destroy on the first level, and unfortunately I forget the rest. But, I remember that I was successfully survived until the 6th level, it is somehow located on blue colored structure with rails where enemy moves on it.

Ok that's what I can remember from 16 years ago :). Any idea?

Nebula Fighter.

Even if you can find a copy, getting it to work on Win7 was nigh impossible in my experience and I haven't tried with Win10. Fun game though, probably my favorite vertical side scroller. Every time you beat a boss, you get to use that boss' weapon in the next level, which naturally upgrades as you collect energy, usually just adding an increasing spreadfire.


If it's not that, it's probably Stargunner which is available on GoG.


New member
Jun 22, 2017
There was this japanese (I think) arcade shooter game on this arcade machine that had 2 guns, you could play as red or blue, before the game starts the machine takes a photo of your face, once you're in the game you can see the the faces of people above the NPCs (and the person beside you if they are also playing, if you find them in the match), I remember there being gems/diamonds in the map, they heal your hp if I recall correctly. Google has gotten me nowhere and it's frustrating because I just know I didn't dream any of it. If anyone knows I would be thankful.


New member
Jun 22, 2017
I looking for a game, I think it's a Neo Geo game. In this game you're an egg and you're in a kind of labyrinth, but you can only move in the edge, if you move inside, a lot of little chickens appear and make a "snake", then you can reach the "coins" in the map but you have to be aware of the enemies because if they touch the "snake" you lose. I don't know the name of this game, but I really want to play it. I remember I used to play it with my cousin.


New member
Jun 22, 2017
thedkm said:
Frenzyk said:
Hello, i'm searching for a game, it was old maybe RPG 2D sidescroller where you played knight, on start you had to go throught spiky bush but you needed sword, so you knocked on house door and old man gave you (probably rusty) sword, later in game you could upgrade your sword/boots/shield in the city shops and you could cast spells, first enemies was slimes, then there was hawk like flying creatures and butterflies (if im not mangling two games together)

Wandering Fighter, https://youtu.be/rIYhi0rio40?t=174
Thank you very much!!!


New member
Jun 16, 2017
NeatoTorpedo13 said:
Bullyman said:
NeatoTorpedo13 said:
There was this one game I vaguely remember playing as a child.
It was really weird, I don't remember much about it or even the storyline but I remember playing as this guy who seemed like he was in a metal-like flexible suit, he had red and silver on him, and used a sword. I somewhat remember him having some sort of red fabric or fluff on him somewhere on the suit, I'm thinking closer to his head. He was also traveling and fighting in what I remember to be a sewer.

What console? Shinobi maybe
Yeah, it was Shinobi, thanks!

HA! I only just signed up here recently to find a game and I actually got one

Reposting mine because I am so desperate

I have been looking for this game for so long I'm starting think it doesn't even exist and I'm nuts but anyway

I have a lot of memories but none of them concrete. All of these memories are super sketchy so feel free to ignore some and just guess!

PC game, 2000's ish. I would have had windows 98 or 2000 at the time. Pretty sure it was first person and 3D(not that sure).

It was a game about a knight or Mage, hack n slash or spell shooter cant really remember, I remember exploring castles and climbing inside a castle tower to fight a boss at the top.

I have this memory of starting the game in a sort of courtyard and having to talk to a wizard to progress, he might have been behind a door....maybe

I think there was a puzzle in a library or maybe just a library

I dunno how true this is but I seem to think it had an artstyle similar to lego or minecraft, sort of blocky or pixelish

could have been a game directed more at kids

I think that's about everything I can think of besides I can half picture a case for it, DVD sized and dark blue but can't remember details

Any suggestions are appreciated I am desperate


Elite Member
May 14, 2013
United Kingdom
Hey guys - there's a game I want to remember for Commodore 64 where the objective of the game is to get up a mountain. The first level you had to jump over an animal on an uphill windy path to advance. Ring any bells?


New member
Jul 23, 2015
1. Hentai, dungeon/roleplay kind of game for PC.
2. The version I played was in English so either it was only in english or I used an english patch for it.
3. Really nice looking graphics, it reminds me of most visual novel games regarding graphics. The dungeon style/gameplay (also graphics)also reminds me of another hentai game called Dungeon Master Chris.
4. I'm pretty sure this dungeon game had several maps where one was in a desert where I can recall you fought a slug (kind of) boss (This was one boss i wasted hours trying to beat). I'm not really sure but I think you had to use a different attack strategy in order to beat it unlike the normal monsters that would randomly appear in this game while you were walking around.
5. The girl you were playing as had blonde hair and medium breasts.
6. There's one scene I remember kind of early (I think) in the game where the main character got jumped on by like 5 goblins and had their way with her to put it more polite.
7. I don't dare to say if there was any voice acting, but I can say that there were no fancy animations during scenes (only pictures).
8. I don't know who published the game or when it was published but it was one of those games that I actually remember alot from the game itself (but of course the only thing I don't remember is the f*cking name...). I played it about 3-4 years ago if that helps.
9. I don't remember alot of the story itself, but you only played as one character as mentioned in point 5.
This is the most I remember, I'll keep on hunting it down and I'll put in more points if I come up with anything more!

Annie Tautua'a

New member
Jun 23, 2017
I'm looking for an old card game that played on my PC. Windows XP and I first played in 2006. I know so much about this game except the title and it's driving me mad. I even had this game bookmarked and like an idiot, I deleted the bookmark.

Here's what I know:

1 - When I first played the game, it was a free trial so it's a game you pay for and download straight from the internet.

2 - It's a single player/solitaire type game that came with Windows. It was Windows XP and I don't mean games like Free cell or Minesweeper. I mean it came from something like WildTangent.

3 - It had a medieval theme to it. Words like "Kingdom", "Knight", "Joker", "Jester", or "Quest" are in the title.

4 - There are many levels. Pretty sure they weren't numbered but as you beat the levels, the background picture of a castle would be revealed. The levels went right to left as it revealed what looked like a water color painting of the castle. First level was in a tower. Before each level, there was a saying about the goings on in the castle.

5 - In the game, you had to lay down cards next to each other in ascending or descending order. Sometimes, they were in these pen like areas. There was some added difficulty with the pens but I can't remember. The levels all had different shapes and when you filled the area, you beat the level. The cards come to you Zuma's Revenge style. If they got too close to the end of their trail, you lose the level.

6 - There was this jester in some levels that would steal the cards you laid down. I say steal, it really looked more like he absorbs them. The only way to get rid of him was to trap him somehow, something like surrounding him with cards.

I re-found this game a few years ago and that's when I bookmarked it. The price of the game was $10 - $20. I don't think I found it in WildTangent, that's just what the market looked like. I found it on a different site, with solitaire like games listed. I saw the familiar title, clicked it, and it took me to where I can buy the game. I searched everywhere today and I couldn't locate it anywhere. What's really infuriating is I know it's out there. I just can't find it again.


New member
Jun 23, 2017
Ohhh help me. A game was on some old console. About a warrior, it think it was a female. It was maybe some Japan/Chinese style, but im not sure about this, and that warriro had a pet dog, and if u lose game, there show how both of them get killed or something I remmeber this. Pleaseee help


New member
May 18, 2017
[\quote]HA! I only just signed up here recently to find a game and I actually got one

Reposting mine because I am so desperate

I have been looking for this game for so long I'm starting think it doesn't even exist and I'm nuts but anyway

I have a lot of memories but none of them concrete. All of these memories are super sketchy so feel free to ignore some and just guess!

PC game, 2000's ish. I would have had windows 98 or 2000 at the time. Pretty sure it was first person and 3D(not that sure).

It was a game about a knight or Mage, hack n slash or spell shooter cant really remember, I remember exploring castles and climbing inside a castle tower to fight a boss at the top.

I have this memory of starting the game in a sort of courtyard and having to talk to a wizard to progress, he might have been behind a door....maybe

I think there was a puzzle in a library or maybe just a library

I dunno how true this is but I seem to think it had an artstyle similar to lego or minecraft, sort of blocky or pixelish

could have been a game directed more at kids

I think that's about everything I can think of besides I can half picture a case for it, DVD sized and dark blue but can't remember details

Any suggestions are appreciated I am desperate[/quote]

I'd like to thank you because your description reminds me of a game called NOX. Perhaps it's the same game you're looking for, in particular, the wizard story line.
However, the game plays like diablo, it's not 1st person.



New member
Jun 24, 2017
I remember 3-4 years ago playing some kind of alien shooter game on a browser. It was black-and-white ish and in 2d. you went around with your gun shooting aliens and I think it was kind of disturbing. thanks. I think it was on Miniclip but I can't find it.


New member
Jun 24, 2017
Hey guys
I've been trying to remember this game for years now

Its a classic turn based rpg, I played it on pc
The MC is a slave girl and the first battle is with rats in the attic of your master's house
Eventually you get out of slavery (Something about Sword or blade dancing)
I think the MC had blue hair but that's really all I can recall


New member
Jun 24, 2017
Back in 1989 in elementary school in the 3rd grade I played with an educational game that I am not sure still exists today. It was where the computer would ask you questions about certain states of the US. At the end when it is time to answer, the computer would respond Which State Has The Computer Chosen? I am trying to locate and remember the name of the old apple computer game from the 80s where it would say which state has the computer chosen after giving you clues or whatever about certain states. Can someone who is very familiar with this please be able to tell me the name of that game and if it still exists? If it does where would I find it


New member
Jun 24, 2017
I never knew a thread like this existed! There's been a game I have been trying to remember for years

The games begins with some video of dragons flying. (The game is 3D.) And then one of the dragons carrying a room of passengers crashes. You start playing the game from that dragon on a beach. Then you go through some tight canyon like structure to get to the boos.

There is also a part where you are in a tree town. Up there you can buy equipment and pets and you get down to the forest by a cable car. Down there you fight monsters and the boss is in a cave.

As far as I remember, the game was kinda first person. The magic skills, inventory and gameplay style were kinda like lineage


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
alphamale8071 said:
Back in 1989 in elementary school in the 3rd grade I played with an educational game that I am not sure still exists today. It was where the computer would ask you questions about certain states of the US. At the end when it is time to answer, the computer would respond Which State Has The Computer Chosen? I am trying to locate and remember the name of the old apple computer game from the 80s where it would say which state has the computer chosen after giving you clues or whatever about certain states. Can someone who is very familiar with this please be able to tell me the name of that game and if it still exists? If it does where would I find it
Was it The States Game? As for where to find it, not sure about a physical copy but most abandonware sites will likely have a digital version.


New member
Mar 27, 2016
Golden.Mods said:
Idk if anyone still uses this thing but the game I am looking for is a online multiplayer on pc, where you can choose what team you want to be(cops or robbers) and the game is kinda like hide and go seek. Also all the Maps are dark and the cops/seekers would have a flashlight to look for you. The camera is sitting at a 3rd person god spot.
If the game is quite new then it would probably be "Of Guards and Thieves' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-VWUe6V5_Q