Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Michael Koceja

New member
Jun 25, 2017
Hey guys, hopefully you can help me find this game that I spent hours on as a kid, it would mean the world to me in terms of nostalgia to find it again.

I played this game around 8 years ago I feel like.
So, i'm pretty sure its a browser game. The graphics were
very normal, I feel like alright/on par for the time, but totally 2D, mostly tiles and a map that showed the levels connected in a web.
So the game revolved around you hacking different levels, increasing in difficulty, until you reached the top level and finished the game. A woman sent you messages and told you what to do and gave you context with what you were doing. Each level was turn-based, where you were given some "programs" which were strings of tiles that could move around and attack other computer controlled tiles. Once you defeat all the computer tiles in the level, you clear it, and you have successfully "hacked" into that part of the network.

The programs all had different names, attacks, health, and movement speeds. Each program was a string of blocks, where the first block was a picture of the kind of program it was. I believe that every time the program got attacked, it lost a certain amount of tiles from its tail based on the kind of attack. Once it reached 0 tiles, the program died.
Some examples of programs were like "spider" which had one health, could move really fast, and had an attack called "byte". Another was "surgeon" (there was also a "surgeon 2.0 that you got later in the game? it couldve been called knife or doctor also) which had a healing move and a slice move. I think there was also a tank kind of program that had a lot of health, but was really slow. There was a wide variety of programs, and some that were level specific.

Please!! Help me if you remember this game at all, or if you think you do!!! I would be so grateful, I'll even venmo or paypal you a couple bucks too probably, since i'd definitely pay to play this game again!!!

Thank you!!


New member
Jun 25, 2017
(Sorry for bad english). This game is a combat racing game where. You can get pick-up items. In order to pick the item, you will have to go through an upside down "U" then you will get some items such as Oil (Make opponents car slippery), Rockets I think, That's all I can remember. So please someone help me find this game, this is my freaking favorite since I'm a kid. By the way, this game is on PS2.


New member
Jun 22, 2013
It was an old PC game. All i remember was a medieval themed and in first person. There was a choice in the beginning to pick between two swords. Silver or Gold. I also remember it was point and click and we opened doors? Thanks for helping me find my nostalgia.


New member
Jun 25, 2017
I really need to find out this game's name..

It was on a mobile phone (probably Nokia's flip phone or something)
A red haired man with black shirt escaped something or is escaping, and he suddenly stumbles upon a black bear/lion/tiger/animal (can't remember and it kept chasing him till he got inside a cave or something where the animal couldn't chase the man anymore.. The first area when the animal chased the man was all black/dark then later on the man goes to a lot of areas like water and you would drown if you fail to do the steps, and alien bases or something and gets gun and on and on.. You get the idea.

If anyone can tell me the name I would appreciate it a lot.


New member
Jun 25, 2017
I've been trying to remember the name of a strategy type game that I played maybe 8 or so years ago.
The only thing I remember is a map with a large mountain that had a path spiraling up from the left and a lake or swamp to the left of the mountain. Any help would be hugely appreciated.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
AkaiSultan said:
I really need to find out this game's name..

It was on a mobile phone (probably Nokia's flip phone or something)
A red haired man with black shirt escaped something or is escaping, and he suddenly stumbles upon a black bear/lion/tiger/animal (can't remember and it kept chasing him till he got inside a cave or something where the animal couldn't chase the man anymore.. The first area when the animal chased the man was all black/dark then later on the man goes to a lot of areas like water and you would drown if you fail to do the steps, and alien bases or something and gets gun and on and on.. You get the idea.

If anyone can tell me the name I would appreciate it a lot.
That is likely Out of This World.


New member
Jun 25, 2017
Hi guys. I am really glad I found this site, and although someone may or may not have answered the question I'm going to ask, I really don't have the time to scroll through 783 pages. Who has? So, I've been looking for this game for what it seems ages, it has recently come up to my mind again.
It is an old puzzle game, you have blocks in the center of the screen or left or anywhere, depends on the level, and you have to match three, BUT in the background classical music plays. If it is of any help, it included Chopin's Nocturne op.9 no.2 there, for example. It is not an online game, it's downloadable.
If anyone could solve this mystery of mine, I can't explain to you how happy I would be.
Thank you in advance!


New member
Jun 25, 2017
axlastro said:
Hello, I'm trying to find a game I used to play in the late 90's on windows 95 or DOS...

It was about an armored vehicle that you operate and drive freely in some funfair in the first level.

There are different enemies - a car that pushes you , a teddy bear that crushes your car and some little things that throw bombs at you.

That was the first level which I couldn't pass.

There was an intro video in which a story was told - you get into a car crash and they put you in that futuristic armored car. I think it played everytime you got killed.

The game was 3-rd person close view as far as I could remember and the battle arena was closed, but under some conditions you could go over the fence and drive freely into a desert. However in that case, some sort of helicopter drops an enemy car near you, which tries to hot you.

The car's energy (life) was reduced when you got hit by the enemy car and you could get some sort of E.M.P torpedo to disable it for some time, but it was indestuctible. The other enemies - the teddy bear you could kill with some sort of mine, but if the bear manages to grab your car - you are dead. The toughest enemy were some small jumping thingies, that were throwing instant-death bombs at you.

Oh, and the game was pretty tough, as I said I couldn't get past level 1...

P.S. Yes I registered on the board only because of that thread, but I'm glad I stumbled upon it - it's a great forum!

I have been looking for that game from years ago. Did you have luck?


New member
Jun 25, 2017
Chuckprlt said:
axlastro said:
Hello, I'm trying to find a game I used to play in the late 90's on windows 95 or DOS...

It was about an armored vehicle that you operate and drive freely in some funfair in the first level.

There are different enemies - a car that pushes you , a teddy bear that crushes your car and some little things that throw bombs at you.

That was the first level which I couldn't pass.

There was an intro video in which a story was told - you get into a car crash and they put you in that futuristic armored car. I think it played everytime you got killed.

The game was 3-rd person close view as far as I could remember and the battle arena was closed, but under some conditions you could go over the fence and drive freely into a desert. However in that case, some sort of helicopter drops an enemy car near you, which tries to hot you.

The car's energy (life) was reduced when you got hit by the enemy car and you could get some sort of E.M.P torpedo to disable it for some time, but it was indestuctible. The other enemies - the teddy bear you could kill with some sort of mine, but if the bear manages to grab your car - you are dead. The toughest enemy were some small jumping thingies, that were throwing instant-death bombs at you.

Oh, and the game was pretty tough, as I said I couldn't get past level 1...

P.S. Yes I registered on the board only because of that thread, but I'm glad I stumbled upon it - it's a great forum!

I have been looking for that game from years ago. Did you have luck?
Do we really need to find this game, please help us!!


New member
Jun 25, 2017
I remember playing a RPG/strategy/fantasy game somewhere in the 90's. It was set in a 1001 arabian nights style where you played as a caracter and have to make lot's of choices.
I remember the first mission where you meet a magician sort of woman and you have to choose to save her and get left behind by your army or not save her and continue with your army. during the rest of the game you have to make more difficult choices and fight battles with an army you build. i also remember getting kidnapped by a demon race who offers you food.. if you chose to eat the food you die, if you chose to give the food to the dogs they died.
any help would be greatly appreaciated! :)


New member
Jun 21, 2017
Hello Guys!!! I need to know the name os this two games:

First game:
The first i played in 2007, its a 3D FPS game about a futuristic War Between 3 factions, The blue human faction and another two alien faction, one Red and another Yellow.

There no infantry, only Vehicles.

In the human said i remember Tanks, Helicopters and Jets.

In all factions the vehicles are made in great centers, these centers can be move and destroy by the enemy.

You can control the vehicles.

Second game:In it you controlled a character and had to hold a position against a huge horde of what looked like giant insects, you had a machine gun, and an armor. In the first phase in their position there were huge fixed machine guns that looked more like anchors. Then you would take them and shrapnel the insects until the ammunition was gone and then jump to the next.

This game was like that, it started with a CG showing a meteor going towards Earth, there was a huge cemetery, and a ship going to another planet.

Someone Know this game?
I'm going to become crazy!!

Help me plz!!!


New member
Jun 22, 2017
Hello, friend asked me to find a game for him and i've failed.

It was old (really old 20+ years maybe) ARCADE game, where you started in prison behind the bars (sideview, sidescrolling probably), and you somehow escaped, you could pick weapons of defeated soldiers and probably event throw them when empty.. aaand there was some sort of canibals or something, friend don't remember more. Thanks for any help!


New member
Jun 26, 2017
There was this really old game, in which you are a guy on a deserted island with raptors and some other prehistoric creature like a katalepsis. If you encounter any of them your screen is locked until you defeat them or die. There's also 3 weird pillar kind of things with a red, green and blue orb on top to which you get keys to open up a mountain lair. There's deserted houses there too and also a part where you meet this girl who tells you to destroy the cameras in a pumpkin field. It's not raptors or monkey island. I'd appreciate it if anyone can help me figure out which game it is. Thanks :)


New member
Jun 26, 2017
This game was somewhere around the early 90's I believe. You start out in a forest, and you go to a house, and I believe your mother is sick, and you take some money and have to go find a cure, and you encounter a bear in the forest


New member
Jun 26, 2017
Hello everyone, I need help finding a game I played in the past. I don't remember much about it but I'll give what I can.

It's from the 2000s and is a 3rd person adventure game where you can summon monsters/creatures to fight along side you and as you go along you can upgrade their traits like str and agi. As you level them up the monsters can change based on what you put into their stats, so there is different paths or trees. I remember that if you put all stats into agi the monster becomes a skeleton I think, and if you keep putting stats into agi it goes from skeleton to like a metallic armor type monster.

Can anyone help please? It would be greatly appreciated.
(Also it's not Chaos Legion, though that is a great game too.)


New member
Jun 26, 2017
AngelAmbrosius said:
Hello everyone, I need help finding a game I played in the past. I don't remember much about it but I'll give what I can.

It's from the 2000s and is a 3rd person adventure game where you can summon monsters/creatures to fight along side you and as you go along you can upgrade their traits like str and agi. As you level them up the monsters can change based on what you put into their stats, so there is different paths or trees. I remember that if you put all stats into agi the monster becomes a skeleton I think, and if you keep putting stats into agi it goes from skeleton to like a metallic armor type monster.

Can anyone help please? It would be greatly appreciated.
(Also it's not Chaos Legion, though that is a great game too.)
Actually nevermind, I just found it lmao. Castlevania: Curse of Darkness.


New member
Jun 26, 2017
Hello compatriots, I played a game and I cannot remember the name, here are the details from my memories:

1-The view/game is 3rd person. You use a person that can only walk, I dont remember if can do other things.
2-The graphics are similar to Alone in the Dark 3 and Nocturne (I Think).
3-The genre was Adventure/Horror (I think).

The game:
In the beginning you cross a bridge and enter a Castle, then (I dont remember when) a flying vampire start pursue you throught some rooms. The vampire looks like a human vampire (he is exactly like Dracula), has black hair and wear a purple/blue coat and flies slow behind you and upper your head. He pursue you until in one room that is dark he hits with a wall that is in front of him (cause he's flying upper you) and fall to the floor. In other part You wake up in a room that there is a Crystal ball/sphere (like those used by fortune tellers) and the face of the vampire appears in it for some seconds and disappears. Another enemy that I can remember is a skeleton that chase you in a cemetery.


New member
Jun 26, 2017
Okay, so I need help finding the name of a game that I've been trying to remember for about a year now. I don't remember much because I haven't played it in a long time. It was probably an early 2,000s game, it was a 3D side-scrolling game about a kid vampire type character. The design was very 50's Dracula, and I think most of the levels were based on a castle. The closest I've found to it is the game Kid Dracula, but that game isn't 3D.

Any help would be appreciated, this game has been stuck in my head like a catchy song.

Update: I think I played the game on the computer.


New member
Jun 26, 2017
Looking for the name of a game I barely remember. Almost sure it was a Saturn, but may have been a PS1 game. Primitive 3D.
Basically you were a girl (though I think you could pick a guy too) that had to make it through a house with a series of deadly booby traps throughout. You actually started outside in the gardens and made your way though. I remember Electric Gaming Monthly gave it a low score due to the main game design flaw- the fun part was seeing the traps go off and kill your character in inventive ways, but of course that also ended your game.

EDIT: Nevermind, found it: Illbleed


New member
Jun 26, 2017
gamerkid1010101 said:
i was talking to someone about old pc games we used to play and i brought up a car game i used to have in the early 2000s where your a cartoon car that i think talked and you would race another car and dodge logs and stuff but you'd have to collect the gas tanks to drive, you could aslso change your oil and spark plugs but theres no way i could remember the name, can someone please help
Possibly an early Putt-Putt game?