Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


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Jun 26, 2017
Selinea said:
sunjuano said:
Hi i remember that i played a game in windows 95. In the intro there was a witch flying on her broom. That witch kidnapped and transformed kids in things like antique watch etc.i think that the kids was.in her castle. The game is a kind of puzzle like solve math problems, continue de music etc. If you solve the puzzle you win a "kid" or object. I never pass.the game.to.the end :( please.help meeeee thaks
I think this is just Jumpstart 4th Grade (the original 1996 version). (And yeah, all the Jumpstart Games are major marathons that involve tons of stamp/robot/key collecting.)

I likewise vaguely remember a children's educational/puzzle game for the PC from the late 90s/early 2000s. The opening prologue sequence is about the main character eating a meal, and upon either seeing something on TV or receiving an invitation, takes off to a reclusive mansion. I don't remember any of the actual games besides one where you had to match monogrammed napkins/towels to their right places. You could move around to different rooms of the house, and different rooms had different games.
Reading Blaster 9-12!


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Jun 27, 2017
Hey, there was a first person shooter game where you selected a robot class and fought against other robots kinda like a call of duty multiplayer game for the original Xbox I think, haven't been able to remember it for so long!

Natalie Bethel

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Jun 27, 2017
So many years ago I would play this game about breeding small monsters from an egg to adult. What would happen is you would be given an egg and you could place it in either water, desert, or ice maybe? But anyways I cant find this game anywhere! if anyone knows what I'm talking about please help!


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Jun 27, 2017
Hi, trying to find an old PC game. I don't remember much from it other than being in a room and you get attacked by evil flies/ants or something. I remember you use your remote as weapon. Game has tons of mini games. I don't remember if it was exactly a point to click adventure or not. I remember min game where you attacked the flies/ant things in your fridge in your apartment. I also believe that you could go to the elevator of the apartment building and select a floor. Each floor was like different levels. Could only advance higher after completing puzzles on different floors and what not. I believe at the end of the game you go to some dungeon and save someone. I've tried searching around but can't seem to find it anywhere. Please help!


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Jun 27, 2017
Javants said:
Hi, trying to find an old PC game. I don't remember much from it other than being in a room and you get attacked by evil flies/ants or something. I remember you use your remote as weapon. Game has tons of mini games. I don't remember if it was exactly a point to click adventure or not. I remember min game where you attacked the flies/ant things in your fridge in your apartment. I also believe that you could go to the elevator of the apartment building and select a floor. Each floor was like different levels. Could only advance higher after completing puzzles on different floors and what not. I believe at the end of the game you go to some dungeon and save someone. I've tried searching around but can't seem to find it anywhere. Please help!
Oh wow. I legit just found it. Months of searching :( It's called
"Stay Tooned" lol


New member
Jun 27, 2017
I need help!
When i was a kid, thsi wa smaybe 10 year ago, give or take a few years.
I used to play a haunted house PC game where you had to collect robot parts or parts for a machine, can't remember for sure, sp you where in this house and you had to collect parts, and I remember that at one pint there was a skeleton too.
I think it was in 1st person, but not 100% sure, you also collected a few other things, like i remmeber collecting something to kill the skeleton.
I don't really remember the room,s but i think there was some booksheles in one room, and it was around the kitchen that the skeleton was at, not 100% sure but pretty sure.

I don't remember much other than this, but I really want to find it! Can anyone help me?


New member
Jun 27, 2017
I have a game:

All I remember is that it's a platformer in a space station? possibly... There is also some evil banana people that if you ran into you'd take damage and if you died you would have this creepy cutscene where The Boss banana would laugh and watch you die in a crusher.

Oh and I think its on the PS2 either taht or the Xbox 360


New member
Jun 27, 2017
Hi, Who knows what the game is?


New member
Jun 27, 2017
I need help, but I don't remember that much of the gameplay
Timeframe :2004/2005 (Though I think the game was made before 2004)
Platform: PC, Windows
In that game, You were an alien-ish(?) guy on a diffrent planet. The game was isometric, although you controlled only 1 character. You had an equipment, could pick items up
It had some puzzle/strategy elements to it too.
The only thing I remember from that game is there was some obelisk dude who told you to leave and if you went into a certain area he instagib'd you.

Edit:I found it. The game was ZAX:The alien hunter


New member
Jun 21, 2017
Hello Guys!!! I need to know the name os this two games:

First game:

PC Windows game i played in windows XP

The first i played in 2007, its a 3D FPS game about a futuristic War Between 3 factions, The blue human faction and another two alien faction, one Red and another Yellow.

There no infantry, only Vehicles.

In the human said i remember Tanks, Helicopters and Jets.

In all factions the vehicles are made in great centers, these centers can be move and destroy by the enemy.

You can control the vehicles.

Second game:
PC Windows game, i played in windows 98
In it you controlled a character and had to hold a position against a huge horde of what looked like giant insects, you had a machine gun, and an armor. In the first phase in their position there were huge fixed machine guns that looked more like anchors. Then you would take them and shrapnel the insects until the ammunition was gone and then jump to the next.

This game was like that, it started with a CG showing a meteor going towards Earth, there was a huge cemetery, and a ship going to another planet.


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Jun 28, 2017
LaikaM7 said:

I think I may be at the point where I would be willing to reward someone if they can help me track down this game. I've spent hours scouring the internet, using all the search terms I can think of. I have LOTS of details, so I am hoping someone can help me out with this, and if you need more, I can give you more. I NEED THE NAME OF THIS GAME!

PLEASE help me look for this game!

I've had trouble finding this one even after searching through lists of "all" games from the 90's.

This is a mac/pc game(not sure if it was available for both, but I played on mac between 1997-2003) that was an educational dinosaur/paleontology game. It started with getting inside this raptor robot that allowed you to travel around and collect bones and talk with scientists. The scientists were real people so the clips were actual video mixed in with the graphics. You spent the whole time I think with a control panel to travel to different locations.

It was all a bunch of puzzles. You would travel to the desert and have to use dynamite, shovels and then trowels and smaller instruments in the right order with certain sediments and rock layers to get to the fossils.There was a geologist who would help you with this and teach you about different types of rocks he was an older man. Then you would take the fossil to the lab and another scientist would give you tools to clean up the fossils. Then you would have to put together the skeleton like one of those sliding block puzzles.

Please help me find this game! I never got to finish it, and I can't find it anywhere. All the dinosaur games I've seen, or had suggested to me are missing that the game I used to play had video clips of real people/scientists who would help you solve the puzzle. And I can't remember the name of the raptor/robot you were inside of.

EDIT: It is not 3-D Dinosaur Adventure.
This is an old post I know, but I'm curious in what this game is called as I played it a few times years ago. Any ideas?


New member
Jun 28, 2017
Hi guys! I need help finding a game that i played in browser between 2007 and 2012(not very sure). It was a 2D topdown perspective game with cars. The first car was like the mini Mr. Bean has, and there were plenty of cars to buy. You could put guns on your cars, the most clearly i remember are a minigun and a laser. The cars would become slower if you put heavier guns on it, with a maximum of 3 guns:2 on the doors and one on top.I think you could also drop mines and oil to slow down your enemies. You could destroy them during the race and win or you could just be the first to cross the finish line. Also i remember there was a race in the desert. I already tried to google it, and i didn't find anything. Hope you can help me.
Jun 28, 2017
I remember a Japanese or Chinese game, on playstation 1 ,it was about a small boy climb a huge tree and he face some enemies and he hits them with his head , that he can take his head off and throw it at them , sometimes he loses his head and get thrown somewhere on the huge tree so you have to find the head and get back on track.
please help me to remember the name of the game . It was by around 2002

Michael Sebastian

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Jun 28, 2017
There is this game I once played on web. There's two friends, one is red and other is blue. One of them get killed and comeback as a ghost. U play with the two of them, where the human use the ghost as a platform, going through obstacles and stuff. It was a flash 2d game from the internet BUT I CAN'T REMEMBER THE NAME

srry by the english btw


New member
Jun 28, 2017
Does anyone know the name of this computer game or still own it? I played it in the early to mid 90's. It was a 2D game similar graphics to the Lemmings game. In it , you would play a frog. You would use keyboard arrow keys to move around. It was set up to be an obstacle course with different landscapes in each level and as you would go you would complete or "solve" simple arithmetic problems. Addition , subtraction, etc. Each level got progressively more challenging and you would jump to avoid drowning, lava, pillars crashing down on you, etc. It also included another section for learning alphabet where there was a bowl of soup with flies in it and the frog would eat the flies. I LOOOOved playing this game and learned math concepts from it. I would pay good money to find or buy this game. From my murky memory, I remember the frogs name being Ribbitz or something similar to that. PLEASE does anyone know name or maker of this game?


New member
Jun 28, 2017
Ok here goes. I am looking for the title of a game and I have little to go on. I just remember my brother playing and it's driving me coo coo. So it's PC in the 90's and all I remember is an evil woman, who had magic or demon maybe the devil, and a piano was in one of the rooms where you battled her. I want to say she was wearing a red dress. Any help?? Probably came out the same time as 7th guest. Thanks.


New member
Jun 29, 2017
Hi guys, need help to remember this game title:

Platform: sega mega drive
Year: 199x
Genre: action adventure (single player)
Viewpoint: 3rd person from above

1. On one spot (like the edge of a cliff) the hero is able to summon/call a bird (most likely an eagle) and able to hop on to it to traverse to the other area
2. On other spot i remember the hero is entering a cave/tunnel while on the inside most of the screen is becoming black due to the darkness while there is very little light surrounding the hero (i think the hero is carrying a torch or something). When you're out then area visibility is back to normal.
3. There are multiple weapon types in the game ( i'm not sure wether its sword-ish type or gun-ish type).
4. Hero is male btw.

Any help is appreciated. Many thanks in advance.