Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Jun 29, 2017

hoping you can help me try and remember a very old game from my childhood

-Windows game
-1990's (i think, the late 90s)
- multiplayer
- turn based
- 2d graphics
- graphics were similar to super ghouls and ghosts on the snes
- Medieval game

The premise of the game as far as I remember was you would choose a knight (with different colours) the Knights would then be spread across a world map and you would take it in turns to duel monsters, in a simple 2d facing each other format. The one thing I remember was the game was pretty graphic. I distinctly remember you would fight someone with a very long spear and they would just impale you and raise you in the air.

There would then be an end of round event. I can't remember much as I often just died a lot early on.


New member
Jun 28, 2017
Hi to all, i'm looking for a game that i played when i was young; i was been able to find a lot of old games (like golden Axe, colorado, turrican).....but i was not been able to find this one! Please help me:

It is a "side game", like colorado or turrican for example; I remember that you are a man in a kind of a "underground laboratory", and you have to escape (I think).
One peculiarity of the game that i remember, is that, to see your life level, you see at the bottom of the screen the face of the protagonist that, if he receives some damages, it starts to be always more damaged (I don't remember if with blood, or by becoming a skull).
I Hope that you can help me with this issue :D
Thanks a lot! =)


New member
Jun 16, 2017

I need to find this game badly, I will seriously reward AU$25 through PayPal to the person that gives the right game!!

I have been looking for this game for so long I'm starting think it doesn't even exist and I'm nuts but anyway

I have a lot of memories but none of them concrete. All of these memories are super sketchy so feel free to ignore some and just guess!

PC game, 2000's ish. I would have had windows 98 or 2000 at the time. Pretty sure it was first person and 3D(not that sure).

It was a game about a knight or Mage, hack n slash or spell shooter cant really remember, I remember exploring castles and climbing inside a castle tower to fight a boss at the top.

I have this memory of starting the game in a sort of courtyard and having to talk to a wizard to progress, he might have been behind a door....maybe

I think there was a puzzle in a library or maybe just a library

I dunno how true this is but I seem to think it had an artstyle similar to lego or minecraft, sort of blocky or pixelish

could have been a game directed more at kids

I think that's about everything I can think of besides I can half picture a case for it, DVD sized and dark blue but can't remember details

Any suggestions are appreciated I am desperate.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
guntienk said:
Hi guys, need help to remember this game title:

Platform: sega mega drive
Year: 199x
Genre: action adventure (single player)
Viewpoint: 3rd person from above

1. On one spot (like the edge of a cliff) the hero is able to summon/call a bird (most likely an eagle) and able to hop on to it to traverse to the other area
2. On other spot i remember the hero is entering a cave/tunnel while on the inside most of the screen is becoming black due to the darkness while there is very little light surrounding the hero (i think the hero is carrying a torch or something). When you're out then area visibility is back to normal.
3. There are multiple weapon types in the game ( i'm not sure wether its sword-ish type or gun-ish type).
4. Hero is male btw.

Any help is appreciated. Many thanks in advance.
I think this may be Growl [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6uBu697DSw] (a.k.a. "Runark" in Japan).

oraho said:
Hi to all, i'm looking for a game that i played when i was young; i was been able to find a lot of old games (like golden Axe, colorado, turrican).....but i was not been able to find this one! Please help me:

It is a "side game", like colorado or turrican for example; I remember that you are a man in a kind of a "underground laboratory", and you have to escape (I think).
One peculiarity of the game that i remember, is that, to see your life level, you see at the bottom of the screen the face of the protagonist that, if he receives some damages, it starts to be always more damaged (I don't remember if with blood, or by becoming a skull).
I Hope that you can help me with this issue :D
Thanks a lot! =)
Probably something of a long shot, but one game I remember with that kind of lifebar is Warlock [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvuUrHaQ9MY].

Stelios Tsitsikas

New member
Jun 29, 2017
Hey guys, I need to remember an old game I used to play on PC.

Platform: Win XP
Genre: Strategy? Sort of like pac-man
Viewpoint: From above like pacman

It resembled pac-man but wasnt it. You were in a maze(?) (or was there no maze and it was just a square you were confined in like the game snake) and there were 4 monsters in each corner, and you had to eat some yellow stuff that spawned on the map. Each time you were late to eat em, a monster would spawn and they would come after you. You moved very slow. First level two mosters spawned and they increased each level up to 4. Hardest monster was a purple-looking one that resembled a dragon of some sort. Hopefully you can help me with it! Thanks in advance!!


New member
Jun 28, 2017
Ogoid said:
guntienk said:
Hi guys, need help to remember this game title:

Platform: sega mega drive
Year: 199x
Genre: action adventure (single player)
Viewpoint: 3rd person from above

1. On one spot (like the edge of a cliff) the hero is able to summon/call a bird (most likely an eagle) and able to hop on to it to traverse to the other area
2. On other spot i remember the hero is entering a cave/tunnel while on the inside most of the screen is becoming black due to the darkness while there is very little light surrounding the hero (i think the hero is carrying a torch or something). When you're out then area visibility is back to normal.
3. There are multiple weapon types in the game ( i'm not sure wether its sword-ish type or gun-ish type).
4. Hero is male btw.

Any help is appreciated. Many thanks in advance.
I think this may be Growl [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6uBu697DSw] (a.k.a. "Runark" in Japan).

Thank U for your reply :)
Unfortunately it is not that game :/ I played it on an Amiga 500, and i remember it's something about a military or a spy story....
oraho said:
Hi to all, i'm looking for a game that i played when i was young; i was been able to find a lot of old games (like golden Axe, colorado, turrican).....but i was not been able to find this one! Please help me:

It is a "side game", like colorado or turrican for example; I remember that you are a man in a kind of a "underground laboratory", and you have to escape (I think).
One peculiarity of the game that i remember, is that, to see your life level, you see at the bottom of the screen the face of the protagonist that, if he receives some damages, it starts to be always more damaged (I don't remember if with blood, or by becoming a skull).
I Hope that you can help me with this issue :D
Thanks a lot! =)
Probably something of a long shot, but one game I remember with that kind of lifebar is Warlock [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvuUrHaQ9MY].


New member
Jun 29, 2017
I'm looking for a zombie video game which had a storyline and zombies heads turns into pumpkinheads and some had telepathic power on other zombies. I played it around 2010-2012.


New member
Jun 29, 2017
oraho said:
I think this may be Growl [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6uBu697DSw] (a.k.a. "Runark" in Japan).
OMG YES THAT'S IT.. Hahaha just checked it on youtube.. Finally i can play it again, thank you dear sir!


New member
Jun 29, 2017
Ok, my game was on the sega genesis. It was a first person shooter. I think you were in a space station. You went floor to floor. You had to kill all the aliens on the floor before you could get on the elevator to go to the next floor.


New member
Jun 29, 2017
Please, i need help
i'm looking for a pc game (old), that you started in something like a farm, and you have characters which can changed into animals, eagle, something like a wolf or a tiger, the beginning you changed in that wolf/tiger/panther and run in some woods, i know my english sucks but if someone help i will be really grateful!!!


New member
Mar 17, 2017
Hi - here is a game I'm looking for. I'm surprised it's so hard to find.

PC or Mac (I don't remember).
Bug Hunting/Bug Collecting/Insect Collecting

There's a scientist (German I think) who you help collect bugs for. There was a screen with all these glass jars that were labelled for each bug. At the start they were empty because you hadn't collected any yet. You then go to different environments... the kitchen, the forest, the swamp, etc. and basically wait until bugs or insects cross the screen, then you click on them to get them.

While you waited you could click on different things and there would be different animations or funny noises.

There must be like... 2 games about collecting insects ever made, so I have no idea why this is so hard?!


New member
Nov 5, 2009
FlRugbyChick said:
Ok, my game was on the sega genesis. It was a first person shooter. I think you were in a space station. You went floor to floor. You had to kill all the aliens on the floor before you could get on the elevator to go to the next floor.
Pretty sure that's Zero Tolerance [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlxvLmsMhXo].


New member
Jun 30, 2017
Someone please help me with this:
I played a game on pc during the 90's. Basically, it is first person; you're on a spaceship. You can leave the ship and you find monsters with guitars. You wield a guitar and you attack each other with sound waves. On the ship you can make sandwiches to heal yourself. That's about all I remember.


New member
Jun 30, 2017

Soooo, it drives me crazy not to find that game and maybe someone could help me around here. I don't know if it has been said already since I haven't read the 700+ pages, so forgive me if it's a well known one. Also forgive me if my memories are a bit too blurry, I was young at the timee ^^".

It was kind of my "first" game. I think it was on PC, maybe on DOS but not sure it wasn't "later" on some windows 3.5 (early 90's definitely). You were playing a side view 2d pixelated character, a bit like Prince of Persia but in a futuristic context. You have a gun and navigate at first in a "green" environment, maybe a jungle-ish thing. There, as well as during most of the game, you've "laser gates" to disable with ennemies walking around the platforms/areas and sorts of machines you've to access to. I remember that, through the game, you evolve toward more "building like" environment till you blow up a giant computer at some point (the end? not sure). It's a bit puzzly to open gates or avoid defense systems and/or guards with only a small laser gun or something alike. As I said, side view, platforms, going up, down and usually from left to right. Changing screen when you reach the edge (I think). Kind of if Another World fused with Pitfall and Prince of Persia? I think the main character (male) had a sort of jacket? You hade some sort of cameras/ land/wall/celingmines lying around too? at first "trapped" in vegetation and then inside a futuristic city? Not sure =/. The game was pretty at the time, if I remember well.

Errrr I think that's all I have... so frustrating I've been looking for years and this night for 3 hours ^^". Help please? ^^"
MANY thanks in advance if you can find it!


New member
Apr 6, 2013
4 years later and I'm back to ask again lol...

I'm looking for an old game, pretty sure it's for SNES. All I remember is that there was this guy dressed in black leather clothing. He was in some city at night and he had to get some stars that kept moving. At one point when he went to the left of the city, there would be falling tires. After you got something, I'd assume it was the star(s) that was jumping i believe on top of a crate.. then you'd go to the Right in the game and you'd get in a car with this wolf type animal with like bunny ears. The car would go very fast and you can't hit anything or you'll have to start all over again. The car ran on a building's construction zone.. something like this http://www.djc.com/stories/images/20080718/iStock_SteelConstruction_big.jpg

please help
Any Ideas?


New member
Jun 30, 2017
Alright, this is a confusing one. I played it on Xbox 360, but it looked fairly old, like Oblivion.

I can't remember at all how the games starts, but there are too choices. A) You're in a castle and it's being overrun by goblins [or something similar], in which it acts like a tutorial level. B) You start off getting off a horse and have to go to a destination, in which everything acts like a tutorial.

If those are two different games, please tell me.

One of the biggest things about the game was that it had a bow. You had a bow and tons of different types of arrows, in which I believe, one of them was a grappling arrow. I may or may not remember correctly about portals or some sort of magic arrows or potions being involved, but the main bad guys were goblin things, and the settings were usually outside environments, outside environments with ruins scattered, or inside a ruin.

There were sorts of equipment type deals. I THINK you could pick up better bows, but I know you found better arrows as you progressed. I am not sure if there were other weapons beside the bow.

As I was typing out this post, I realized that the game I am thinking of is Dark Messiah (Absolutely great game). BUT, if the description I gave also sounds like another, similar game, please tell me.


New member
Jun 30, 2017
Bullyman said:

I need to find this game badly, I will seriously reward AU$25 through PayPal to the person that gives the right game!!

I have been looking for this game for so long I'm starting think it doesn't even exist and I'm nuts but anyway

I have a lot of memories but none of them concrete. All of these memories are super sketchy so feel free to ignore some and just guess!

PC game, 2000's ish. I would have had windows 98 or 2000 at the time. Pretty sure it was first person and 3D(not that sure).

It was a game about a knight or Mage, hack n slash or spell shooter cant really remember, I remember exploring castles and climbing inside a castle tower to fight a boss at the top.

I have this memory of starting the game in a sort of courtyard and having to talk to a wizard to progress, he might have been behind a door....maybe

I think there was a puzzle in a library or maybe just a library

I dunno how true this is but I seem to think it had an artstyle similar to lego or minecraft, sort of blocky or pixelish

could have been a game directed more at kids

I think that's about everything I can think of besides I can half picture a case for it, DVD sized and dark blue but can't remember details

Any suggestions are appreciated I am desperate.
This could be Dark Messiah, the same game I was looking for, but the artstyle doesn't sound right.


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2011
YDH said:

Soooo, it drives me crazy not to find that game and maybe someone could help me around here. I don't know if it has been said already since I haven't read the 700+ pages, so forgive me if it's a well known one. Also forgive me if my memories are a bit too blurry, I was young at the timee ^^".

It was kind of my "first" game. I think it was on PC, maybe on DOS but not sure it wasn't "later" on some windows 3.5 (early 90's definitely). You were playing a side view 2d pixelated character, a bit like Prince of Persia but in a futuristic context. You have a gun and navigate at first in a "green" environment, maybe a jungle-ish thing. There, as well as during most of the game, you've "laser gates" to disable with ennemies walking around the platforms/areas and sorts of machines you've to access to. I remember that, through the game, you evolve toward more "building like" environment till you blow up a giant computer at some point (the end? not sure). It's a bit puzzly to open gates or avoid defense systems and/or guards with only a small laser gun or something alike. As I said, side view, platforms, going up, down and usually from left to right. Changing screen when you reach the edge (I think). Kind of if Another World fused with Pitfall and Prince of Persia? I think the main character (male) had a sort of jacket? You hade some sort of cameras/ land/wall/celingmines lying around too? at first "trapped" in vegetation and then inside a futuristic city? Not sure =/. The game was pretty at the time, if I remember well.

Errrr I think that's all I have... so frustrating I've been looking for years and this night for 3 hours ^^". Help please? ^^"
MANY thanks in advance if you can find it!
I'd say it's very Flashback-y, but seeing as you mentioned Another World, I'm surprised this wouldn't be the first result you came across, being its sequel and all, but it just sounds exactly like Flashback.


New member
Jun 16, 2017
DaddyLongLegs said:
Bullyman said:

I need to find this game badly, I will seriously reward AU$25 through PayPal to the person that gives the right game!!

I have been looking for this game for so long I'm starting think it doesn't even exist and I'm nuts but anyway

I have a lot of memories but none of them concrete. All of these memories are super sketchy so feel free to ignore some and just guess!

PC game, 2000's ish. I would have had windows 98 or 2000 at the time. Pretty sure it was first person and 3D(not that sure).

It was a game about a knight or Mage, hack n slash or spell shooter cant really remember, I remember exploring castles and climbing inside a castle tower to fight a boss at the top.

I have this memory of starting the game in a sort of courtyard and having to talk to a wizard to progress, he might have been behind a door....maybe

I think there was a puzzle in a library or maybe just a library

I dunno how true this is but I seem to think it had an artstyle similar to lego or minecraft, sort of blocky or pixelish

could have been a game directed more at kids

I think that's about everything I can think of besides I can half picture a case for it, DVD sized and dark blue but can't remember details

Any suggestions are appreciated I am desperate.
This could be Dark Messiah, the same game I was looking for, but the artstyle doesn't sound right.

No that's not it, but thank you for trying. I played this game so long ago all of my memories are soo faded and unsure. Open your minds it could be a game your dismissing because of something I said, just put it out there.

I really thought this was a popular game somewhere maybe mid 2000's, I dunno I'm not good with dates.


New member
Jun 30, 2017
I've been thinking of a game I watched my uncle play frequently, but I never learned the name; and if I did, I forgot it. I remember it had an eagle-eye-view map that you progress through (kind of like new super mario bros, but I remember there being forests and just the fantasy-game kind of feel). Note: the map MIGHT not have had specific levels, but just a forest where you run into packs of monsters or enemies and stuff; I specifically remember there being skeletons involved at some point).
The combat was turn-based on a checkerboard type battlefield where the units need to be within a range to be able to attack. Your units are on the left, and the attacker(')s are on the right. I think the width [from the player's perspective it would be up and down] of the battlefield was anywhere between 4 and 6 tiles. (no idea about length)
I distinctly remember some kind of knight on a horse. The knight had a lance. His armor was either blue or white, but it matched the color of the horse's cover/armor. The horse had a full cover that went down to the ground. I also remember a distinct neigh, but I don't remember what event caused it to neigh.
The last thing I remember is being able to have a griffin as a unit.

My uncle played this game some time around 2005-2008. It was single player.